Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

gettin another tattoo, any suggestions?


okay so i already have 3. one on my wrist ( a chinese symbol for mother ) one on my lower back ( tribal buttrfly ) && my newest one shooting starts on my side. i'm thinking about getting two smaller ones, where at i have no clue, and i also dont know what to get. i was thinking about getting a small picture of Dumbo ( disney movie ) somewhere. the reason is my brother past away a few yrs back and we was really close, and his nick name was dumbo i started calling him that and it just stuck. or something to do with his memory. i'm also thinking about gettin something for my daughter. maybe a portrait of her saying something about she will always be my baby. or maybe a saying or something. anyway, any ideas or pics would be great.
ps. i meant to say shooting STARS, not starts lol .. sorry
thanks so much, i'm so sorry about your kids : ( but thanks for liking my ideas.

i already have one on my side and i dont think two different things on each side would flow right. lol thanks though

I really don't recommend getting a tattoo relating to your baby, simply because if you get a portrait of her done and a little saying and you have more kids, they'll question why they're not tattooed on your body too.

I think the dumbo idea is nice, you could get it done on your other wrist, top of your arm or foot. I personally don't really like women with tattoos of things on their top arm.

Wondering if i should get a tattoo around my wrists....?


I've been thinking about it for ages and i'd get it in a colour so it kinda blends with my skin not black...(like this but on my wrists -- scroll down and click the 'f13' picture its of a woman with flowers in her back)
but i am going to pursue a career in like nursing and i'm thinking it might not be such a great idea?
please give your opinion :) many thanks

Not a great idea at all. When you think of nurses/midwives, do you think of visible tattoos? Probably not. It may not be fair, but employers can and WILL judge you based on your exterior appearance, and visible tattoos will in no way help you to snag a job.

And just say in the future that you decide that you're no longer interested in being a nurse, a visible tattoo could limit your other career possibilities.

The tattoo is cute, but you will regret it. I can almost guarantee that.

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What does the small heart tattoo on back of a womans hand mean ?


it means she wanted a tattoo of a heart on her hand

tattoos mean?? ...?

Q. when you see a man /woman with a tattoo what do you think of them..?? is it a turn on/ or off? whats your judgement of that

Excellent Question!

I have 27 tatttoos and I have always been fascinated by them. I put a lot of thought and meaning into each of the tattoos that I wear.

When I see someone with a tattoo that I find interesting, I will politely ask them it's meaning. You would be very surprised to find out what some tattoos mean to others.

The only time I am disappointed, is if I ask someone about their tattoo and they say they got it because they "think it is cool". I don't like to see tattoos reflected as fads or something cool. I think that wearing body art, something permanent for the rest of your life, should reflect personal meaning to the wearer.

I was very surprised at something I encountered this past Saturday. My husband and I (he has no tattoos) were on a local casino boat cruise. It was an oldies cruise, so we were a lot younger than the average person. I kept count and I had 12 different people ask me about my tatttoos. This was amazing because I have never had so many people at one event ask me about my tattoos. The average person that asked me was over 70. They were all polite, intrigued, respected the tattoos as art, they wanted to know about the meanings, why I choice the specific design and area that I had the tattoo placed, which one was most special, they asked about my artist(s), and a ton of other very intelligent questions.

One woman, age 82, talked to me quite in depth. She had been married for 62 years when her husband passed away last year. Despite her age, she now wants to get a small tattoo on her chest with a heart and her husband's name.

Needless to say, this was an absolutely wonderful and surprising experience. It was amazing to be so well accepted and respected by people that I just met.

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Guys what are some cute tattoos for the back of girls neck?


I want stars but Idk know yet.

yea u should get stars like rihanna

How can I make my star tattoos into something more manly?


I recently turned 18 and I got 3 tattoos, I got a sleeve I'm working on still and a tattoo on my upper back and 3 stars on my neck on the side of my ear. All my friends are telling me how gay my star tattoos are and saying only girls get star tattoos. Is it really a gay tattoo? And if so, how can I make them look more manly?
It is only an outline and nothing more, no color or anything.

Stars are gay tattoos? They know what? They are nuts. How come stars are innocent. Star is star, not a gay thing, it is universal, unisex thing. If you wanna have hot tattoos, consider pentacle ( star with magic symbols) I like something magical.

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Why do people worship idols or crosses?

the mom

if your friend died with a gun, would you wear a bullet around your neck. or your friend was killed with the electric chair, would you wear a chair around your neck. people say they don't worship the cross or idols, but they do. look in many churches, there are many idols in the church and people wear fancy crosses around there neck. please read Psalms chapter 115 verses 4-8. please no rude comments
please read those scriptures in the king james bible
how do you think Jesus feels when he sees people worship the cross or idols?

First let me say Christ never died on a cross. Crosses are Pagan originated. So using it is not only reproachful but also disrespectful. Christ died upon a tree or an upright pole. Found a very detail article...not from the Watchtower site. For those who seem to disagree with it not realizing Jehovah's Witnesses upon acknowledging this false practice, let it be known to all.

Quotes from the article...pages 1 & 2

It is not likely that Jesus actually hung on a cross at all but instead hung on a tree, stake, or pole. The original gospels written in Greek used the word "stauros" to refer to the structure used for execution. This word means a vertical pole with no crossbar. Jesus may have been hung on a tree (Acts 5:30) (1 Peter 2:24)

Since crosses were used as symbols of the Babylonian Sun-god, it could be said that Constantine was a Sun-god worshiper! As you can see, the symbol of the cross dates back to pre-Christian times. The words "cross" and "crucify" are nowhere to be found in the Greek of the New Testament. They are mistranslations. Constantine was a big instigator in uniting Sun worship and Messianic Faith. In order to increase the prestige of the church, he allowed pagans into the churches along with their signs and symbols. The "T", or cross, was one of these symbols. It seems Jesus and "cross" are not really linked at all.

What does the bible says about Idols or images in worship to him?

1 Cor. 10:14: âMy beloved ones, flee from idolatry.â (An idol is an image or symbol that is an object of intense devotion, veneration, or worship.)

Even various people, particularly the Rock Stars, bikers even some Satanist tattoo the symbol of a cross. Are they God fearing? Just think it is due to it's Pagan origin.

Ex. 20:4, 5, JB: âYou shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them.â (Notice that God commanded that his people not even make an image before which people would bow down.)

(Psalm 115:4-8) Their idols are silver and gold, The work of the hands of earthling man.  5 A mouth they have, but they cannot speak; Eyes they have, but they cannot see;  6 Ears they have, but they cannot hear. A nose they have, but they cannot smell.  7 Hands are theirs, but they cannot feel. Feet are theirs, but they cannot walk; They utter no sound with their throat.  8 Those making them will become just like them, All those who are trusting in them.

(Ezekiel 8:13-14) 13 And he continued on to say to me: âYou will yet see again great detestable things that they are doing.â 14 So he brought me to the entrance of the gate of the house of Jehovah, which is toward the north, and, look! there the women were sitting, weeping over the [god] Tamâ²muz.

In ancient Israel, unfaithful Jews wept over the death of the false god Tammuz. Jehovah spoke of what they were doing as being a âdetestable thing.â According to history, Tammuz was a Babylonian god, and the cross was used as his symbol. The cross origin comes from him, a pagan sun god who's name began with "T".

(Acts 17:29) âSeeing, therefore, that we are the progeny of God, we ought not to imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man.

(Galatians 3:13) Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: âAccursed is every man hanged upon a stake.â (What happened to Christ was not something to be venerated, he was done unjustly. It was reproachful to God! It was considered a bad thing, that is why it uses the word accursed.) The fact that he died in our behalf is to be remembered and appreciated by our actions; not by what man done to him out of ignorance.)

(John 4:24) God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.â

tattoo rant?


So hear me out. I do think tattoos are very sexy on women. a lot of people are getting tattoos all the time. a lot of my friends. tattoos can look great. I support people doing whatever they want to do with they're body.

Tattoos are sexy on women to an extent. The only thing is that a lot of the girls just want more and more tip they look bad. I've dated girls with tats. they look sexy but they show me pics of girls like kat von d and other girls who are covered head to toe in tattoos. and they say they want to look like that. and honestly kat von d looks not very sexy at all. its like too much. so many once super hot girls become just not sexy with that many tattoos. thats my deal sometimes. it just seems like girls who get them look sexy at first but once they get em they start just wanting more and more til they look horrible.

what are you're guys thoughts? I know people are free to express themselves but I feel like people now a days are just gonna over do it.

I think women with tattoos look sexy. I have a few but would like more. But I do think that a woman crosses a line when they have them on there chest and neck. Those places seem abit blokey for me. But each to their own lol x

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foot tattoos?


do any ladies have tattoos on their feet? why did u do it? what is the usual reaction? is it sexy? i want to know all!!! lol

Never knew a woman with a tattoo on her foot but I did know one that had a foot tattooed on her back.

Why do women get tattoos on their feet?


I have a tattoo n my foot, I wanted it there because it will not be affected as much there as other parts of the body if i were to become pregnant or lose/ gain weight or muscle. I love my foot tattoo, sometimes in the summer it can be a pain to protect from the sun, but, i still think its a great place for a tattoo that can be easily hidden or shown off.

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Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

do tattoos on a girl look slutty?


(sorry if this in in the wrong category)because i want to get one (not a tramp stamp) and my boyfriend says that i'll look slutty. =/ i don't dress or act like a slut either and we've been together for over a year and this is one of the few things that we don't see eye to eye on. i just wanted some other people's opinions.
i want 4 nautical stars green,blue,purple and pink all with black (sorry thers no picture!)
but do tattoos on girls look slutty?

It all depends on where you get them. On a girl, tatoos on the neck really in my opion look trashy. I am a girl and I have 12. I have never had anyone tell me that they look slutty. Good look in your decision. Remember you are you and no one can tell you what to. It is your body and the way that I see it is "If you don't like it, then you don't have to look at it".



So lets say I want to get a tattoo on the back of my neck...does it hurt a lot. I mean I know tattoos hurt but is it more painful on your neck?

Also what is the spot that hurts the most for a tattoo? What do you think is the least painful?

I have a tattoo on the top of my back in between my shoulders. Its pretty big. I dont think it hurt that much. it all depends on what hurts the most. Some people are different. I have a girl friend who got a little tatoo on her bottom left back and it hurt her bad. Others, it wouldnt hurt as bad. For me its all mental. It really doesnt hurt that bad unless you picture exactly whats happening. A needle is injecting ink into your skin. Don't dwell on that and you'll be fine.

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sexy and evil tattoo quote?

Gabby M

Looking for a tattoo quote to go inner thigh or on hip. I want it to be sexy and kinda evil eg. nasty as hell or pure as poison.. any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

btw i dont want people saying "dont ask what tattoo to get over yahoo" etc etc. its just for inspiration!!

thanks guys.x

"Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere."

Quote tattoo placement. GIRL?


"Tears don't mean you're losing,
Everybody's bruising."

"Let trouble neglect you
Angels protect you
Heaven accept you"
(I am aware that is not correct. I think it sounds better this way though)

I'm too young for a tattoo.
I'm 15.
Parents will let me when I'm 16.
I know I may change my mind.
But let's pretend I don't.

Where would be a good placement for this tattoo.
I'm skinny.
Pretty good at tolering pain, but I'd rather avoid It as much as I can.
I have two lobe piercings on each ear.
An industrial piercing.
A lip piercing
And I'm planning to get 2 tattoos before I graduate.
Then my work is done.

You having to ask this question would tell everybody that you aren't ready for a tattoo......regardless of your age.

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What do you think about girls having tattoos on their neck?


Im getting a tattoo and I want it on my neck but im not sure since I have been getting comments such as it will make me less attractive and girls with tattoos on their neck will destroy their appearance. But I really like and want it. I need advice please. this is the tattoo......

Honestly, I think it depends on what you're planning to do, and who you are around. Alot of big corporations won't hire if you have visible tattoos, and it is not appropriate in many related social settings. But if you are planning on doing something offbeat and don't care about what people think, then screw them. Do what you want, as long as you're willing to face potential long-term consequences.
Also, I wouldn't suggest getting a tattoo that you saw on somebody else for the sake of getting a tattoo. If it means something to you then that's great, but otherwise, it's prime material for regret. Don't you want a piece of art unique to you?

is a tattoo on the neck considered trashy for a girl?


Best advise I can give you is this............picture a 40,50 or 60 yr old woman in a store with a tattoo on her neck. You and your friends are laughing and making fun of her saying damn how trashy, and isn't she a little old for a tattoo, especially on her neck?

Ummmmmm excuse me but that is YOU in afew years.

You may think it is cute and cool NOW but how are you going to think of it later in life? Once you get the tattoo on your neck it is going to be there for a very, very long time. Is it still going to look cute and cool on an old and saggy neck when your 50 or 60?

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Do you have any tattooes?


What are they and is there a story behind it?

Tattoos, and yes I have several of them.

My artist is Tim Maccowan of Aardvark Tattoos & Body Piercing in Saint Johns, MI.

At age 16 I used a needle and some India ink to put:
I (heart) Pat! on my left upper thigh/hip area. He was my boyfriend at the time. Except the tail of the 'a' later faded so now it looks like ' I (heart) Pot!' LoL Which I don't, but that just had to be the spot that faded. (I'm 32 now and still happily married to the same 'Pat' I was dating at 16).

At age 18 I did the cliche Unicorn Head on my Right hip, it still looks pretty but I've learned by now that I want original tattoos, not the flash art or cliche things like a rose, butterfly, or unicorn.

That tattoo was my first 'real' one did by an artist, and it was done in celebration of my marriage, moving away from home, and being 'grown up' now. (I was still a kid though as only age teaches you).

At age 20 something (I truly forgot the period when this one was done) I had Reverend Dark (a well known artist) do my intials on my upper Left breast. I loop my three intials together in a certain way - he traced my original signature and inked it onto my skin. He had fangs, long black hair, and spider webs inked at the corner of his eyes. I was terrified of him, yet he was the sweetest man once I got to know him. That tattoo was probably just a desire or whim of the moment inking. I know I had seen Mexican gang girls with names on their breasts and I thought it looked sexy. (I grew up in a small all white german Catholic town).

At age 32 I discovered Tim of Aardvarks Tattoos. He inked a celtic stone cross (large one!) onto the back of my neck this late May. It was for my grandmother who had just gotten seriously hurt, plus other family members. My children, husband, mother, and grandma. Plus an uncle who has a terminal disease. The cross has 4 gemstones, one at each point. Each gemstone is colored in the birthstone hue for my children, grandma, and husband. Then a yellow rose wraps up around the cross for my mom. Yellow roses are her favorite flower. The cross is for my uncle and everyone.

Then not even a month or so later (in June) I had Tim tattoo a beautiful hummingbird, purple flowers, and tribal like vine on my outter Right calf. It goes from almost my knee area to my ankle. My mother loves hummingbirds, and I figured better that then a skeleton ripping out of my skin. Might freak mom and my kids. *winks*

Annnnnnnnnd tonight, I razored a small star onto my left hand right between my pointer finger and thumb area. I then rubbed India ink into the cuts and presto, a beautiful perfect little star. This reminds me to follow my own path in life, to be true to myself and my family, and to never give up on my dreams or the future. It also reminds me how far I have come, and everything I have survived. It's one reason I did it myself.

I probably have another one that I've forgot about in my old age.

I'm going to get more of course, I'm a horrible whimp with the needles but I love the artwork once it's all said and done. I've learned that those who hate tattoos will tell you why they hate them.. what they think of tattoos on women, etc etc.. BUT I learned to ignore the negative people and just take pleasure in the many compliments and conversations strangers start up with me BECAUSE of my tattoos. *proud smile*

And for those who say 'it will look horrible when you're 80', I reply with 'so will the rest of me so who cares!' lol For those who say tattoos are somehow evil.. well, just ignore them because they have some serious mental issues and it's useless trying to convince them Satan didn't hold you down and ink your butt. hehee (No, I am not satanic.) For those who say ink is ugly on women, well those are usually the types who want a Barbie Doll perfect girlfriend so they wouldn't have liked somethign else on me or about me anyway (with or without the tattoos).

Piercings? I only my ears pierced with a 14g CBR and yes I screamed when Tim pierced them. It hurt! lol

Do tattoos look trashy on women?


To me, tattoos make a woman look cheap. Tattoos in general have criminal connotations to the general public- sorry, but I would not want a tattoo'd nurse taking care of my kids.

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Are koi fish tattoos popular or pretty rare on women?


Koi's are popular with both genders. There are all kinds of koifish being drawn up out there, some are masculine in appearance and some are feminine.

Guys: Do you like girls with tattoos?


What are your favorite places for tattoos on girls? Do you still like the ugly tramp stamp?

i love when girls have really colorfull tattoo's like koi's and flowers, i find those sexy on women, even more sexy on the upper arms and legs (calfs, hips/thigh area)

i dont really like when girls go hardcore and get demonish stuff lol, dont get me wrong its probably a really nice lookin tattoo, if i really liked a girl and she had a demonish tat though it wouldnt bother me..its her body after all, people shouldnt be judged by their tattoos :)

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Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

ugh!! tattoo?

Q. There is this song I keep hearing on Z100.

I don't remember any of the lyrics except "You're like a tattoo"

It's a girl singing. Can someone please help me?? I really need to know what song this is!

IDK might be

Jordan Sparks - Tattoo

oh oh oh

No matter what you say about love
I keep coming back for more
Keep my hand in the fire
Sooner or later I get what Iâm asking for

No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
The truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger I gotta let my spirit be free
To admit that Iâm wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind

I canât waste time so give it a moment
I realized nothings broken
No need to worry about everything Iâve done
Live every second like it was my last one
Donât look back got a new direction
I loved you once needed protection
Youâre still a part of everything I do
Youâre on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
Iâll always have you (I'll always have you)

Sick of playing all of these games
Itâs not about taking sides
When I looked in the mirror didnât deliver
It hurt enough to think that I could stop
Admit that Iâm wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but Iâve gotta be strong and leave you behind

I canât waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothings broken
No need to worry about everything Iâve done
Live every second like it was my last one
Donât look back got a new direction
I loved you once needed protection
Youâre still a part of everything I do
Youâre on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
Iâll always have you (I'll always have you)

If I live every moment
Wonât change any moment
Still a part of me in you
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything I do, oh

I canât waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothings broken (yeah)
No need to worry about everything Iâve done
Live every second like it was my last one
Donât look back got a new direction (don't look back)
I loved you once needed protection (no, no)
Youâre still a part of everything I do
Youâre on my heart just like a tattoo

I canât waste time so give it a moment (i can't waste time)
I realized nothings broken
No need to worry about everything Iâve done (no need to worry)
Live every second like it was my last one
Donât look back at got a new direction (don't you ever look back)
I loved you once needed protection
Youâre still a part of everything I do
Youâre on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
Iâll always have you

Who's Got Good Charlotte-Keep Your Hands off My Girl Lyric ?

Q. Keep Your Hands off my Girl Is Good Charlotte New Video From Their New Album, Named Good Morning Revival

"Keep Your Hands Off My Girl"

Let the record play,
Let the record play,
Let the record play.

The way that you dance,
The way that you move,
The way that you stare at me across the room,
You carry Dior bags,
And you got your Chanel,
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL,
Now I got Bathing Ape,
I got DCMA
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain,
I got a model 26,
But she stays in her place,
I got a kershaw neatly,
Tucked inside in my waist.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters mean mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
They say "Aha, ahha",
But the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

Now she's sweating my friends,
And my hurricane shoes,
She likes the records I spin,
My Adam Barton tattoos,
But she can't say "what's up",
So what does she do,
She just stays posted up,
The other side of the room,
I got AMC tattooed on my hand,
I got black wall street on a black bandana.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters mean mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
They say "Aha, ahha",
But the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

She, she, she don't wanna talk about it,
He, he, he wants to fight about,
Me, me, I don't wanna fight about it,
I just wanna be about it,
I'm just trying to stay up out it,
Step out the wagon,
You know the boy starts to hate,
The girls that came with him,
They like that's not the boy she dates,
They get the fighting and swearing,
And now the boyfriend is staring,
The disco ball on the ceiling,
Looks like the chain that I'm wearing,
But the music keeps playing,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
from my neck and my chain,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
from my neck and my chain.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters mean mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters mean mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

You carry Dior bags,
And you got your Chanel,
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL,
Now I got Bathing Ape,
I got DCMA,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain.

Is that what you're after? :o)

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Tattoo? Help!!!!!!!!!!!?


I know a girl who has "10%" tattooed on the inside of her ring finger, but I don't know what it means and she won't tell, anyone know what it is?

10% tattoos are usually received by older male motorcyclists. When tattooing first came around as a forbidden art in the 60s and 70s, only about 10% of the motorcycle gang would get tattoos. Now it's pretty mainstream to see not only bikers but everyone getting tattoos...I'm not sure if she knew the meaning behind it or just thought it looked neat on gangs and motorcyclists. Hope that helped.

Which one of these 2 tattoos should i get?

noodle doo

I have been a huge UFO and alien fan. My family and I strongly believe in the existence of aliens and I would like to display these strong beliefs on my skin for the rest of my life. So, between these 2 pictures, which do you think would look best? I'm a girl by the way, and I think I want to get it on my upper right arm. But other suggestions are appreciated and taken into consideration. Although I am saving my left shoulder blade for and elephant tattoo.


I also want to get the words "we are not alone" under it.

1. Tattoos (& aliens) are SUPER cliche these days (especially bad tattoos). It's usually a decision people regret later in life.

2. It makes you appear as if you have identity crisis issues. Low self esteem or lack of creativity Especially, if it's something as misrepresentative as an "alien" on your skin (an alien? Really?). Think about it. You are becoming a human poster child or "ad campaign" for something YOU yourself can't even explain. Hopefully what I'll tell you below will help or at least give you some other perspective

I'm really not trying to insult you here & I'm not opposed to people getting tattoos. I'm trying to keep you from making a decision you will later regret. You seem like a really nice person & just remember you don't NEED tattoos to prove who you are & that you are some "hipster". Your identity is in your mind & in your heart. This is what I posted for someone else regarding the existence of aliens:

UFO's are real, but not in the sense you think. The 2 top most respected researchers in this field are J. Allen Hynek (American) & Jacques Vallee (French researcher). Hynek was appointed to head a government funded project back in the 1950's called project Bluebook during the height of the UFO phenomena @ this time. His findings after decades of research (along with Vallee) is that these beings have the ability to APPEAR to be physical, materialize & dematerialize when they want which is why their abilities "appear" to defy properties of physics & can travel at unbelievable speeds. Their conclusions are that these beings are 'interdimensional' or 'demonic' (No, they are or WERE not Christians when they published their findings either) & that they are NOT friendly beings because they pose as something they are not & they never make contact or confirm their intentions which is something always indicative of a deceptive nature

They also conclude that there is no proof they actually come from outer space, but rather fall in line with the same phenomena of spirits, ghosts, demons, etc. The reason for this is because "alien abductees" experience & exhibit the same symptoms & behavior as a person that is "demonically possessed". It's the same phenomena when an abductee is studied under deep hypnosis. Many psychologists have published these results as well. They "pose" or "appear" as whatever they want in efforts to deceive man. For example, ghosts are these beings impersonating the dead. They are called different things amongst different cultures throughout the world. They exist in myth & lore since the dawn of man if you read a lot of history. All able to materialize & dematerialize wherever & whenever. It's why they can suddenly show up then disappear on radar

It's all about a grand deception, so I'm sorry to disappoint you. I was a big fan of alien movies myself, X-Files, etc. but now that I've read & figured out a lot about this subject over the past 20 years or so I've since changed my view completely. These are not MY opinions just to be clear, but the findings of actual field resarchers & scientists published in this field who were appointed by our president. Also, if you seen the film Close Encounters, the french scientist is who Spielberg based on Jacques Vallee for that movie. Vallee, however publicly stated he did not agree with that character's viewpoint as believing them to be aliens from another world. Please look this up for yourself. I highly recommend a documentary you can watch for free on youtube called "The Real Story Behind Aliens_ Ufos_ Demons_ Illuminati & Satanism". It's a real eye opener & ties into how this all connects into world politics & it's influence over man. See the link below to view that video. It will open you up to a lot of other really great speakers & researchers on the subjects.

I still LOVE sci-fi stuff, just nothing to do with aliens anymore because there is no such thing...again...not in the sense you think. Hope this was helpful because I hate to see good people being deceived.

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Tattoo Ideas for girls quarter sleeves?

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all the man's say tat.. if girls puts butterfly tattoo on own body is means girls r prostitute..?


Oh Lord!

No no no no no not the least bit true.

Clearly you aren't English, and I don't know what your local beliefs are, but this is just ridiculous.
There are millions of woman who have butterfly tattoos that are definitely NOT prostitutes!
This is not a secret code.
People get butterfly images to represent many things, like:
They also get butterflies just because they like them.
They get them because they are feminine and pretty.
They get them to represent someone who has died - like a little girl.
They get them to remind themselves of things that make them smile.

I have never heard a negative reason for why anyone has gotten a butterfly tattoo.
I have never known of anyone getting a butterfly tattoo to show that they were prostitutes.
This is not true, and is actually silly.



Miss Murde

i'm gonna get a tattoo which one do u think looks better:

1. barb wire on the upper arm
2. butterfly in barb wires on the lower back
3. a chinese symbol on the back of the neck
4. a heartagram on the left shoulder
5. a heart bracelet on the foot

None of hem. I hate Tattoos on a girl. They make a girl look cheap. You are so pretty, you don't need a tattoo. But if you must No 5

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What are cute tattoo phrases to get on the side/rib?*for girls?


Like ;
`Im the strongest person i know
`In all chaos we found safety
`A mistake is simply another way of doing things
`not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves

Im wanting to get one soon either on my hip side or on my rib cage(i no it will hurt) but have it in cursive just not sure what I want and wanting to make sure iv seen all the suggestions possible, pleaasse post whatever thoughts on quotes or phrases or even bible scriptures <3

God created a set number of angels 30 billion?; 1/3 of all angels rebelled 10 billion?God turned the rebels into spiritual darkness (demons) and expelled them from heaven. there was a void in heaven of 10 billion open seats.God decided to create humans to replace the demons. God said that He will let demons trick people into following them, but when 10 billion seats in heaven are filled, God will send demons and those who follow demons to hell. demons dress in fake human skin and fly in ufo ships;pretend to be angels of light, ghosts, pagan gods, greys, ouija board movers.jigsaw from saw movie is not only gay but he's antichrist. when people will look at jigsaw, they will see many angels surrounding jigsaw, but in reality those are demons. the main demon is black with red eyes. antichrist is white with red eyes. if anyone worships jigsaw, they'll go to hell 100%. also, soon the world government will be giving mandatory small grey world passport. when people stretch their hands to receive the small grey world passport, a small green electronic tattoo with sixes will be given by lasers. if anyone receives this tattoo, they'll go to hell 100%. people who kill themselves wind up in hell 100%. also, people who blaspheme the Holy Spirit, go to hell as well. God is one but decides to reveal Himself to the world in three distinct persons: as God the Father, as God the Son (Jesus Christ), and as God the Holy Spirit. now, let's switch to the ufo bases that the demons built. they are located on the moon, in lake baikal, underneath mariana trench (atlantis is here), and inside a fake mountain in tibet (buddhists consider this mountain holy, but as was mentioned, pagan gods are demons). there was also a time when 200 angels told God that they would fare better than humans if they had human bodies (angels and demons don't have bodies - they're just spirits). God told them that He could give them human bodies but if they mess up, He'll punish them severely. these 200 spirits agreed to take this deal. what happened was that when these 200 angels (aka anunaki in pagan beliefs) descended on a mountain in middle east, they saw beautiful female descendents of cain, and took them wives for themselves. these 200 anunaki had giants as kids. giants built the pyramids and other colossal monuments around the world. anunaki taught witchcraft, astrology, blood drinking, human sacrifice, abortion, art of war, etc. God became angry and punished the world for following anunaki. anunaki were imprisoned underneath a desert in middle east. 300 thousand giants and 700 thousand people who followed anunaki and other demons were drowned in world flood. only 8 people were saved in the flood. me and u are descendents of these 8 (noah with his wife, and their three sons with three daughters-in-law) who survived in an ark-ship. animals that knelt before noah went into the ark with noah. animals that didn't kneel were drowned. a bit later, nimrod (world leader) and his wife semiramis (she was in charge of a brothel) created a one state pagan religion (sun-moon-bull-sex worship). nimrod was also in charge of building the tower of babel. this tower was built by masons who wanted to reach heaven and fight God and establish pagan religion in heaven. this was silly, to say the least. God burned the top third of this tower, sank the bottom third inside the earth, and changed the original language into 70 different languages. so, one third of builders killed each other because of misunderstanding, one third ran away, and one third were cursed to become apemen and elephantmen. silly atheists claim that we come from apes when in reality apemen were cursed masons. hindu religion has an elephantman deity. this is absurd. let's get to something even weirder. 80 foot dinosaurs live beneath the earth. they will soon come out through lakes and sinkholes. this is a punishment for spreading ideas of evolution. major climate change will follow. there won't be any clean water left. world government will hide food on purpose too. stores with food will be set up to laser people with the above-mentioned evil tattoo. it's better to die from hunger than receive this tattoo. now, let's go to the main message of christianity. God incarnated (took on human body) to die for our sins so that we can go to heaven. now why was this necessary? well, remember the 10 billion seats from before? yep, they're all empty because everyone went to hell. there were only 2 people that went to heaven (enoch and elijah). so, God didn't want all people to burn in hell, so He provided a cure for this - He died on the cross for our sins and went to hell to pick "believers in Him during their lives on earth" to take them to heaven. now most people go to hell too, but christians don't. why? because God said that if you believe in what He did for you on the cross, and feel sorry for your sins, and stop sinning, you'll go to heaven.

Tattoo on right side of ribs, under bra line. Trashyy?


I want to get a tattoo on the right side of my ribs right under my bra line, and i want it to say " not all who wander are lost" but im scared its going to look "trashy" What do you think?

tattoos dont make u trashy
your actions do
i dont know you, but if your a classy girl and if ur tattoo makes someone think ur trashy, f them

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looking for drawings/paintings of tattooed girls. Like pretty and artistic ones?

Q. or of artists who draw or paint tattooed people

just send me a link or something please

thank you

These are some that I found an I liked:,r:12,s:90&biw=1366&bih=667,r:16,s:204&biw=1366&bih=667,r:7,s:0&tx=139&ty=58&biw=1366&bih=667,r:7,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667,r:4,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667

Hope I helped..If you want more just search them on (:

POLL: Do you find this woman hot?



That's the woman from "the girl with a Dragon tattoo, isn't it?"
Yeah, she sure is pretty.

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Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Angel Tattoos For Men?


I'm looking at designs to get a guardian angel/ dark/ fallen angel scene tattoo on my left arm. Are there any other men out there that have these types of tattoos or is it a girl thing?

it is not a girl thing only... go for it.

I need help with a tattoo design!?

Nikolaj Ja

I need help with a tattoo. I already have a plan what kind of a tattoo to get. I want a guardian girl angel on my forearm ( this part of the hand). But the problem is that the tattoo i want to get doesn't suit on a forearm.
This tattoo: (left one)

People recommend me to put it on the back but i hate to have tattoos on my back so I want to get 1 on my forearm. I want to get that type of a tattoo that will suit on my forearm. Any ideas?
I can afford maximum to 100 or 120 euro

Always take a tattoo decision very seriously

I'm trying to cover mine up

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Tatoos look horrible on the face, neck, legs, feet , chest, hands, Genitals, hips and the tummy . This is true for both men and women.

Men, where is the best tattoo?

Where do you think is the sexiest place for a women to get a tattoo (Apart from any genital area! hehe)
Or do you not like tattoos on women?
I have 2 tattoos. I'm not asking for myself, I'm just asking out of curiousity!

Well, it's your Tattoo, I wouldn't worry about if anyone else likes it on you or not. As for the sexiest place, as a woman I would go with the lower back or right below the navel. Roses and other flower vines look good right below the navel, extending out to the hip bones.

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Ideas for a tattoo?

Q. Just looking for ideas for a tattoo I can get in memory of my baby boy... His name is Kaden, was born & died on Septemer 9th of this year. That's about all the info I have.

my cousin has a tattoo on her hip of her baby girls hand prints from her birth certificate..her baby died at birth.

girls & tattoos?


is it gross for a girl to get a sleeve tattoo?
i want one so badly.

& if you thinks it's ok please send pictures of ideas
for a sleeve.

depends on you if thats what you like go for it dont do it cause some one thinks its dumb or too big its all about you. I have one one two vines intertwining eachother with several diff kinds of leafs and flowers on it then around the leaves and flowers are my childrens names and a flower to represent them with the color of there birth stone or just there fav color. mine is very colorful and i love it my man loves it and best of all he even payed for it. do something that you love alot and that represents you left arm im doing the same and its gonna be like a jungle kinda only with geckos and frogs it will be tight. drawing it now only i have to wait cause im haveing a baby. Although i do warn that the top of the hand and the elbow hurt like you wouldnt believe...

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Vanessa milano's tattoo?

Miss Tyra

what is her wrist tattoo? if u could find i link to a pic!
i want a wrist tat!

Alyssa Milano or Vanessa Minnillo?

Here is Alyssa's wrist tattoo...

And Kebert- I never claimed to be an old psychic black woman with a Jamaican accent. We just happen to have the same name. Geez.

Cute Kebert.

Thanks Kebert- I don't care what anybody says, you aren't half bad!

First tattoo... HELP.?


I have a depression problem. I've had it for the longest time; I cut myself, had failed suicide attempts, family problems. I want to get a big tattoo. One that I won't regret, not like a tiny tacky one. I was thinking maybe one on my rib cage of an ugly butterfly turning into a beautiful colorful butterfly. Since a butterfly is the symbol for the self harm awareness. I really want to stop cutting.
Do you think that's a good idea?
Do I need to sketch a picture of my idea to the tattoo artist? I really can not draw too.
Do they charge by the hour or by what the tattoo is?
Should it be on my rib cage or back? (I don't want it to be on my wrist or arm because of job interviews and whatnot.)

Here's the thing - you seem to think that if you get a big tattoo that you will stop cutting yourself. This isn't how it works. You are fooling yourself.
Yes, a tattoo can help you remind yourself of something or someone or a goal etc. But once it is done healing, you have to make the effort to be aware of it, because you don't feel anything from it, it just acts like normal skin.
Your imagery isn't very good either - like said above, an ugly butterfly does not turn into a pretty butterfly, .. a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
And just because a tattoo is big does not mean that it is good, or that a tiny one is tacky.
What makes a tattoo great is that it is well thought out, personal, and individual, beautiful imagery and artwork, and a skilled and talented tattoo artist, and that it is properly cared for while it heals and for the rest of your life.

I think that you are trying to use another form of cutting = tattooing = thousands of tiny punctures in the skin, as a way to continue doing what you say that you wish to stop. I think that you think that if it is big, that all of those little punctures will take away whatever is causing you to cut yourself.
This is a delusion.

If you truly wish to stop doing this, and if you truly wish to get better, then you need to quit giving it lip service and you need to go to a professional in psychiatry and set up appointments and follow the mental health advise that is given.
After you are free of cutting and other self destructive activities, then reward yourself with a beautiful and meaningful tattoo if you still choose to get one.

Here's a mental health hotline:
for suicidal thoughts:
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
self injury numbers:

Bristol Crisis Service for Women - UK
+ 44 (0) 117 925 1119
Offers a confidential helpline service on selected days and times.
SAFE (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) Alternative Information Line
Free information on self-injury available.
Boys Town National Hotline, 1-800-448-3000

Call someone now. Get a tattoo later.


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What is your opinion about cute girls with tattoos and piercings?


As for me, I find them adorable and cool at the same time!

Your statement describing a cute girl with tattoos is an oxymoron, a combination of contradictory terms. A girl with tattoos can not be cute. By getting a tattoo, she has forever lost the quality of cuteness.

Piercings are fine. They only enable attachment of ornamental jewelry which can be put on or removed at one's pleasure. Tattoos, on the other hand are permanent disfurgements.

what are some cute tattoos for girls?


i want to get a tattoo, but i need a bit of inspiration so i can create a tattoo that means something to me.

what are some cute tattoos that you know of and where on the body are they?
if you could include a picture, that would be helpful.

please don't say "don't get a tattoo! you will regret it! they're ugly!" and all that, because i really don't need to hear it.


Nearly any tattoo can be made glamourous or 'girly' in my opinion. It all just depends on the way they are drawn out (usually soft) and the colors used.

Places that compliment the female form are always nice for tattoos. Some of the popular body location:
-Lower back (center, further to the left or right...for a nice twist)
-Back of the neck right before the shoulder blades meet
-Between the shoulder blades
-On your bum cheek
-Lower ankle

In terms of images that are extra girly or feminine:
-Meaningful quotes
-Religious symbols

Just be creative! And think about what you'd think will work for your body!

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Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

does it hurt to get a tattoo on the side of your lower abdomen?

Q. i cant explain it good but idnt want it directly above my private part just above, then move to the side and thats where i want it. you get it? sorry if its complicated.
yes monty =] thats what i meant. more by my hip then my stomach. just didnt know how to explain it. and thanks for the info =].

Every tattoo hurts, think about it, it's a needle going about a nickel's depth into your skin several times a second. I've got two in about the same area on each side. The only reason I had the other side done was for symmetry. I'm male, even though these tattoos are a good 6-7 inches away from my man-parts, it still hurt worse than any of the 7 other tattoos I've gotten. People think that getting one directly on my ribs hurt the most, turns out thats the least painful.

However, I've had women tell me that their tattoos in that area didn't hurt so much, but the tattoos on their ribs were killer.

Tattoos on sides of women's necks: sophisticated or low class?


i'm not a fan of tattoos at all.

but if you really wanna know
it depends on the person who
has it and what the tattoo is,
and how big it is.

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Wdyt: girls with half sleeve tattoos?

Cali All D

Saying that tattoos are gross makes you out to be an ignorant, judgmental, prudish bitch. Just saying. Tattoos are beautiful (when done by a skilled artist. I've seen some shitty tattoos before) if someone wants to get tattooed, who the hell are you to say they're gross or stupid? It's not your place, and nobody is judging you for NOT having tattoos so why can't you show the same respect? It's not about what the tattoo will look like 50 years from now.. it's about how it looks now, how it makes you feel, what it means to you. A tattoo will fade over time and not look as great as it did when you first got it, of course. But the meaning will stay with you, as fresh and beautiful as it was the day you got it. If a tattoo makes someone happy, makes them feel better about the way they look, commemorates the life of someone very dear to them, symbolizes an experience they went through or something they love, then that is not by ANY means "gross".
I understand that people will have differing opinions on tattoos, but honestly, it's one thing to say you don't like them and a whole different thing to be rude about it.
Tattoos are beautiful, on men AND women.

Teresa, that may be your opinion, but it is still rude, bitchy, judgemental, and makes you seem ignorant and prudish.

Half sleeve tattoo on women?


So my questions is I want to know people's opinion on women with half sleeve tattoos? I also wanna know how a women with a half sleeve feels about their tattoo after getting it and especially when you got older or became a parent? And how you feel at professional or fancy events?

I have had NO issues with being judged or looked at in a negative way. I got my first tattoo in 1993 and will be getting my eleventh the end of this month and number twelve in July. As the lady below mentioned, I am not uneducated trailer trash. I am a college graduate and I live in an upper middle class neighborhood. I have a 15 year old and a 2 year old and if I have to go to a function or meeting at my daughters school I always make sure I am dressed professionally and wear conservative clothing. I'm fortunate enough to live in the DC area, so there are a lot of different people and everyone is pretty open minded. I personally feel that a beautifully excuted tattoo sleeve or half sleeve can be gorgeous. I wouldn't change any of my tattoos, and if you are less than 100% sure you want it, don't do it! If you truly believe that you can live with them for the rest of you life, then go for it.

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Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Tattoo help with parents =/?

Q. Ok so several months ago I got a tattoo on my ribs. It's very large and takes up my entire left side. My moms side if the family knew I was getting it and said go for it. And I did. My parents found out and were not to happy but whatever. My dads side of the family still does not know about it tho. I don't know how they even feel about tattoos and they are not they type of people that I can just bring up the topic and ask. I have 4 girl cousins who are in/out if college. I'm the youngest. (I'm a guy FYI). I feel like bc of their age they won't care to much but I still don't know. My grandmother aunts and uncles are who I'm afraid of finding out. To make matters worse I'm planning another tattoo. A half sleeve which will be visible when I wear short sleeves. I don't know what to do. I really want this tattoo. I love the one I have. I'm super happy with it. I'm just afraid of what they will say/think and do. I don't want my grandmother to never talk to me again. (She can be moody). How do I do this? Thank you so much in advanced for the help. I really need it :)

I know they are your family but honestly... What can they do? They can't forbid you or rip off your skin. They may or may not like it but as long as you like it and its meaningful. It's your body.. Good luck!

Tattoo ideas in memory of my father?


My dad just passed away, i am only 15 years old, and wont get it for a while anyway, i was a huge daddy's girl. i want a tattoo that symbolizes him.. but i don't want anything that says like "rip daddy" or the year he was born and passed away on... i just want something that is him. and i was wondering if anyone could help me out..

my dad was the strongest man i knew, he was a biker, he was covered in tattoos, he loved harley's and his harley, he believed in being free and didn't care what people thought, he accepted everyone for who they were. he had tons of friends, he loved to party, he loved football, and he was a legend not only in his own mind but in everyone else's to..

hopefully that helps you guys with getting some ideas.

thanks for your help.

Get a tattoo of your dad riding a Harley Davidson off into the sunset or you could get one of him riding a Harley Davidson up to the pearly gates.

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For guys who love tattooed girls....?


where is the sexiest place a girl can have a tat. I am thinking about getting a second one, but can't decided where to put it.

I already have one on my lower back, left side.

Behind your ear or on top of your hand would be cute

Opinion on girls with tattoos...?


I've been thinking about eventually getting another tattoo, not for a while due to my last tattoo (I got the biggest piece I ever wanted done, so I'm pretty satisfied for the time being.) Anyway, my boyfriend of 2 years isn't crazy about them. I didn't get my 2 tattoos done without his approval, so it's not like he's mad or anything. I'm just curious as to what a lot of other guys/people think about them. There are certain tattoos I would LOVE to get, such as behind the ear or my wrist but then the side of me with morals kicks in. Some reason it bothers me to think of having a tattoo on my left wrist, the same hand I will wear my wedding ring but I've always felt like the right was a bad idea because that'll be the first thing someone sees if you shake their hand. I also think a lot about tattoos that would make it almost inevitable to cover up when I eventually get married. Don't get me wrong, I love my tattoos. But out of respect for my family, I would rather them be covered not by makeup but just a dress that covers them. Anyway, any opinions on all of this? Thanks!
Ok HI, I wasn't asking for people to tell me they are trashy. I'll reiterate, open minded opinions. Also, the family isn't very religious in that sense, and they are ok with my tattoos. It's just not something that they would want out in the open on my wedding day, mainly because it's big enough to be a distraction. My other tattoo is on my foot, so that's not an issue. And this is the USA, didn't ask about women in Asia.

If you know enough to hide tattoos, then you already know you should not get any. And yet, you have them, and even want more. Something is wrong with this picture! Here is my opinion on girls with tattoos: I recommend to men that they stay away from a woman with any tattoo, anywhere. I could say the same thing to women about men with tattoos. Tattoos mean trouble. Tattoos are a huge "red flag" that means one or more of the following:
"I am a misfit"
"I will cause you big problems",
"Get to know me and you will regret it"
"I am immature",
"I am needy",
âI am foolishâ,
âI am shallowâ
âI make bad decisionsâ,
âI have no sense of right and wrong,â
âI follow fadsâ,
âI am unemployableâ,
"I have been to prison",
"I belong to a criminal gang",
"I am promiscuous",
"I work in the sex-services industry",
"I can not sustain a long term relationship".
âI will fail in my lifeâ
A tattoo is little better than a cartoonâyou canât get a good quality drawing on the human skin. It will deface your body like ugly graffiti defaces a public building. I strongly suggest that you do not get a tattoo. There is a big cost to getting a tattoo, and it is far more than wasted money. The true cost of a tattoo is a lifetime of regret. Most regret it within 5 years. There is an 80% chance you will regret it in your lifetime. The regret starts after you start to notice how people react to you. Many people will look at you with disgust, for tattoos are offensive to many, many people. Your chances of getting a good job will be greatly diminishedâmost companies will not hire you since your tattoo will be seen as offensive to other workers. The majority of western people get tattooed when young and their decision making process is not yet matured. Youth tends to be impulsive. Young people are still developing and they need to be very careful in making important, permanent decisions. The reasons young people get tattooed are not mature (i.e. they want people to notice them, they want to pretentiously âhonorâ someone in a way that will attract notice, they want to pretentiously present some âdeepâ quotation on their skin in the hope that people will think they too are âdeepâ, they are rebelling against their parents or society, they are conforming to what they think are social norms, they are unable to see ahead and view the negative results of their actions, etc.) If you want to see the true level of cultural development for tattoos and other body modifications, look at this video: . In a large sense, nothing illustrates the degeneration of western culture more than the entertainment industry encouraging impulsive youth to permanently disfigure themselves in order to âexpress themselvesâ. But such is the power of suggestion that more and more young people are buying into this Hollywood lie that tattoos are a cutting edge way to âexpressâ yourself. But that is so not true. You should express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. Good luck to you in your life. But do not get tattooed. Tattoos are permanent. You can not take them back. There are so many questions on this board about how to remove unwanted tattoos. Pay attention to them. They are there for a reason: People do not want to keep their tattoos. One day you will wish you had never gotten your tattoo(s) and will start to ask how you can get rid of them. Be smart and do not put yourself in this position.

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Thought on second tattoo?

Deaf Cowgi

I am thinking about having a tattoo of a woman, a child a horse, a wolf and a eagle. I would like to put together as a story line. I am recovering from depression and a child, which I want a child but never happened and I am just divorce this year, (in my dream more of a little girl dressing in a dress). For strange reason I want to have a horse, wolf and an eagle on it as well. What kind of would be good to put together?

It is something like a story line of what I kind going through. if you have any suggestion, please feel free to put on there.. I am also gonna going to leave it up to the tattooist as well but any good suggestion or adivce would help...


P.S. To some people who don't like tattoo or don't think that women should have it, Please don't lecture "Don't Do it" because I am a religion person or whatever. I have one tattoo on me of to cross and two roses. If don't like tattoo, don't answer my question on tattoos. thanks

This is a very neat idea you have.

You could always have a child holding the horse in a field.
with the eagle above.
A woman in the background with her arms out.
and a wolf sort of down in the grass.
Something along thoes lines i think would be cute.
Really try to mix all of the elemnts well.
Don't just throw them together, i think it would turn out better.
just mix the child and the horse or the child horse and the woman and everything else should fall into place.

You could have the same field thing and have horses running, and a woman holding a child.
with the eagle again in the sky and the wolf again in the tall back grass.

Hope this helps you and good luck with your new tattoo.

Tattoos representing my miscarriages?


Hi ladies!
I am not sure if I should put this in this section, but I was just wondering if any of you have any tattoos representing a miscarriage, or even your child. I am currently going through my second miscarriage and I thought it might be helpful for me to get two doves or something on my back pointing upwards towards heaven to represent each baby I have lost. It will be something I can show my children one day when I am blessed with children. I know a lot of you may be opposed to this idea, but I am only asking the women who have done something like this. I have 4 other tattoos already so it's not like tattoos are a new thing to me and I'm not trying to be "cool". Thank you in advance for answering :D

i'm not one who's a fan of tattoos unless there's a meaning behind them. and getting tattoos of doves or whatever to represent your miscarriages is a creative way of showing what has happened in your life and part of you. i think that's a really touching thing to do, especially to show your future children :]

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getting a tattoo :D?


Hello :)
planning for a tattoo on my ring finger.. Any ideas what should i get inked ? :)

Finger tattoos are not recommended.

Besides being out there for everyone to see, hand and particularly finger tattoos tend to age prematurely compared to tattoos elsewhere on the body. Your hands are high movement, high wear areas so finger tattoos are difficult to care for. Your hands get dirty very easily because you use them all the time and continually washing your hands with a fresh tattoo will damage it, but not washing your hands may result in an infection. This is particularly true of tattoos on the sides of the fingers as cellular regeneration on the palms to about half way up the side of the hand is 10 times faster than anywhere else on the body except the soles of the feet and inside the mouth. About 80% of side of finger tattoos will experience problems in the first month. The problem with all those nice perfect finger tattoos you see on the internet is that those pictures were taken when they were fresh, you don't see how they healed.

If you manage to heal them properly, they will age prematurely. There's a reason all the old school knuckle tattoos you see are all so bold- strong lines and solid colours don't show their age as badly as those dainty little things that all the Tumblr and Pinterest girls are getting will.

It seems to me like you just want a finger tattoo for the sake of having one and because it's the new thing right now. Listen- finger tattoos are a fad, and they'll fall out of fashion when more people start to realise that they've been throwing their money away on these dinky little things that might last two months if they're lucky. If they're unlucky their tattoo will last 5 years by which point it'll develop blowouts and they'll have to drop a heap of money on laser remover to get rid of the permanent, blue bruise-like mark that's appeared around their tattoo and is even more difficult to remove than a normal tattoo.

I strongly advise that you reconsider.

What are some unique, feminine tattoos?

*CRAZY pan

I'm looking to get a tattoo pretty soon. I have an idea of what I want, so please don't tell me that I'm not ready for a tattoo, that they ruin my body and I'll hate it when I'm older, or whatever. I don't care about the hate, it's just annoying to read through when I'm trying to get an actual answer.
What are some cute, unique tattoo ideas for a female? If you could link pictures that would be cool too :)

like a ring of hearts! here are some pictures for feminine tattoos:

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I want a small leopard print tattoo...?


I love leopard print & i've been looking for something small
any pictures out there you peeps can send???



I want an awesome leopard tattoo?


BUT i dont know if i want an actualy leopard of if I want like leopard print accented somewhere... Idk so I was just wondering if anyone had ideas or pictures? Leopards have been my favorite thing ever since I was a little girl, and im ready for my first tattoo for my birthday on the 13th!

I would get an actual leopard for my tattoo. You can go to google and type in leopard like I did and see what you find... here's the link: if you still don't like any than go to your tattoo parlor and ask them for ideas, they are professionals so they should have some pretty nice ideas.

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Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

tattoo...angel wings?


I'm about to be 18 and am going to get a tattoo on my lower back.
I really want a set of angel wings, very similar to one of the girls on my super sweet 16, Alicia. But i cannot find a picture of anything similar, or anything i really like.

Any pictures you have, or can find of cute (not to big!) wings, for my lower back?

Why not get something more natural looking like a vine and some roses or some kind of flowers?

or a heart?

wings... on your lower back? hmm I donno it just kinda sounds like something you might regret later on. (only my opinion though) do whatever you wish. =)

The best thing you can do if you want it to be about you and yourself is to draw out the design you want, and make it your own.

Do it on paint... all you have to is draw one side and then copy & paste it, click on Image then to Flip and rotate it horizonally... put it togther.

If you draw it up any good Tatto artist should be able to copy what you want, and maybe you will be happier that you came up with it yourself.


Guy with tattoo of angel wings?


Is it wierd or feminine for a guy to have a tattoo of angel wings wrapped around a cross on his neck or upper back. I see it mostly on girls but i really like it and like the meaning of it and thinking about getting it, just wanted opinions. Be honest and thanks for all answers

get like some soft fluffy wings for girl, armor plates or steel feathers for a guy..

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