i want to get a tattoo on my chest, above my breasts and below my collar bones, but im worried about sagging later on.
Hey, depends on your size and how genetically predisposed towards sagging you are, but it's extremely likely to end up looking stretched out, and aside from that it's also an extraordinarily ugly place for a woman to get a tattoo - it's also a place very difficult to cover up convincingly should the need arise, unless you want to spend your professional life in high necked tops. Honestly, I'm not saying this to p*** you off but unless you're a seriously hard core tattoo chick, please think again - to the non-hard core tattoo population tattooed breasts (or just above them) really, really looks appalling... stretched out or not.
Hey, depends on your size and how genetically predisposed towards sagging you are, but it's extremely likely to end up looking stretched out, and aside from that it's also an extraordinarily ugly place for a woman to get a tattoo - it's also a place very difficult to cover up convincingly should the need arise, unless you want to spend your professional life in high necked tops. Honestly, I'm not saying this to p*** you off but unless you're a seriously hard core tattoo chick, please think again - to the non-hard core tattoo population tattooed breasts (or just above them) really, really looks appalling... stretched out or not.
What is your opinion about chest tattoos on women?

Le All Kno
i think some chest tattoos look pretty on some women. Depending on what it is and the design. I have a beautiful tattoo that symbolizes my native american side as well as my children on my chest, and it is too late for regrets. I get looks from people that like it and some that just get intimidated. Never the less, people will always pass judgment on others when it isn't their place to do so. That is why it is called Art!
i think some chest tattoos look pretty on some women. Depending on what it is and the design. I have a beautiful tattoo that symbolizes my native american side as well as my children on my chest, and it is too late for regrets. I get looks from people that like it and some that just get intimidated. Never the less, people will always pass judgment on others when it isn't their place to do so. That is why it is called Art!
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