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I'm scheduled to go this coming tuesday, but I'm a little worried about the medical testing. I have absolutely no problems listed in my medical history except that I wear contacts. That is the one thing I'm worried about. I'm not sure what my vision is (ex:20/30), but my contact's case says I wear -7.00 in one eye and -7.50 in the other. Should I be that worried if the disqualifier is at +/- 8.00? Also I'm joining the Air Force and am interested in the geospatial intelligence field if that helps. Thanks in advance.
Are you a guy or girl? I can give you my experience but I am a girl, so a few things might be different for when you go.
You report in at 5am* I got in a 5am but had to wait for the air force guys to get to work before we started because they were running late*
After they have arrived you go into their office and you are givin' a whole speech about what to do and not to do through out the day, you give them your cell phones and they give you your folders.
After that they are supposed to take you to a room that you can place your bags in but one of the guys was nice enough to let me store my purse in his overhead locker in his office. They will talk to you about how you are not to leave your folder or let someone else hold it, and that today will be a long day and to just do as your told.
After that you go into a line and some people at a desk check you in and put your medical papers in your folder and mark some stuff on it and ask your social security number * if you don't know your ssn by now you will by the end of the day, it will be burned in your head* , on top of your folder will be the stages of MEPS that you need to go to and get checked. Then you go into a room to put on a piece of paper if you have tattoos and stuff like that and then give you the Breathalyzer( don't chew gum)
Eyes: eyes will be your first stop, for air force they will test your eye sight as well as if you are color blind or not. They will do the normal eye test and then a depth perception test and then a test to see if you have a lazy eye and stuff like that. Bring your glasses or contacts if you wear them. I stupidly left mine in my car and lets just say I was in the room FOREVER.
Hearing: hearing will be your next stop, you will go into a room that basically has a sound proof box in the room that you go into and some chairs with curtains in front and back of you. You are givin' little triggers that you press when you hear a sound but of course you always get that one jackass out of the bunch that thinks it's okay to hack up a lung while you take the test and you cant hear some of it. I wanted to punch the light out of the guy who did that during my test.
After this you will be taken to another room that separates the boys and the girls for the rest of the day.
You go into a room and they take you into this area that looks like bathroom that's doors and that's where they take your blood and then you go into another room and exercises the "exercises room" you will be asked to strip down to underwear and a bra if you are a girl and then a cover up and then reciereceive pee cup and to pee in front of the person who gave it to you. if you cannot pee on demand then you are shit out of luck, you miss fire you have to wait till' you can and normally if you cant pee by a certain time then they will tell you to go home and you have to start the process all over again ExcisExercisesExcerExercises will do a walking test, duck walk, flat feet test...etc.
Doctor visit: You will go into a room with a doctor and they will ask you your medical history.
Doctor check: you will wait all together in another room while the other person is in the room and they will turn the lights off to test your eyes again then turn the light back on, then ask you to lie back and he will check your stomach and stuff like that then check to see if you are really a boy or girl. My doctor told me to " spread my legs" which was uncomfortable coming from an 80 year old man lol.
* I was told by the guys that were there that they have to do the cough test and then get a finger up thier butt as well* who knows if they were serious or not though.
after that you go to check in at the desk with your check like * make sure you have all your paperwork done and in order or the guy will yell at you and embarrass you* and then he will place you in a swearing in class and then you are done for the day and report to your recruiter when you are done.Good luck :)
Are you a guy or girl? I can give you my experience but I am a girl, so a few things might be different for when you go.
You report in at 5am* I got in a 5am but had to wait for the air force guys to get to work before we started because they were running late*
After they have arrived you go into their office and you are givin' a whole speech about what to do and not to do through out the day, you give them your cell phones and they give you your folders.
After that they are supposed to take you to a room that you can place your bags in but one of the guys was nice enough to let me store my purse in his overhead locker in his office. They will talk to you about how you are not to leave your folder or let someone else hold it, and that today will be a long day and to just do as your told.
After that you go into a line and some people at a desk check you in and put your medical papers in your folder and mark some stuff on it and ask your social security number * if you don't know your ssn by now you will by the end of the day, it will be burned in your head* , on top of your folder will be the stages of MEPS that you need to go to and get checked. Then you go into a room to put on a piece of paper if you have tattoos and stuff like that and then give you the Breathalyzer( don't chew gum)
Eyes: eyes will be your first stop, for air force they will test your eye sight as well as if you are color blind or not. They will do the normal eye test and then a depth perception test and then a test to see if you have a lazy eye and stuff like that. Bring your glasses or contacts if you wear them. I stupidly left mine in my car and lets just say I was in the room FOREVER.
Hearing: hearing will be your next stop, you will go into a room that basically has a sound proof box in the room that you go into and some chairs with curtains in front and back of you. You are givin' little triggers that you press when you hear a sound but of course you always get that one jackass out of the bunch that thinks it's okay to hack up a lung while you take the test and you cant hear some of it. I wanted to punch the light out of the guy who did that during my test.
After this you will be taken to another room that separates the boys and the girls for the rest of the day.
You go into a room and they take you into this area that looks like bathroom that's doors and that's where they take your blood and then you go into another room and exercises the "exercises room" you will be asked to strip down to underwear and a bra if you are a girl and then a cover up and then reciereceive pee cup and to pee in front of the person who gave it to you. if you cannot pee on demand then you are shit out of luck, you miss fire you have to wait till' you can and normally if you cant pee by a certain time then they will tell you to go home and you have to start the process all over again ExcisExercisesExcerExercises will do a walking test, duck walk, flat feet test...etc.
Doctor visit: You will go into a room with a doctor and they will ask you your medical history.
Doctor check: you will wait all together in another room while the other person is in the room and they will turn the lights off to test your eyes again then turn the light back on, then ask you to lie back and he will check your stomach and stuff like that then check to see if you are really a boy or girl. My doctor told me to " spread my legs" which was uncomfortable coming from an 80 year old man lol.
* I was told by the guys that were there that they have to do the cough test and then get a finger up thier butt as well* who knows if they were serious or not though.
after that you go to check in at the desk with your check like * make sure you have all your paperwork done and in order or the guy will yell at you and embarrass you* and then he will place you in a swearing in class and then you are done for the day and report to your recruiter when you are done.Good luck :)
What do you do if you would like to have a boyfriend but you're a woman from USA?
Wheep Whee
I mean no offense to anyone but no one seems to want American women!!
Look at this site:
The guy that wrote this article seems like a bastard, I imagine he probably can't get a gf of his own... BUT this is how the world sees us. :( I'm nothing like that horrible "typical" American woman he describes but I feel so discouraged after reading this because that's how the world sees us!!! That's all anyone will ever see in me. ALL men seem to prefer latinas.
I wish I were something else... I've always wished I were either Hispanic or Irish. I've never been to Ireland but I feel certain I would really dig Irish culture, I know some guys from there that are so nice and sweet that it literally makes me cry.
I can't change my race, though and I can't change the fact that I'm not attracted to guys from USA. I feel an especially profound love for Hispanic culture and Hispanic guys have a "forma de ser" or way of being, that reflects the culture I love so much.
I'm not trying to be mean, but I've just never been interested in guys from USA. There's nothing wrong with them!
I just feel the way I feel because all my life I've loved Latin culture. I felt out of place in US culture but studied abroad in Mexico and in Spain and felt like I belonged and felt accepted. It's natural I'd be attracted to Hispanic guys.
Has anyone here ever heard of a relationship where the woman was from USA and the guy was from somewhere else but loved her anyway?
Is it just hopeless... or would any nationality take me seriously as a gf?
My ancestors, I'm told, came here from Spain, Ireland and France and every day I wonder what possessed them to come here because those are three nationalities I wish I could be... and now I can't find a bf because nobody wants an American woman :(
LOL, ok if your problem is because you are a USA woman, them do not tell ever guy that you meet that you are from the USA. You speak Spanish really well, just tell them you are from Spain or simply tell them that you are Mexican. There are a lot of Mexican white people that i Know. I am sure they will believe you. However, if you have an accent, then that is a bad idea.
LOL that webpage that you put there is awesome. It is very informative, now I have 100 more reasons not to be interested in White girls.
I am definitely passing it out to my friends.
Thank you!
The section that really reflects how white USA girls are, was the section named âAmerican woman's "Perfect Guy" qualities listâ
1.5'8â and taller
2.Dark brown hair with brown eyes/blue eyes
5.Weight depending on height â not skinny, not fat
6.Good sense of humor
8.Cute laugh
10.*Affectionate* in front of friends
11.Gives me lots of attention
13.Popular but doesn't know the whole state
14.Friends with my friends
15.Nice smile
16.Straight teeth
17.No facial or body hair (except legs n under arms)
18.Pierced ear(s) if any
19.Not too many tattoos if any
20.Likes to cuddle
21.Likes to party
22.Takes me out
23.Grabs my hand to hold
24.Kisses me unexpectedly
25.Dresses nice (*ABERCROMBIE*) hehe
26.Has a good job
27.Tells me he misses me when we're not together
28.Makes me laugh
29.Open minded
31.Holds doors for me
32.Opens car doors
34.Likes all type of music
35.Likes going to the movies
36.Talks to his friends about me
37.Looks into my eyes when just laying there on the bed
38.Gives massages without me having to ask
39.Plays with my hair
40.Calls me to just say hi
41.Tries not to argue
42.Apologizes for when he does wrong
43.Says what he's feeling
44.Has a car
45.Has a dog
46.Has a family that likes me
47.Compliments me
48.Is tan
49.Doesn't curse all the time
50.Wants to be with me as much as possible
51.Comes over unexpectedly
52.Wakes me up with a kiss
53.Same age or 3 years at the most older than me
56.Likes to shop
57.Has good manners
58.Doesn't smoke
59.Occasionally drinks
61.Is on time for dates
62.Calls back later when he says he will
63.Lives close to me
64.Wants to meet my family
65.Treats me like a princess
66.Has a cute butt
67.Good kissable lips
68.Good kisser
69.Good memory
70.Does special things for holidays/birthdays/anniversary/etc
72.Has direction
74.Likes everything about me
76.*My best friend*
79.Persistent â Hard working
80.Likes walks on the beach
81.Likes just staying home sometimes
82.Writes me songs/poems
83.Likes to dance
84.Has a sexy voice
85.Cooks for me
86.Likes to show me off
87.Calls me or introduces me as his "girlfriend" not "Rachel"
88.Likes to take pictures
89.Flirts with me in public and in private
90.Puts up with my mood swings
91.Comforts me when I'm sad
92.Doesn't say âsorryâ all the time when it's not needed
93.Sticks up for me
94.Likes animals
95.Sends me flowers for no reason
96.Ignores my imperfections
97.Surprises me (good surprises)
98.Doesn't ever yell at me
99.Likes picnics
100.Likes to clean
101.First to say I Love You
102.Listens to me
103.Smells good
104.*Doesn't lie*
105.Likes kids
106.Makes me the center of his world
107.Not in trouble with the law
108.Isn't a goody-goody
109.Doesn't stare at other girls
110.Doesn't talk to other girls more than me
111.Doodles our names on paper
112.Likes to draw
113.Leaves notes on my car
114.Let's me go out with him and his friends
115.Will hang out with me and my friends
116.Puts pictures of me in his car and wallet
117.Gets jealous but not too jealous
119.Doesn't hang up on me
120.Calls me babe, sweetie, etc
121.Calls me cute pet names
122.Isn't conceited
123.Isn't a penny-pincher
124.Likes sports and going to sports events
125.Likes to play board games/video games and lets me win
126.Doesn't play mind games
127.Doesn't just think about sex
128.Cares about world issues
129.Doesn't make me cry
130.Leaves sweet voicemails/text messages on my phone
131.Isn't shy
132.Has hopes, dreams, and wishes
133.Not opinionated
134.Will watch chick flicks even if he doesn't like them
135.Can spell
LOL, ok if your problem is because you are a USA woman, them do not tell ever guy that you meet that you are from the USA. You speak Spanish really well, just tell them you are from Spain or simply tell them that you are Mexican. There are a lot of Mexican white people that i Know. I am sure they will believe you. However, if you have an accent, then that is a bad idea.
LOL that webpage that you put there is awesome. It is very informative, now I have 100 more reasons not to be interested in White girls.
I am definitely passing it out to my friends.
Thank you!
The section that really reflects how white USA girls are, was the section named âAmerican woman's "Perfect Guy" qualities listâ
1.5'8â and taller
2.Dark brown hair with brown eyes/blue eyes
5.Weight depending on height â not skinny, not fat
6.Good sense of humor
8.Cute laugh
10.*Affectionate* in front of friends
11.Gives me lots of attention
13.Popular but doesn't know the whole state
14.Friends with my friends
15.Nice smile
16.Straight teeth
17.No facial or body hair (except legs n under arms)
18.Pierced ear(s) if any
19.Not too many tattoos if any
20.Likes to cuddle
21.Likes to party
22.Takes me out
23.Grabs my hand to hold
24.Kisses me unexpectedly
25.Dresses nice (*ABERCROMBIE*) hehe
26.Has a good job
27.Tells me he misses me when we're not together
28.Makes me laugh
29.Open minded
31.Holds doors for me
32.Opens car doors
34.Likes all type of music
35.Likes going to the movies
36.Talks to his friends about me
37.Looks into my eyes when just laying there on the bed
38.Gives massages without me having to ask
39.Plays with my hair
40.Calls me to just say hi
41.Tries not to argue
42.Apologizes for when he does wrong
43.Says what he's feeling
44.Has a car
45.Has a dog
46.Has a family that likes me
47.Compliments me
48.Is tan
49.Doesn't curse all the time
50.Wants to be with me as much as possible
51.Comes over unexpectedly
52.Wakes me up with a kiss
53.Same age or 3 years at the most older than me
56.Likes to shop
57.Has good manners
58.Doesn't smoke
59.Occasionally drinks
61.Is on time for dates
62.Calls back later when he says he will
63.Lives close to me
64.Wants to meet my family
65.Treats me like a princess
66.Has a cute butt
67.Good kissable lips
68.Good kisser
69.Good memory
70.Does special things for holidays/birthdays/anniversary/etc
72.Has direction
74.Likes everything about me
76.*My best friend*
79.Persistent â Hard working
80.Likes walks on the beach
81.Likes just staying home sometimes
82.Writes me songs/poems
83.Likes to dance
84.Has a sexy voice
85.Cooks for me
86.Likes to show me off
87.Calls me or introduces me as his "girlfriend" not "Rachel"
88.Likes to take pictures
89.Flirts with me in public and in private
90.Puts up with my mood swings
91.Comforts me when I'm sad
92.Doesn't say âsorryâ all the time when it's not needed
93.Sticks up for me
94.Likes animals
95.Sends me flowers for no reason
96.Ignores my imperfections
97.Surprises me (good surprises)
98.Doesn't ever yell at me
99.Likes picnics
100.Likes to clean
101.First to say I Love You
102.Listens to me
103.Smells good
104.*Doesn't lie*
105.Likes kids
106.Makes me the center of his world
107.Not in trouble with the law
108.Isn't a goody-goody
109.Doesn't stare at other girls
110.Doesn't talk to other girls more than me
111.Doodles our names on paper
112.Likes to draw
113.Leaves notes on my car
114.Let's me go out with him and his friends
115.Will hang out with me and my friends
116.Puts pictures of me in his car and wallet
117.Gets jealous but not too jealous
119.Doesn't hang up on me
120.Calls me babe, sweetie, etc
121.Calls me cute pet names
122.Isn't conceited
123.Isn't a penny-pincher
124.Likes sports and going to sports events
125.Likes to play board games/video games and lets me win
126.Doesn't play mind games
127.Doesn't just think about sex
128.Cares about world issues
129.Doesn't make me cry
130.Leaves sweet voicemails/text messages on my phone
131.Isn't shy
132.Has hopes, dreams, and wishes
133.Not opinionated
134.Will watch chick flicks even if he doesn't like them
135.Can spell
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