Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Tattoo pros and cons.?


I'm almost 18 and for my 18th birthday I would like a tattoo. It would be small and in a place I could hide if I wanted to. Before I get this tattoo that will be around for the rest of my life I would like to know the pros and cons of them. Thanks :]


The biggest con goes back to the days when sailors started getting tattoos from native peoples. There are people who think only low class people get tattoos. Fortunately that attitude is fading, but it will never fully go away. For women there is that phrase tramp stamp.

You do have to avoid getting certain areas tattooed (hands, face, neck) because they cannot be easily covered if work or other situations calls for it.

If you get a tattoo because getting a tattoo is trendy, you are more likely to regret it later. Same holds true if the tattoo subject is trendy.

No matter what the meaning, subject, or reason for getting a tattoo some people will regret getting a tattoo.


Your tattoo will be saggy and wrinkly when you are 70, 80, 90, etc. This arguement is akin to someone saying, "I'd like to go back to school, but I'd be XX years old when I graduate.". Really and how old will you be in 4 years if you don't to back to school? Okay, yeah, so what. My skin will be old and wrinkly when I'm 70, 80, 90, etc anyway. You can not make every decision based on what will be when you are elderly.


It's a relatively safe risk. (Excluding homemade tattoos or from dirty shops.) You might get a local infection even with the best of everything. Still it's not a life-threatening thing if done properly. (Yeah, there are always exceptions to the rule.) You go through some pain but it won't kill you. And despite their popularity, you will stand apart because you choose to have a tattoo.

People from every walk of life have tattoos. Yes that includes Doctors, Lawyers, politicians, and members of the clergy.

A tattoo can hold deep personal meaning. Or you can get one because you like the image. I have both types of tattoos.

A tattoo can be tiny or cover your entire body.

People with tattoos do not care that you don't have tattoos.

A tattoo can lead to a great conversation about tattoos and why the participants in the conversation have tattoos.

A tattoo can be shown off or kept private.

The design can be conservative or wild and funky.

You can regret the things you don't do as much as some of the things you have done.

A well-done tattoo is a thing of beauty.


This is a decision only you can make. Don't get a tattoo, or not get a tattoo, based on what anyone here says.

If you decide not to get a tattoo now, you can easily choose to get one later. The reverse is not true.

Can anyone translate this tattoo?? Is it Japanese?


You can find the photo of the symbols in question at:

If you can translate them please let me know! Thanks!
FYI from what I gather they are reversed due to the camera. Thanks!

I'm sorry to tell you that spookysickness is right!!

ä¿¡ = shin = truth; faith; fidelity; sincerity; trust; confidence; reliance; devotion
Which is very nice, except that your kanji has a bit missing!
for a better image.

å© = ba / ba-ba = old woman / hag
which is NOT very nice - although even THAT image isn't perfect...!

Maybe it means "trust in elderly women"??!!

You know, it's possible that you might get a better response if you said that it was Chinese ... the 2 languages have very similar characters, all stemming from ancient Chinese characters, but there are a lot of variations! As my Japanese husband insisted that 'shin - ba' was the only Japanese interpretation for it, maybe they're really Chinese?

I recommend asking this question under the travel - Asia Pacific - China category. Or in Languages but specifying that it MIGHT be Chinese.

Who-ever did those tattoos was obviously not Japanese ... unless his hand slipped!!

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Do you think that moms with tattoos/piercings are trashy?

Just anoth

My mom and I tend to disagree on this. I have 3 young sons and a husband, but I also have 2 tattoos and am planning on getting 1 or 2 more. I am considering getting my tongue pierced but am probably too chicken to. Or my eyebrow done. My mother said that people think that parents with body art are trashy people. I don't think so. Either way, I know what I like and won't let someone opinion tell me otherwise. I'm just curious as to what other people think about it.

lol My situation is slightly different. I grew up with a VERY conservative mother. However, when she reached 45 years old, she got her first tattoo. A small butterfly by her thumb. She's now 55 and has over 20 tattoos and 13 piercings. She didn't realize how much she enjoyed the art of it until she got her first one. I can guarantee you that my mother is far from trashy. I don't deny the fact that some people don't like the way it looks, but my mother is still a wonderfully kind, polite, compassionate woman. Because of that, I've learned to never judge a book by their cover. A person can be COVERED in tattoos and/or piercings and we can make all kinds of assumptions on what kind of person they are or how they grew up, but its often times just not true.

I'm a mother of three and also have a couple tattoos and looking at getting more. My personal preference is to keep them out of sight though, so they are on my back rather than my arm or calf. I think its funny when a friend or coworker starts talking about, "Oh my goodness, did you see that woman with all the tattoos? She looks like trailer trash. Her poor kids are gonna grow up to be freaks too". Then I smile at them and tell them that I have a couple tattoos. They are always embarrassed. I most certainly don't look or act like what people stereotype as a "tattoo'd momma". Having tattoos has NOTHING to do with what kind of parent you are or how you behave. I'm not trashy, I'm not "wild", I'm not seeking attention.... I just like the art of my tattoos. They are beautiful and meaningful to me.

So good for you for doing what you want. Who cares if people think its trashy or inappropriate. Their opinions have no real weight on your everday life. Getting something like that done won't change what kind of mother, daughter, friend, wife and coworker you are.

Tattoo ideas... please help!?


my best friend and i are going to get matching tattoos after 10 years - but we arent sure exactly what we want - we are both very spur of the moment type of people and have tattoos that dont necessarily have any strong meaning other than we just really like them - we are looking to get something small to mid sized - maybe words with stars or something around it -- but what would be some good ideas for sayings - we are both very strong willed faithful ambitious fearless women ... help me (us) out please

how about you get your names in a heart like this,547&sigr=11ngmq4m1&sigi=11gkq6jas&sigb=131j9j9pc&sigh=11c585793

after 7 yrs of friendship my "bff" and i are getting matching tattoos for our bdays- we are less than 24 hrs apart in age. i found this,345&sigr=11gksck2c&sigi=11gt3b40u&sigb=130b871b4&sigh=115k69ftb
and we are going to use a different whispy design to replace what this has. we are also changing up the colors to match us better.

or you could get a funky star with a swirl of color or colors inside it

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I need help with a tattoo design!?

Nikolaj Ja

I need help with a tattoo. I already have a plan what kind of a tattoo to get. I want a guardian girl angel on my forearm ( this part of the hand). But the problem is that the tattoo i want to get doesn't suit on a forearm.
This tattoo: (left one)

People recommend me to put it on the back but i hate to have tattoos on my back so I want to get 1 on my forearm. I want to get that type of a tattoo that will suit on my forearm. Any ideas?
I can afford maximum to 100 or 120 euro

Always take a tattoo decision very seriously

I'm trying to cover mine up

Tattoos and losing weight?


I just got my arm tattooed and am starting a new diet along with working out. The tattoo is actually a guardian angel, it ends at my elbow and goes up the rest of my arm. Now since I'm starting a new diet and losing weight, like a good amount, would it affect it? If so, how? I've heard that girls have gotten pregnant and they've had tattoos on their stomachs and they look the same as they did when they first got them.
Btw, I'm only 18 so when I do lose weight the skin should tighten back up or something, right?

The arms? Generally no, not unless you lose more than 20 pounds a month which is hard to do and unsafe for SOME(key word there)

At 18 your skin will tighten alot unless you were obese(like 300+ pounds), you will still have the stretch marks though luckily these just make a tattoo more interesting.

Good luck on the diet, remember its 70% diet, the rest in exercise.

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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Rejected because of my tattoos?


I don't know where to start....

When I was younger I got a lot of tattoos. Some of them are not the best of quality and frankly, I am pretty insecure about it. I have the serenity prayer on my rib cage, a piece of flowers, hearts, and keys that go all the way around my waist, a flower piece on my leg, and a star piece on my other leg. I have been told I am a hot girl, but I am so insecure about these tattoos that I never open myself to anyone because I am afraid of being rejected because of them. Well, I have been talking to this guy I met and he hadn't seen my tattoos. Recently he saw the piece that goes around my waist and since him seeing it he has not contacted me at all.... I am really upset. I feel like a leper or something. Would a woman's tattoos really put you off to the point where you wouldn't give her a chance?

Here is a pic of me.... I am not sure how to raise my head up. This is really affecting me in a bad way. I have a beautiful daughter and am so insecure about my tattoos that I have a hard time going to the pool to swim with her....


encouraging responses appreciated

First of all, I think your gorgeous. Secondly, maybe you can think of your tattoos in another way. Think of them as representative of that time in your life. If you're that upset about them, you can have them fixed/redone so you don't feel so ashamed by them, but look at them not with so much shame, but as a reminder of where you have come from. If someone doesn't like you for expressing who you were at a particular phase in your life, then they really aren't someone worth knowing.

As somone who is overweight, I struggled with the bathing suit thing for awhile but then realized that spending time with my children was worth so much more than worrying about what other people thought about me. I began loving myself more and living life for myself instead of for other people. Interestingly enough that meant that I actually GOT 2 tattoos and dyed my hair pink, so paradoxically I suppose I probably draw more attention to myself now than I did before, but I don't care because I am being true to myself now.

You need to be you, for you and for your daughter. Don't worry about what other people think, learn to love yourself and accept that you chose to get those tattoos at a time in your life for whatever reasons you decided to get inked. There had to be a reason for that. Don't deny that reason, learn to accept it.

As others have pointed out, you can wear a one piece and swim trunks to cover up if it makes you feel more comfortable, but you should go swimming and enjoy spending time with your daughter. So many people have tattoos these days that I seriously doubt anyone will even notice anyway! You're probably more self conscious about it than other people are even aware of them.

What is the key to attracting women?

Q. I'm 17 and I've never had a girlfriend before. It seems like every time I like a girl I'm always guessing if she likes me back or not, and it ends up being no. I don't lack self confidence and even though I'm not amazingly handsome I wouldn't say I'm ugly. Even though I'm not a life-of-the-party kind of guy, I can still keep a conversation interesting and make a girl laugh. I play in a band and I thought girls are supposed to like musicians? What gives? Is it because I have long hair and listen to metal? Is that a turn off to girls?

The key to attracting women, and I'm completely, serious when I say this, is....confidence. If you don't have it, then fake it. Really girls could sense when guys are feeling awkward or are being too nice or too needy. You have to act confident and masculine, meaning you take control...and you could learn to take control in small steps. Like smiling at a girl that you see and find pretty....many guys find this extremely hot, so learning to do this takes major guts. Also going up to a girl and telling her that she's pretty. Asking questions about her and making her laugh.

Looks hardly don't need muscles, a stubble, tattoos or skinny jeans. You just need to act like you know you look good and do not have any problem on what anyone else thinks of you.
Ever seen girls dating these really obnoxious guys or weird looking guys and wonder, wtf does she see in him? Well, that my friend is confidence. And you need it. But don't'll learn to develop it as you get more practice talking to get to it!

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Were did tattoos originate ?



Tattooing has been a practice of almost every known people. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore unique facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples, and in the Philippines, Borneo, Samoa, Africa, Japan, and China.

Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice since Neolithic times. "Ãtzi the Iceman", dated circa 3300 BC was tattooed, as was the mummified male found in the Pasaryk burial whose body was tattooed with stylized animal designs. In the Steppes, other natural mummies up to 7000 years old have been found to have tattoos.

Europeans rediscovered tattooing during the exploration of the South Pacific under Captain James Cook in the 1770s, and sailors were particularly identified with tattoos in European culture until after World War I.

Tattoos have always had an important role in ritual and tradition. In Borneo, women tattooed symbols on their forearm indicating their particular skill. If a woman wore a symbol indicating she was a skilled weaver, her status as prime marriageable material was increased. Tattoos around the wrist and fingers were believed to ward away illness. Throughout history tattoos have signified membership in a clan or society. Even today groups like the Hells Angels tattoo their particular group symbol. TV and movies have used the idea of a tattoo indication membership in a secret society numerous times. It has been believed that the wearer of an image calls the spirit of that image. The ferocity of a tiger would belong to the tattooed person. That tradition holds true today shown by the proliferation of images of tigers, snakes, and bird of prey.

In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids (It undoubtedly started much earlier). When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.

The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies. Markings identified the spies and showed their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves. This practice is still carried on today. The Ainu people of western Asia used tattooing to show social status. Girls coming of age were marked to announce their place in society, as were the married women. The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. In Borneo, women were the tattooists. It was a cultural tradition. They produced designs indicating the owners station in life and the tribe he belonged to. Kayan women had delicate arm tattoos which looked like lacy gloves. Dayak warriors who had "taken a head" had tattoos on their hands. The tattoos garnered respect and assured the owners status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today. There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in the rituals. Even the isolated tribes in Alaska practiced tattooing, their style indicating it was learned from the Ainu.

In the west, early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. The Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing. It still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Normans disdained tattooing. It disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.

While tattooing diminished in the west, it thrived in Japan. At first, tattoos were used to mark criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead. A second crime was marked by adding an arch. A third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for "dog". It appears this was the original "Three strikes, you're out" law. In time, the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The Japanese body suit originated around 1700 as a reaction to strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate clothing. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A highly tattooed person wearing only a loin cloth was considered well dressed, but only in the privacy of their own home.

William Dampier is responsible for re-introducing tattooing to the west. He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas. In 1691 he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian named Prince Giolo, Known as the Painted Prince.

how painful is it to get a tattoo on the outside of your calf?

Richard Sa

ok so im looking to get a tattoo of a cross on the outside of my left calf. ive heard that the calf is the worst place but the male pain charts online say differently they said its about a 5 on a scale from 1-10. so whats your opinions? calf tattoo painful or not? also whats your rate from 1-10 on pain? thanks alot ppl

Not painful AT ALL.
I have a Ta Moko (New Zealand Maori Tattoo) from my ankle to my knee on the outside of my left calf and it didn't hurt at all, maybe a 3/10 and it was also my first tattoo so I was scared S***less.

I Have two stencil portraits of bob marley and stevie wonder on my forearms and I thought they were more painful then my calf and even those were not that bad. Also Im a girl ha :)

:) Goodluck.

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Women Tiger Tattoo Designs?

Q. Tiger is the symbol of power and strength,world The chinies saying tiger os the âKing of the Animalsâ. It is considered that one feels stronger if a tiger looks in oneâs dreams.Tiger tattoos are each stunning and powerful body art choices.

You could get a tigers paws on your breast and then the head resting on your shoulder & then have the body go down back. Have the legs wrap around your legs

Were did tattoos originate ?



Tattooing has been a practice of almost every known people. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore unique facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples, and in the Philippines, Borneo, Samoa, Africa, Japan, and China.

Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice since Neolithic times. "Ãtzi the Iceman", dated circa 3300 BC was tattooed, as was the mummified male found in the Pasaryk burial whose body was tattooed with stylized animal designs. In the Steppes, other natural mummies up to 7000 years old have been found to have tattoos.

Europeans rediscovered tattooing during the exploration of the South Pacific under Captain James Cook in the 1770s, and sailors were particularly identified with tattoos in European culture until after World War I.

Tattoos have always had an important role in ritual and tradition. In Borneo, women tattooed symbols on their forearm indicating their particular skill. If a woman wore a symbol indicating she was a skilled weaver, her status as prime marriageable material was increased. Tattoos around the wrist and fingers were believed to ward away illness. Throughout history tattoos have signified membership in a clan or society. Even today groups like the Hells Angels tattoo their particular group symbol. TV and movies have used the idea of a tattoo indication membership in a secret society numerous times. It has been believed that the wearer of an image calls the spirit of that image. The ferocity of a tiger would belong to the tattooed person. That tradition holds true today shown by the proliferation of images of tigers, snakes, and bird of prey.

In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids (It undoubtedly started much earlier). When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.

The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies. Markings identified the spies and showed their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves. This practice is still carried on today. The Ainu people of western Asia used tattooing to show social status. Girls coming of age were marked to announce their place in society, as were the married women. The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. In Borneo, women were the tattooists. It was a cultural tradition. They produced designs indicating the owners station in life and the tribe he belonged to. Kayan women had delicate arm tattoos which looked like lacy gloves. Dayak warriors who had "taken a head" had tattoos on their hands. The tattoos garnered respect and assured the owners status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today. There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in the rituals. Even the isolated tribes in Alaska practiced tattooing, their style indicating it was learned from the Ainu.

In the west, early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. The Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing. It still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Normans disdained tattooing. It disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.

While tattooing diminished in the west, it thrived in Japan. At first, tattoos were used to mark criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead. A second crime was marked by adding an arch. A third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for "dog". It appears this was the original "Three strikes, you're out" law. In time, the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The Japanese body suit originated around 1700 as a reaction to strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate clothing. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A highly tattooed person wearing only a loin cloth was considered well dressed, but only in the privacy of their own home.

William Dampier is responsible for re-introducing tattooing to the west. He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas. In 1691 he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian named Prince Giolo, Known as the Painted Prince.

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how do yall feel about tattoos on girls?

Tiffany St

if you have any what of and where?

i have one on my hip of 2 hearts, one on my "love handle" of angel wings, a halo and "RIP Baby Corey". i have a big star with music notes everywhere on my right hip. I have all my kids names wrapped around my right thigh. and i have a heart on my foot, and getting a skull on my left wrist tomorrow night :)

I have 3. One is a friendship tattoo. ( best friends since Kindergarten) It's a Celtic clover on my ankle. Approximately 2 inches by 2 inches. Above that is a purple Iris with the German word for love, the Polish word for family and the Irish/ Gaelic word for friends. The third is a Chinese dragon curled around an egg with the Libra symbol in the middle of the egg. It's done in greyscale other than the spine scales, eyes and symbol, which are in Sapphire blue. That tattoo is in the middle of my upper back, right between my scapulae. I'm saving up money and researching tattoo artists for my fourth ( and probably final) tattoo. It's going to begin between my big toe and the toe next to it, go up my foot, wrap around my leg a few times, zigzag up my side, and end right below my clavicle.

So no, I can't say that I think tattoos on women are bad. That would be a bit hypocritical, don't you think? And to that person who said tarts made them think of a butch lesbian... No. I am the farthest thing from 'butch'. And I honestly think everyone in the world is just a little bit bi- curious at least.

what are good tattoos for girls?


I personally don't like tats on a girl unless its small enough that I personally don't see it ie an small angel on the ankle won't bother me that much. Use your better judgement on tats on parts of the body as well as what kinds of tats you get to put on your body. I hope this helps you out.

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Tattoo Idea?


I wanna get a tattoo soon and wanted some ideas on what to get, i wanna get something that i can add to when i have more kids cause i have a little girl now and am planning on putting her name in it and we plan on having more, but i want some ideas that i could add to, and pictures would be great to see. thanks

I am thinking of getting one with my 5 kids names or birth dates on it. I like the idea of a scroll so I can add to it or a lotus blossom with something written in each petal. Try googling tattoo sites, but I just come up with mine as I need something that would fit in everything I need. Good luck. :)

Would you tattoo your girlfriends/boyfriends name?

John D

I'm deeply in love with this girl and i want to tattoo her name on my body. Now i know there are those who say not to do it but even though she broke my heart once and got back with me, i still feell like tattooing her name on my chest bcause she IS my first love. So what do yall think; because she was my first love, should i tattoo her name on me?

well am thinking about it right now to but the thing is that my kid has the same name so that's no problem but if she left you once she will do it again........Sorry to tell you that but she might find somebody tell me what are you going to feel????with her name on you????

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Tattoos on collarbones?

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo directly under my collarbone. Does this area stretch/sag a lot in women? Does it really stretch during pregnancy? (It wouldn't really be that close to my boobs)
If you have a collarbone tattoo, or know someone how does, please answer!

Between the ages of 50 and 70, the chest skin gets saggy and wrinkly. But you can always get the tattoo touched up to look brand new again when that starts happening. And by getting a tattoo there, it will prompt you to wear sunblock on it to prevent fading, and that will in turn slow down the aging process of the skin in that area. It won't stretch during pregnancies, being closer to your collarbone verses closer to your breasts. My mom has a tattoo on her collarbone that she has had for 25 years and after she got it touched up this last summer, it looks fantastic and as good as new (she's almost 50). Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck!

What do you think of tattooes on women?


I think they are hideous, and make women look really common and chavvy. Lots of women who had them in the 1990s are desperately trying to get rid now.

Unless a woman is a real rock chick/goth whatever, women just look dreadful, and it's almost always the same kind of women that have them. Common as muck women. And even the rock chicks are gonna look hideous once they hit 50.

Funnily enough, the first 'suggested category' that came up when I went to post this, was lesbian, transgendered and bisexual LOL! I wonder why?!!!

What do you think?
sk matthew; did I hit a raw nerve? LOL. I thought women with tattoos may be offended, but you don't have to shout all the way through your reply. Look at the replies, most people think women with tatooes are disgusting. ALL the men that I know think they are... If I was an employer I wouldn't employ women with tatooes; they look like they've been in prison. And I sure wouldn't date one if I was a man... I'd be embarrassed to be seen with a tatooed woman. YUK.

joseph J. No homophobe comments from me; I merely stated that the category that was suggested to me by YAHOO was the lesbian and transgendered one. you are just seeing what you WANT to see. Typcial arrogant man! So maybe THEY are the ones who are homophobic. I just thought it was funny. And yes I do find that it's mostly common chavvy women and old mingers who have tattoos... Never seen any 'classy' ones with them. LOL.

Agree with you and all the above posters I'm afriad.... when I see women with tattoos -unless they are a 100% rock chick or goth - I think common skank. If I was a man, I would NEVER date a woman with tattooes! They are revolting and I don't know WHY women have them!

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Sexy tattoos for women on ribs with words or lyrics?


Last summer I saw a girl with a tattoo covering most of her right side. It was elegant, yet very sexy. It was black and twisted up with words curved with the curves of what may have been flower stems or some cool pattern ( i did not want to stare too much). I am deeply considering getting a tattoo similar to this! I am young, have not yet had children, but for sure want to. Curious if and how this could stretch with pregnancy. Also, does anyone know any good sites where I can look at tattoos similar to this!? Or does anyone have one similar to this that they would be willing for me to take a look at to get some ideas!?

First go on google and put in Rib piece tattoos and you should get thousands of hits
2nd words or lyrics ?? it completely depends on you whatever you desire to have on yourself go for it nobody can decide for you , but make sure its personal
3rd - Im unsure how been pregnat will effect the tattoo be i dont think it will do to much damage

hope this helps

answer mine;_ylt=At8EA.ziK0eUes3quNsjC6shBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20101009145933AArgZk8

Are small rib tattoos attractive on women?


Okay so I'm 18, 5'1" and about 94 lbs so I'm pretty small and I look pretty young for my age.

For a while I've been considering a small tattoo on my ribs, kind of close to under my breast but more on the side on the ribs. It will just be one straight line and it will say "rise above yourself" in Hebrew (I'm still trying to make sure I have the accurate translation, though). I want this quote because I've had a lot of body issues in the past and am very easily influenced by people, so I like that it would be there as a constant reminder to myself to be stronger than my negative emotions.

Anyways, would this be attractive to you or no? I'm still going to get it if I really want to because it's my body and I'm gonna do what I want, but I would like your opinions! Turn on, turn off? Any other opinions? Thanks guys!

Also, if you speak/ know Hebrew and know how to translate that quote into Hebrew with an equivalent meaning, please let me know!!

Hebrew makes for a beautiful script,as far as accurate translation..sorry I can't help lol. But I've seen similar tattoos in similar placements on women and I think it looks sexy,yet..classy. You obviously appreciate its symbolism so I would say go for it,just make sure you have the appropriate translation correct before doing so...good luck.

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Spider tattoo on girls?


I really want that tattoo. Not on my neck but somewhere on my body. its a spider in case you cannot see it , either way I would like opinions on the idea? my dad does not like it at all and says its not feminine. Also if you have any good ideas for a location of the tattoo it would be much appreciated. I'm only 14 so obviously id be a while before I got this but I've wanted it for a while. Thanks in advance for any help

First off, there is no picture on that link of said tattoo. Also, I am 28 and I have twice wanted a tattoo SOOOOO badly and now am glad I didn't get it. Be sure that you think wisely because this is forever. Make it meaningful and not just a fun image because what you like may change later in life and you might regret it.

More ideas on tattoo?

Q. I'm getting a memorial tattoo for my father who died when I was 11, Is there any ideas someone can give me? I need to sketch out the tattoo and there is a lot of ideas I have in mind. I wanted wings with a heart and daddys girl somewhere. Help please?

I am get a tattoo in memory of my grandfather and so i think that is a great idea, i like the idea of the wings and the heart, although the design should be something you love and not something someone else comes up with, try thinking of something you and your dad shared, mine is a tulip because when i was younger and lived with my grandparents my grandpa and i planted tulips and everytime i see them i think of thouse times. im also getting on for my dad(although he is still alive) that says black sheep because of an old john anderson song and the bond that my father and i have, we have both lead very similar lives, bot of us were and are the black sheep of our families and we understand eachother more because of it.

good luck, im sorry for your loss.

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Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Would you be in relashionsheep with girl who had a low back tattoo?


I am thinking about to get tatto low on my back who i designed.But i heared that some people think that girls who has it are sluts.And im not slut.I dont want it ruin my future .so pls answer me :)

According to Howard Stern, he doesn't recommend girls getting tats!

I agree!

Google: Tattoo Inks Pose Health Risks
A good read: The Hidden Dangers of Getting Inked.
Or TEMPORARY Tattoos May put you @ risk.

If you don't think you'll get an allergic reactions to the ink, the FDA have gotten reports from people who have, and I have read it several times on YA TATTOOS.

Some tattoo colors are harder to remove than others. Laser treatments can turn some tattoos darker instead of lighter, or change them to a different color. The same goes for "permanent makeup," which is a kind of tattoo. It depends on what ingredients went into the tattoo ink to produce the color.

But it can be hard to find out what's in tattoo inks because they usually don't have ingredients listed on the label. Very often, even the tattooist doesn't know what's in the tattoo ink because the company that made it considers the formula "proprietary" (pro-pry-uh-tar-ee). That means it's a trade secret.

Here are some more facts about tattoos:
â¢FDA has not approved any color additives for injection into your skin.
â¢People who get a tattoo should not give blood for a year afterward because of the chance of infection.
â¢Although it happens only very rarely, some people may have an allergic reaction to the dyes used for tattooing. Imagine being allergic to something that's been injected into your skin.
â¢Or, the tattooist may make a mistake. Who wants to wear someone else's mistake forever?

Speaking of forever, how often do you change your mind about your hair, your earrings, or the clothes you like to wear? It's not so easy when you change your mind about a tattoo.

Although many "temporary tattoos" are legal, some -- especially some of those imported from other countries -- are illegal in the United States because they use color additives that are not approved for use on the skin. FDA has had reports of people having allergic reactions to temporary tattoos.

What about henna temporary tattoos? Henna is a brown to reddish brown dye made from a plant. It is approved only for use on the hair, not the skin. If it is black, or any other color besides brown or reddish brown, it contains other ingredients. It also may contain other ingredients to make the stain darker, make the skin absorb the color more easily, or make the stain last longer.

Could these ingredients hurt you? It depends. Individuals are different and may be sensitive to different things. If you don't know what the ingredients are, it's impossible to tell what they might do if you put them on your skin.
According to a poll conducted in January 2012 by pollster Harris Interactive, 1 in 8 (14%) of the 21% of American adults who have tattoos regret getting one. And the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) reports that in 2011, its doctors performed nearly 100,000 tattoo removal procedures, up from the 86,000 performed in 2010.
Unfortunately, removing a tattoo is not as simple as changing your mind.
Artists create tattoos by using an electrically powered machine that moves a needle up and down to inject ink into the skin, penetrating the epidermis, or outer layer, and depositing a drop of ink into the dermis, the second layer. The cells of the dermis are more stable compared with those of the epidermis, so the ink will mostly stay in place for a personâs lifetime. Tattoos are meant to be permanent.
An effective and safe way to remove tattoos is through laser surgery, performed by a dermatologist who specializes in tattoo removal, says FDA's Mehmet Kosoglu, who reviews applications for marketing clearances of laser-devices.

Opinion on girls with tattoos...?


I've been thinking about eventually getting another tattoo, not for a while due to my last tattoo (I got the biggest piece I ever wanted done, so I'm pretty satisfied for the time being.) Anyway, my boyfriend of 2 years isn't crazy about them. I didn't get my 2 tattoos done without his approval, so it's not like he's mad or anything. I'm just curious as to what a lot of other guys/people think about them. There are certain tattoos I would LOVE to get, such as behind the ear or my wrist but then the side of me with morals kicks in. Some reason it bothers me to think of having a tattoo on my left wrist, the same hand I will wear my wedding ring but I've always felt like the right was a bad idea because that'll be the first thing someone sees if you shake their hand. I also think a lot about tattoos that would make it almost inevitable to cover up when I eventually get married. Don't get me wrong, I love my tattoos. But out of respect for my family, I would rather them be covered not by makeup but just a dress that covers them. Anyway, any opinions on all of this? Thanks!
Ok HI, I wasn't asking for people to tell me they are trashy. I'll reiterate, open minded opinions. Also, the family isn't very religious in that sense, and they are ok with my tattoos. It's just not something that they would want out in the open on my wedding day, mainly because it's big enough to be a distraction. My other tattoo is on my foot, so that's not an issue. And this is the USA, didn't ask about women in Asia.

If you know enough to hide tattoos, then you already know you should not get any. And yet, you have them, and even want more. Something is wrong with this picture! Here is my opinion on girls with tattoos: I recommend to men that they stay away from a woman with any tattoo, anywhere. I could say the same thing to women about men with tattoos. Tattoos mean trouble. Tattoos are a huge "red flag" that means one or more of the following:
"I am a misfit"
"I will cause you big problems",
"Get to know me and you will regret it"
"I am immature",
"I am needy",
âI am foolishâ,
âI am shallowâ
âI make bad decisionsâ,
âI have no sense of right and wrong,â
âI follow fadsâ,
âI am unemployableâ,
"I have been to prison",
"I belong to a criminal gang",
"I am promiscuous",
"I work in the sex-services industry",
"I can not sustain a long term relationship".
âI will fail in my lifeâ
A tattoo is little better than a cartoonâyou canât get a good quality drawing on the human skin. It will deface your body like ugly graffiti defaces a public building. I strongly suggest that you do not get a tattoo. There is a big cost to getting a tattoo, and it is far more than wasted money. The true cost of a tattoo is a lifetime of regret. Most regret it within 5 years. There is an 80% chance you will regret it in your lifetime. The regret starts after you start to notice how people react to you. Many people will look at you with disgust, for tattoos are offensive to many, many people. Your chances of getting a good job will be greatly diminishedâmost companies will not hire you since your tattoo will be seen as offensive to other workers. The majority of western people get tattooed when young and their decision making process is not yet matured. Youth tends to be impulsive. Young people are still developing and they need to be very careful in making important, permanent decisions. The reasons young people get tattooed are not mature (i.e. they want people to notice them, they want to pretentiously âhonorâ someone in a way that will attract notice, they want to pretentiously present some âdeepâ quotation on their skin in the hope that people will think they too are âdeepâ, they are rebelling against their parents or society, they are conforming to what they think are social norms, they are unable to see ahead and view the negative results of their actions, etc.) If you want to see the true level of cultural development for tattoos and other body modifications, look at this video: . In a large sense, nothing illustrates the degeneration of western culture more than the entertainment industry encouraging impulsive youth to permanently disfigure themselves in order to âexpress themselvesâ. But such is the power of suggestion that more and more young people are buying into this Hollywood lie that tattoos are a cutting edge way to âexpressâ yourself. But that is so not true. You should express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. Good luck to you in your life. But do not get tattooed. Tattoos are permanent. You can not take them back. There are so many questions on this board about how to remove unwanted tattoos. Pay attention to them. They are there for a reason: People do not want to keep their tattoos. One day you will wish you had never gotten your tattoo(s) and will start to ask how you can get rid of them. Be smart and do not put yourself in this position.

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Women's clothing similar to Ed Hardy, Miami Ink, Sailor Jerry etc?

Jeanine H

Hey guys. (: I'm looking for clothing styles similar to Ed Hardy, Miami Ink, Sailor Jerry etc.. You know, tattoo designs on clothing? Post here if you know of any, or if you know of where I can get some really cool tee-shirts. Thank you!

cute tattoo skirts and shirts from wetseal :] but more affordable than ed hardy lol

What is your opinion on tattoo's of women showing bare breasts?


What would be your first thought if you saw a person with a tattoo of a lady with bare breast? What kind of impression would that person make to you? Would your opinions differ if the person with the tattoo was a man or woman?

If it was classic 'Sailor jerry style' pinup type woman, I would think that the wearer likes old style traditional tattoos, and is wearing a piece of art and culture history. I love tatts of this style.

If it was just a random chick with bosoms exposed to cause offense or titillation(so to speak) I would think creepy and not want to be around that person.

Classic art tattoos can work for anyone who can project the image, from a salty old seadog to Amy winehouse premortem.

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cross tattoo nice on girls?

Aim�e Mil

i want a simple black cross on my side just below my underarm. not too big just about 3 inches. do you think this is trashy on a girl or would it be nice?
i already have a tattoo on my lower arm so it doesn't mean anything to me when you say they are all trashy, i just want to know if this one is. im sick of people asking me what the one on my arm means and i want one i can hide thats just for me. and yes it has a personal meaning..

All tattoos are trashy. None are nice. Best tattoo is no tattoo.

Tattoos = REGRET

POLL: Tattoos on girls?


Good or bad? Attractive or unattractive?

And I'm talking about girly tattoos, maybe one or two. Not SUPER TATTOOED. Maybe a cross on the wrist, or a flower on the back...

What do guys generally think?

Tattoos don't constitute an ugly or cute girl to me. Of course there are non-tattooed girls that I've found unattractive [and plenty that I thought
are attractive]. It's the same w/ girls w/ tattoos. One girl I know has 15+ tattoos and she's one of the most attractive and sexiest girls I've ever met. I've met some girls w/ small "girly" tattoos and the tattoos didn't get me.

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are sleeve tattoos on women sexy?


im a 22 year old girl getting a 2/3 sleeve done on my arm. i have a full back piece and think its time to extend it out. and i was wondering if men think that a girl with an almost half sleeve would be sexy.....

I have a half sleeve and yes, the reactions to it vary with guys. My husband loves it and the rest of my tattoos. Many guys find it powerful but a bit too "alternative" or bad ass. And yes, some find it rather disturbing and a turnoff.

Here's the thing. Ultimately, you are who you are and it sounds like tattoos are a part of that. Wouldn't you rather find a guy that finds that part of you sexy and interesting, than holding back on part of yourself to attract a guy who might make you compromise in other areas as well? Be comfortable in your skin and loved for who you are!

Do you think woman with sleeves and other tattoos are unattractive?? O.o?


Okay, my friend and I were talking about tattoos, and I told him I want sleeves and a tattoo on the side of my neck. He told me not to because guys don't think that's attractive. To me I could care less what people out there think of me, but then I got to wondering, how many guys out there don't like a woman with tattoos? If you're a woman out there reading this do u like tattoos er think their attractive??? Thanks all!

It doesn't matter about what your douche friend thinks and if you like tattoos or want sleeves then that's all that matters. I like women with tattoos and or half sleeves or full sleeves if they can pull it off, it makes them look sexier and it shows they have some mystery to them. It's very attractive and women with tattoos look good and in my opinion look better then women without tattoos. So don't worry about what your friends think or anyone else because tattoos are for you and as long as you love them then that's all that matters. I'm 21 and I want full sleeves also but I'm going to wait to get any below the elbow until I have my career. So have fun getting tattooed and don't worry about what one guy thinks about it, he is probably too scared to get any tattoos himself and doesn't understand why people get tattooed. How old are you btw?

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I need you guys to settle a tattoo bet for me....all opinions welcome?

In your opinion.... which of these 3 foot tattoos would look the sexiest on a hot woman's foot......(She is a sold 8.5/9 all day long)

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

I have to go with option 4---Nothing!

I don't care for tattoos, nor do I find them attractive.

Who is this woman? I need more pictures?


I want to know who this is, because I need to see more pictures of that tattoo, haha ^^

The picture that you posted is from site â
They won't give you the information that you are looking for. But if you are looking for the pattern then you can contact Quality Rivets. But I think that you already know that they won't give you the pattern.

You can see more pictures at:

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Foot Tattoo???

*I <3 my P

I want to get my first tattoo on my foot.....i know its supposed to be realllllyyy painful!....i want to get a blue butterfly i already have a pic of it, but i also want to add those sparkling looking stars and swirly lines to it.....i know how i want it all 2 look, but i suck at drawing!....if i let the person know and they draw something up, do they charge for that???...and if i dont like the they draw another one and then charge again??? Please i need answers! I also wanted to know if sum1 can compare the pain on ur foot to any other kind of pain?
Im not getting a butterfly bcuz its getting it was both of my sisters first tattoos (they have the same one) and so does my cousin...we are the only girls left so we wanted to share sumthin....but since i wasnt 18 at that time....i couldnt get i dont want the same one as them...but similar!

first, don't worry about explaining what your tattoo means to anyone. as long as you know what it means to YOU and you know that it's something you can live with forever, that's all that matters. and i think the fact that it's something you and your sisters are sharing, makes it special.

every shop has slightly different procedures and policies when it comes to coming up with custom artwork. i've worked at several different shops, and they've all kinda done it differently. some shops don't charge anything, but they don't allow you to leave the shop with the artwork. some shops charge like, $20 but it goes towards to final price of your tattoo, so essentially you're not really paying extra. but it's a one time fee, you shouldn't have to pay it again, regardless of how many times the artist has to redo it. be picky, it's something that's going to be on your body forever. tattoo artists know this, so they will more than likely encourage you to really think about the final product and see if you'd like to make any changes so that it's just right for you. your best bet is to find a shop near you that you like the artwork/tattoos that comes out of there, contact them and ask them about their policies on drawing up designs.

as far as the pain goes, i don't have any tattoos on my feet, but i have tattooed A LOT of feet. everyone takes it differently. it depends on the persons pain threshold, and sometimes even depends on the artist. some artists are more heavy handed than others. i'm very light handed so i've rarely ever had someone complain while i tattooed their feet. they said it was a little painful but i've never had anyone fidget or scream or anything. i have witnessed a girl screaming at the top of her lungs and crying once when this guy tattood her feet....but he was extremely heavy handed. and i know this because i foolishly let him tattoo my back and i threw up i was in so much pain! and now my tattoo is scarred and raised up. i'm pretty much tattooed all over, but i have my ribs tattooed and barely felt it, and most people say that's also one of the most painful areas to get tattooed. so i know it was because he was heavy handed. you live and you learn. just remember that you are a woman, a bearer of children, and you can handle anything. i bet you'll be surprised at how well you will handle it. good luck with everything, i hope it turns out great!


Paigeee <3

I'm 15 and my step mom said i can get a tattoo when i turn 16 which is jan 6th. What should my first tattoo be a tramp stamp or like a little star or something? If you have any suggestions plz write them down & try to put a picture lol thank you!!!!!!!

First, don't let anyone sway your opinion on if you want a lower back tattoo. They were around long before the term "tramp stamp" was invented, and they'll be around long after people ask "what's a tramp stamp?". If that's what you want, then go for it!

Second, seeing as to how tattoos are forever, make it something meaningful, or something that you will enjoy for the rest of your life. Remember that likes and dislikes will change a lot over your life (especially in the next 5 years of your life), so when you make your decision, make sure that it won't be something you'll hate later on in life, such as lyrics from a band you can't remember 20 years from now ^_~ (however, if it's meaningful lyrics, or from your 'all time favorite band', then consider it [ex: I would be happy with the lyrics from Metallica's Fade to Black, but I'd kick myself if I had Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby]).

Likewise, if you choose some picture of some sort, unless you plan to have a 'child-like playfulness' about you your entire life, I would avoid any sort of child-like imagery (if fate should have it that, at 80, you're a bitter old woman, you will hate the lollipop tattoo on your ankle), or conversely, anything too 'extreme' from your 'average self' (if at 80 you're a kid-at-heart, the tattoo that reminds you to take the "safe route" might become too stuffy for you).

For something meaningful, consider your own personality traits. If you think of yourself as being courageous, pick a lion. If you're cute, pick a puppy or a ribbon. If you love stargazing, pick celestial figures. If you're religious, pick your favorite passage from your (insert appropriate book here), or an icon from your favorite story. If you take pride in your heritage, pick a pattern based off that heritage... and so on.

If you want something purely artistic but simple, some suggestions: a shower of stars, a rainbow ending in a cloud, butterflies (consider natural butterflies as well, as they are just as vivid in nature as our own imaginations), frogs, geckos, vines, flowers, leaves, small birds, owls, or smiley face with "Have A Nice Day" (or maybe a pirate happy face with "Have A Piratey Day, ARRR!", or some other theme like that).

Most tattoo shops will have flash (common tattoo images) on their walls for you to look at, so if no ideas here satisfy what you want, check out their flash, and see if you can't work with your artist to come up with something that's "uniquely you".

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Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Do you have any tattooes?


What are they and is there a story behind it?

Tattoos, and yes I have several of them.

My artist is Tim Maccowan of Aardvark Tattoos & Body Piercing in Saint Johns, MI.

At age 16 I used a needle and some India ink to put:
I (heart) Pat! on my left upper thigh/hip area. He was my boyfriend at the time. Except the tail of the 'a' later faded so now it looks like ' I (heart) Pot!' LoL Which I don't, but that just had to be the spot that faded. (I'm 32 now and still happily married to the same 'Pat' I was dating at 16).

At age 18 I did the cliche Unicorn Head on my Right hip, it still looks pretty but I've learned by now that I want original tattoos, not the flash art or cliche things like a rose, butterfly, or unicorn.

That tattoo was my first 'real' one did by an artist, and it was done in celebration of my marriage, moving away from home, and being 'grown up' now. (I was still a kid though as only age teaches you).

At age 20 something (I truly forgot the period when this one was done) I had Reverend Dark (a well known artist) do my intials on my upper Left breast. I loop my three intials together in a certain way - he traced my original signature and inked it onto my skin. He had fangs, long black hair, and spider webs inked at the corner of his eyes. I was terrified of him, yet he was the sweetest man once I got to know him. That tattoo was probably just a desire or whim of the moment inking. I know I had seen Mexican gang girls with names on their breasts and I thought it looked sexy. (I grew up in a small all white german Catholic town).

At age 32 I discovered Tim of Aardvarks Tattoos. He inked a celtic stone cross (large one!) onto the back of my neck this late May. It was for my grandmother who had just gotten seriously hurt, plus other family members. My children, husband, mother, and grandma. Plus an uncle who has a terminal disease. The cross has 4 gemstones, one at each point. Each gemstone is colored in the birthstone hue for my children, grandma, and husband. Then a yellow rose wraps up around the cross for my mom. Yellow roses are her favorite flower. The cross is for my uncle and everyone.

Then not even a month or so later (in June) I had Tim tattoo a beautiful hummingbird, purple flowers, and tribal like vine on my outter Right calf. It goes from almost my knee area to my ankle. My mother loves hummingbirds, and I figured better that then a skeleton ripping out of my skin. Might freak mom and my kids. *winks*

Annnnnnnnnd tonight, I razored a small star onto my left hand right between my pointer finger and thumb area. I then rubbed India ink into the cuts and presto, a beautiful perfect little star. This reminds me to follow my own path in life, to be true to myself and my family, and to never give up on my dreams or the future. It also reminds me how far I have come, and everything I have survived. It's one reason I did it myself.

I probably have another one that I've forgot about in my old age.

I'm going to get more of course, I'm a horrible whimp with the needles but I love the artwork once it's all said and done. I've learned that those who hate tattoos will tell you why they hate them.. what they think of tattoos on women, etc etc.. BUT I learned to ignore the negative people and just take pleasure in the many compliments and conversations strangers start up with me BECAUSE of my tattoos. *proud smile*

And for those who say 'it will look horrible when you're 80', I reply with 'so will the rest of me so who cares!' lol For those who say tattoos are somehow evil.. well, just ignore them because they have some serious mental issues and it's useless trying to convince them Satan didn't hold you down and ink your butt. hehee (No, I am not satanic.) For those who say ink is ugly on women, well those are usually the types who want a Barbie Doll perfect girlfriend so they wouldn't have liked somethign else on me or about me anyway (with or without the tattoos).

Piercings? I only my ears pierced with a 14g CBR and yes I screamed when Tim pierced them. It hurt! lol

Do tattoos look trashy on women?


To me, tattoos make a woman look cheap. Tattoos in general have criminal connotations to the general public- sorry, but I would not want a tattoo'd nurse taking care of my kids.

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wat u think of the term "tramp stamp"?
i hve wat i l call a lower back tattoo. i do agree its demeaning to call it the other way

I think it's a bad connotation for one of the few spots a girl can get a tattoo and not have to worry about covering it up. Having a visible tattoo can be looked down upon in some societies, and then theres the concern of getting a tattoo on your stomach. When you get pregnant, that will stretch and distort and be all sorts of ruined! The back is one of the few places a woman can do a reasonbly sized tattoo and still look 'presentable' if she has to be. I don't personally care, but I know of people who look poorly on women with openly visible tattoos.

Tattoos on girls?


What do other guys besides me think of tattoos on girls? I personally find them incredibly attractive!!! (as long as they only have a few and no really big ones)

also, why are lower back tattoos called tramp stamps? How did the connotations of "sluttiness" in some people's mind emerge?
I don't think large or many tattoos would make a girl unattractive at all.
Just to me the tattoo should make the girl cuter, sexier, whatever, but not overshadow her existing beauty.
But if the girl were one I liked truly, her personality would be more important. Nice looks and nice tattoos would just be a nice bonus.
I find lower back tattoos good on the right girl. Some girls I don't think it would work with.
I understand the cheap connotation, but on a girl who really isn't that way I think they are unbelievably sexy and cute.

my boyfriend wants me to get a tattoo as long as theyre not everywhere and not huge. im getting stars with words in the middle on my lower stomach and the word trust on my wrist. tramp stamps come from strippers having them i believe...but yeah i just asked my bf again how hed feel if i got them he said itd be cute.

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Are all tattoos on girls slutty?


I have mixed feelings about tattoos.. I have thought about getting one that is a dove, it would be small and I don't know where I would put it. I don't want it to be visible with clothes on because I don't want it to show at work. So two questions... 1. Are all tattoos slutty? And 2. If I choose to get this dove tattoo where should I get it?

Thank you!

Tattoos don't define who you are, I think they are a way of expressing your self. I have some tattoos and have been faith full to my boy friend for several years, even thinking about getting engaged. You don't have to have tattoos that are visible, you can keep them to your self and show them when you want to.
1. NO not all tattoos are slutty and they don't make you slutty either.
2. If you don't want it visible then think about your regular clothing, your work clothes and what will keep your tattoo covered. A good place to get a tattoo would be your shoulder or the hip area, you can show it and hide it when you need to and it's not too pain full to get one there.

Hmmmm. one worded tattoos.?

Lisa Marie

Im a girl, but cant think of anything besides faith, i want something pretty.


If you really wanna know others jus go to google and type in word tattoos for girls

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Tattoos on Women - Poll?

Inked Fant

Tell us about your feelings involving tattoos on women. I am most interested in those who think it looks sexy verses masculine on women. Also where do you think placement matters (do you like tattoos on a woman's arm most, her lower back, inner wrist, etc) ? What style do you like on women? (such as flowers, skulls, tribal)
Let's find out what all of us bored late nighters think. And yes, I have tattoos (I'm also over 30 and married).

i have tattoos and i think that not all women should get them. its all about self expression... i find that most places arent attractive on women such as a sleeve on the arm but my opinion on that doesnt really matter if the person is happy with it. i actually dont like things that are common... i get tattoos as a symbol of something important in my life not as just a decoration of something i thought was "cool" at the time... to me it has to be meaningful

Best place for a tattoo, for a woman over 35 yrs., Inside of left wrist or Back of neck??


I am planning to get a nice, rather discreet tatoo, but can't decide if I will do it on the back of the neck or my left wrist.
And I am not too young.
Any ideas?

This depends on if, when you dress up, if you do, that it, you like to put your hair up. That being so, then it would depend if it were the type of social function where you wouldn't mind showing a tattoo. The inside of the wrist is discreet and can be covered up with a bracelet or watch. The social mores and fores are changing of course, and I predict that when we are in our eighties, that tattoos will have more social acceptance. They have come a long way in my time. I got my first when I was 15 on my leg, back when only sailors, bikers and punks had tattoos. This aside, keep in mind that a tattoo, while a statment of who you are, is also a fashion statement and sometimes it's a statement you'd rather not make. At Aunt Becki's funeral for example. However, it's all you, so do what you think is best. I shan't talk about the pain or the permance, as we are all big boys and girls and surely know about such stuff.

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