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Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013
What is the tackiest tattoo you have ever seen?
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Where is it socially acceptable for guys to get tattoos?
tattoos for girls sides image
I recently got a tattoo on the side of my right calf and I was wondering where it would be okay to get more? I'm already planning on getting more calf tattoos but I was wondering where else guys could get tattoos. Please list all possible places. Thanks!
If you're going to answer, please be serious about it. List places to get it, instead of places I shouldn't get it.
The reason we're listing places you shouldn't get it, is because they are far less numerous. Don't get one on your wrist without a sleeve to back it up. Don't get anything on your lower back, unless you already have a full back piece. Don't get one on your ankle, unless it blends with your calf, or leg piece. And DON'T get anything on your personal places, because the girls will laugh at them. The upper right or left shoulder is the place most guys start. I've seen just about everything. Take care.
The reason we're listing places you shouldn't get it, is because they are far less numerous. Don't get one on your wrist without a sleeve to back it up. Don't get anything on your lower back, unless you already have a full back piece. Don't get one on your ankle, unless it blends with your calf, or leg piece. And DON'T get anything on your personal places, because the girls will laugh at them. The upper right or left shoulder is the place most guys start. I've seen just about everything. Take care.
Does a scrotum tattoo cause permanent damage to sperm production?
Jay S.
I lost a bet and have to have two girls names tattooed on either side of my balls. I have heard it doesn't hurt that much, however I was wondering if the tattoo causes long term damage to sperm production or damage to the testes themselves? Please list your sources (preferably a website, not wiki)
Don't take this the wrong way, but it is a little odd to ask for specific, (implicitly) highly verifiable information websites on such an unusual query, especially since it's due to losing a bet.
If you're looking for that, I wish you luck. I can't imagine anyone studying this. I can hypothesize, however.
Plenty of people in a time of war have suffered damage to their groin and been able to father children. A tattoo hardly counts as an injury; it's only slightly worse than a sunburn and arguably less. The tissue damage is confined to the epidermis & dermis, where'd you want it kept to minimize issues. The ink itself could possibly be a problem but is improbable; an allergy is the most likely, and still rare, possibility. You'd have to have a pretty extreme reaction in an already unlikely situation to have to worry.
You could also do bad aftercare, but I'm assuming it's the process you're curious about.
I suppose if you get a non-professional to do this, there are the usual concerns of cleanliness, but if you're planning that worries of testicular damage are rather out sync with other dangers.
For the record, I do know one professional who's done this. I was a little surprised since the person in question talked about other areas she wouldn't do. The artist spoke of no dangers, but without anyone to ask and query it's technically the opinion of just one person, albeit a professional.
Don't take this the wrong way, but it is a little odd to ask for specific, (implicitly) highly verifiable information websites on such an unusual query, especially since it's due to losing a bet.
If you're looking for that, I wish you luck. I can't imagine anyone studying this. I can hypothesize, however.
Plenty of people in a time of war have suffered damage to their groin and been able to father children. A tattoo hardly counts as an injury; it's only slightly worse than a sunburn and arguably less. The tissue damage is confined to the epidermis & dermis, where'd you want it kept to minimize issues. The ink itself could possibly be a problem but is improbable; an allergy is the most likely, and still rare, possibility. You'd have to have a pretty extreme reaction in an already unlikely situation to have to worry.
You could also do bad aftercare, but I'm assuming it's the process you're curious about.
I suppose if you get a non-professional to do this, there are the usual concerns of cleanliness, but if you're planning that worries of testicular damage are rather out sync with other dangers.
For the record, I do know one professional who's done this. I was a little surprised since the person in question talked about other areas she wouldn't do. The artist spoke of no dangers, but without anyone to ask and query it's technically the opinion of just one person, albeit a professional.
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If i get a tattoo on my rib cage , will it be affected in the future when i become pregnant ?

tattoos for women ribs image
Ella Dumme
It will be a quote of about 8 words going diagonally down my rib cage , nothing too big .
When i become pregnant , and get bigg , then small again ,what normally happens ?
Any body can be toned back into shape after a pregnancy. I'm sure you've seen imagery out there of women in their 50's that have the bodies of 20 year olds. Haha, as far as tattoos are concerned, depending on *where* you get it on your ribs, you may or may not have problems. (I digress; eventually, a text tattoo will get "old" looking, so you'll need to get it touched up eventually... but that's whether you're pregnant or not).
If your pregnancy does effect it, it would likely stretch the lettering out and make it... "thicker", I guess is the only way I can describe it. Cocoa butter rubbed on your skin on a daily basis will make it easier for the skin to maintain elasticity and it'll help the skin go back to its... "original" pliability after the pregnancy. Of course, you will have to get back to your original weight after having a baby, which for some women, is never an easy task.
I'm trying to say, it doesn't have to turn into an unsightly mess if you don't want it to or if you don't allow it to happen. But you're going to have to work for that result.
Any body can be toned back into shape after a pregnancy. I'm sure you've seen imagery out there of women in their 50's that have the bodies of 20 year olds. Haha, as far as tattoos are concerned, depending on *where* you get it on your ribs, you may or may not have problems. (I digress; eventually, a text tattoo will get "old" looking, so you'll need to get it touched up eventually... but that's whether you're pregnant or not).
If your pregnancy does effect it, it would likely stretch the lettering out and make it... "thicker", I guess is the only way I can describe it. Cocoa butter rubbed on your skin on a daily basis will make it easier for the skin to maintain elasticity and it'll help the skin go back to its... "original" pliability after the pregnancy. Of course, you will have to get back to your original weight after having a baby, which for some women, is never an easy task.
I'm trying to say, it doesn't have to turn into an unsightly mess if you don't want it to or if you don't allow it to happen. But you're going to have to work for that result.
How would you perceive an attractive female with a not so girly tattoo?
but not manly at all! just not the average hearts, butterflies, all that unoriginal stuff (no offense they look cute and all!) haha
something alittle more. for example a tattoo like angelina's, megan fox's tats etc?
i personally love them and it makes them a little endearing and mysterious, its not something you'd expect from a pretty girl. makes her unique
def. badass! what do you guys think? just curious?
i personally think that not so feminine tattoos are hot on women, and all the guys ive dated would def. agree.
most of the guys ive dated or been interested in, ive met because they noticed my tattoos and were intrigued, which is not very common for pretty young girls to be very heavily tattooed. [i mean, two sleeves, full chest piece, feet, ribs, one calf, piece on the neck behind the ear.. pretty heavy]
i mean, you'll never be able to get EVERYONE you ask to agree that theyre hot or not, but from my experience and from people i know, heavy tattoos or not feminine tattoos on women are extremely hot.
at the same time, i do get weird looks, or ive had an old woman say to me "those are for ugly girls" or things like that. i do have people ask "why such a pretty young girl would do that to herself", so yes, there will always be haters. but get a tattoo for yourself, not for the rest of society!!
tattoos are also starting to be a lot more socially acceptable these days-- almost everyone, even a community's most-respected people, are getting tatted up now!
i personally think that not so feminine tattoos are hot on women, and all the guys ive dated would def. agree.
most of the guys ive dated or been interested in, ive met because they noticed my tattoos and were intrigued, which is not very common for pretty young girls to be very heavily tattooed. [i mean, two sleeves, full chest piece, feet, ribs, one calf, piece on the neck behind the ear.. pretty heavy]
i mean, you'll never be able to get EVERYONE you ask to agree that theyre hot or not, but from my experience and from people i know, heavy tattoos or not feminine tattoos on women are extremely hot.
at the same time, i do get weird looks, or ive had an old woman say to me "those are for ugly girls" or things like that. i do have people ask "why such a pretty young girl would do that to herself", so yes, there will always be haters. but get a tattoo for yourself, not for the rest of society!!
tattoos are also starting to be a lot more socially acceptable these days-- almost everyone, even a community's most-respected people, are getting tatted up now!
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Would it be tacky for a female to get a scorpion on the nape of the neck?
aries zodiac tattoos for women image
I want to get my zodiac sign on the back of my neck like my sis (Aries). I'm a Scorpio, but would a scorpion on a woman be tacky? What kind of qualities could the image have (or shouldn't have) to make it not tacky? I.e. one quality I'm thinking about un-tackifying it is soft colors.
I want all my tattoos to be NOTICEABLE! =D Like, Check this out!
The biggest question is WHAT DO YOU THINK?. You will always get mixed opinions on this subject. Some people think that Tattoos are tacky full stop, other don't. I personally don't have any, but I don't mind them on anyone else. Its just my choice.
Having it on the the nape of your neck would obviously be for other peoples benefit as you will not see it, only in a mirror. Just be mindful for the future, ie any jobs you might be interested in, employers are very focused on image and what examples their employees set, so a simple Tattoo could affect your future if see in an obvious place.
But the bottom line is - Its your decision.
The biggest question is WHAT DO YOU THINK?. You will always get mixed opinions on this subject. Some people think that Tattoos are tacky full stop, other don't. I personally don't have any, but I don't mind them on anyone else. Its just my choice.
Having it on the the nape of your neck would obviously be for other peoples benefit as you will not see it, only in a mirror. Just be mindful for the future, ie any jobs you might be interested in, employers are very focused on image and what examples their employees set, so a simple Tattoo could affect your future if see in an obvious place.
But the bottom line is - Its your decision.
Do you have your zodiac sign tattooed on you?
or do you plan on having it done?
what's your sign?
Fun question.....
Yes, I actually have the moon triple Goddess on my upper back neck area... with the incorrect energy of Taurus sun, Virgo moon (placed in the full moon of the triple moon Goddess) and Sagittarius rising. There are my tropical astrology placements.. beneath it is a picture of the ancient Goddess with a snake and the picture of Africa at her womb. This is the mother of all civilization. I am a teacher of women's mysteries using the ancient lessons. I am also a Priestess of 5 traditions.
Once I figured out or learned that tropical astrology was not the accurate form of astrology, I added to an already existing tattoo which is an avenging angel on my left calf, I added above it the solar system (universe with all of the planets and each of my correct signs in them!) Aries sun, Scorpio rising, Leo moon which IS ME ACCURATELY.
I love all of my tatts! Its very powerful. I do not feel bad that my tropical placements are on my back.... if your wondering, its all energy and its all about learning. I love astrology as a professional and seek excellence of expression in every form of my life.
I have 4 other tattoos and will more than likely get a few more before I die.
Life is art.
Fun question.....
Yes, I actually have the moon triple Goddess on my upper back neck area... with the incorrect energy of Taurus sun, Virgo moon (placed in the full moon of the triple moon Goddess) and Sagittarius rising. There are my tropical astrology placements.. beneath it is a picture of the ancient Goddess with a snake and the picture of Africa at her womb. This is the mother of all civilization. I am a teacher of women's mysteries using the ancient lessons. I am also a Priestess of 5 traditions.
Once I figured out or learned that tropical astrology was not the accurate form of astrology, I added to an already existing tattoo which is an avenging angel on my left calf, I added above it the solar system (universe with all of the planets and each of my correct signs in them!) Aries sun, Scorpio rising, Leo moon which IS ME ACCURATELY.
I love all of my tatts! Its very powerful. I do not feel bad that my tropical placements are on my back.... if your wondering, its all energy and its all about learning. I love astrology as a professional and seek excellence of expression in every form of my life.
I have 4 other tattoos and will more than likely get a few more before I die.
Life is art.
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How can i save my tattoos while tanning in a tanning bed?
best tattoos for girls 2011 image
I have a big colored tattoo where my front ribs are, and ive heard that tanning will fade it out. I spent alot of money on my tattoo and if its going to be on my body for the rest of my life, i want it looking good as long as possible. Advice please, (im aware of the dangers of tanning blah blah okay cool were clear)
You could use sunblock or cover it with a towel. Tanning beds WILL fade your ink. I know maybe you think that being "tan" is sexy but seriously reconsider this. Tanning salons are going out of business left and right. For starters, fake tans usually LOOK fake. Secondly it destroys your skin and makes it look like leather when you are old and this is a proven fact. I don't even have to go into the health risk because you probably know already.
I am a man and I have LOTS of tattoos. I love to surf, hike and be outside. BUT being inked is a lifestyle choice and I know that. So I wear a wetsuit, I wear long sleeves and I wear sunblock all the time. I have spent thousands of dollars and I have my bodysuit almost complete. This means I can NEVER use a tanning bed and I have to avoid excess sun forever. That is okay with me. I love my ink and want it to last forever.
As a guy I am going to be honest here. I think overly tanned girls look stupid! It isn't sexy, it isn't cute and it isn't healthy. It also makes you look old and will destroy your ink. People who bake in tanning beds look weird. Especially if a woman has nice ink that is attractive to me. I also like people with their NATURAL skin color! Baking in a tanning bed was hot in 1985. It isn't hot in 2011. There are tons of self tanners on the market if you want to look darker. If you care about your ink STOP with the beds! Good luck!
You could use sunblock or cover it with a towel. Tanning beds WILL fade your ink. I know maybe you think that being "tan" is sexy but seriously reconsider this. Tanning salons are going out of business left and right. For starters, fake tans usually LOOK fake. Secondly it destroys your skin and makes it look like leather when you are old and this is a proven fact. I don't even have to go into the health risk because you probably know already.
I am a man and I have LOTS of tattoos. I love to surf, hike and be outside. BUT being inked is a lifestyle choice and I know that. So I wear a wetsuit, I wear long sleeves and I wear sunblock all the time. I have spent thousands of dollars and I have my bodysuit almost complete. This means I can NEVER use a tanning bed and I have to avoid excess sun forever. That is okay with me. I love my ink and want it to last forever.
As a guy I am going to be honest here. I think overly tanned girls look stupid! It isn't sexy, it isn't cute and it isn't healthy. It also makes you look old and will destroy your ink. People who bake in tanning beds look weird. Especially if a woman has nice ink that is attractive to me. I also like people with their NATURAL skin color! Baking in a tanning bed was hot in 1985. It isn't hot in 2011. There are tons of self tanners on the market if you want to look darker. If you care about your ink STOP with the beds! Good luck!
What is your favorite movie in the year 2011?
Here we go
Several movies have released in the year 2011. Which is your favorite among them?
Best movies of 2011:
1. Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (Mini-Series)
2. A Separation
3. The Intouchables
4. The Artist
5. Warrior
6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
7. The Help
8. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
9. Drive
10. The Cabin in the Woods
Best movies of 2011:
1. Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (Mini-Series)
2. A Separation
3. The Intouchables
4. The Artist
5. Warrior
6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
7. The Help
8. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
9. Drive
10. The Cabin in the Woods
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Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013
What can a woman do to heal from a miscarriage?
tattoos for women in memory image
What is the best way to heal emotionally from a miscarriage? Is it possible that healing still needs to take place even when the miscarriage happened several years earlier? What can a woman do to heal from a miscarriage? Thanks in advance for answering!
Bobby D - knowing that miscarriage happens in that many pregnancies does not help.You are a man and you will never know the emotional attachments to a pregnancy
Time.A woman may also seek counselling should she want to.Losing a pregnancy is hard,and like any loss it has to be mourned.As there is no set time period for grief or how long the process will last,then time is the only thing that will help.Some women find a 'funeral' helps them to move on.Release some balloons with the name of your child on (it doesn't matter if you knew the sex,go with your gut on whether it was a boy or girl and use the name they would have be given).Several of my friends have had miscarriages and many of them have a tattoo to commemorate their lost baby.One of them also has a charm bracelet with charms representing her children,including a star to represent the one she lost.Perhaps something like that would help.One of them buys a card at Christmas and on her due date to put in her memory box about her daughter (but she was a still birth).It's also normal and OK to get weepy around the time you would have given birth.Surround yourself with people who love you and talk,talk,talk - it really does help.Wishing you all the best
Bobby D - knowing that miscarriage happens in that many pregnancies does not help.You are a man and you will never know the emotional attachments to a pregnancy
Time.A woman may also seek counselling should she want to.Losing a pregnancy is hard,and like any loss it has to be mourned.As there is no set time period for grief or how long the process will last,then time is the only thing that will help.Some women find a 'funeral' helps them to move on.Release some balloons with the name of your child on (it doesn't matter if you knew the sex,go with your gut on whether it was a boy or girl and use the name they would have be given).Several of my friends have had miscarriages and many of them have a tattoo to commemorate their lost baby.One of them also has a charm bracelet with charms representing her children,including a star to represent the one she lost.Perhaps something like that would help.One of them buys a card at Christmas and on her due date to put in her memory box about her daughter (but she was a still birth).It's also normal and OK to get weepy around the time you would have given birth.Surround yourself with people who love you and talk,talk,talk - it really does help.Wishing you all the best
What tattoo symbolizes strength and independence?
i want a new tattoo but im not sure what the symbol iss, can somebody helpp? and jus answer the question i already have tattoos and they all have meaning
How about a Dragon, Panther, Or Tiger.
It's what it means to you that counts such as a woman i saw with a butterfly tattoo that symbolized the passing on of one of her family, to me first glance i thought butterfly, freedom, etc. but to the person that gets it it can take on various meanings and hold memories.
Just a realization I had.
How about a Dragon, Panther, Or Tiger.
It's what it means to you that counts such as a woman i saw with a butterfly tattoo that symbolized the passing on of one of her family, to me first glance i thought butterfly, freedom, etc. but to the person that gets it it can take on various meanings and hold memories.
Just a realization I had.
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does getting a tattoo on the back of the neck hurt?
small tattoos for women neck image
i want to get a fairly small tattoo on the back of my neck and i was wondering if it hurts or not. this will be my first tattoo. has anyone had a tattoo on the back of their neck and if so, did it hurt?
with today's artists , great equipment there no longer is pain in artwork. just the fear of the unknown. sound of gun similar to dentist drill . women have higher pain tolerance. no trouble at all.
with today's artists , great equipment there no longer is pain in artwork. just the fear of the unknown. sound of gun similar to dentist drill . women have higher pain tolerance. no trouble at all.
Do small tattoos look unprofessional in the business world?
I'm thinking of getting a small music staff or something like that on the inside of my wrist to symbolize my love for music. Does this seem unprofessional to future employers? It's gunna be a small black treble clef, what do you think?
Yes, many employers frown on visible tattoos and that is just life. Loving music and loving tattoos is a wonderful thing but having one on your wrist isn't practical for most people. Ask yourself this: Why is it SO important that you flash a tiny and probably crummy looking tattoo to the entire world? Keep in mind the skin on your wrist doesn't age well so a tattoo in this spot won't either.
My advice is to get your ink in another location. Unless you have a solid career and make good money a hand, neck or face tattoo isn't cool. It will make you look unprofessional and it will make you look like a wannabe. Personally, I don't think the hands are an attractive place to get inked. The ink ends up fading and by that point it has probably caused the person too many problems in life to even be worth it.
I have almost my whole body tattooed. I made the decision a long time ago that I would never get anything on my hands neck or face. For my job it isn't practical. I also got my ink for me and I don't have to flash it to the whole world 24/7 in order to prove something.
I know it is really fashionable now for people to get tiny hand, wrist, neck and face tattoos. If people want to do that, it is their choice and I respect that. Personally though, I don't find it sexy. I would rather date a woman with a full sleeve that can be covered with clothing rather than some little, blotchy, faded hand or wrist tattoo. A nice sleeve or a nice back piece looks cool and you can choose who sees it and who doesn't...Tiny hand and wrist tattoos WILL make you look unprofessional and for the rest of your life everyone will be able to see it. Why do this to yourself?
Yes, many employers frown on visible tattoos and that is just life. Loving music and loving tattoos is a wonderful thing but having one on your wrist isn't practical for most people. Ask yourself this: Why is it SO important that you flash a tiny and probably crummy looking tattoo to the entire world? Keep in mind the skin on your wrist doesn't age well so a tattoo in this spot won't either.
My advice is to get your ink in another location. Unless you have a solid career and make good money a hand, neck or face tattoo isn't cool. It will make you look unprofessional and it will make you look like a wannabe. Personally, I don't think the hands are an attractive place to get inked. The ink ends up fading and by that point it has probably caused the person too many problems in life to even be worth it.
I have almost my whole body tattooed. I made the decision a long time ago that I would never get anything on my hands neck or face. For my job it isn't practical. I also got my ink for me and I don't have to flash it to the whole world 24/7 in order to prove something.
I know it is really fashionable now for people to get tiny hand, wrist, neck and face tattoos. If people want to do that, it is their choice and I respect that. Personally though, I don't find it sexy. I would rather date a woman with a full sleeve that can be covered with clothing rather than some little, blotchy, faded hand or wrist tattoo. A nice sleeve or a nice back piece looks cool and you can choose who sees it and who doesn't...Tiny hand and wrist tattoos WILL make you look unprofessional and for the rest of your life everyone will be able to see it. Why do this to yourself?
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Do you think girls like this are attractive?
tattoos for girls sides image
Guys, do you think a tattooed girl that also has multiple body piercings, (lip, nose, eyebrow, cheek, ear lobes with gaping holes in them, etc.) is attractive? Does this kind of body mutilation turn you on?
Absolutely not. Fortunately, I am not "turned on" by any girl that wishes to look like some side-show freak! If they are mutilating themselves for attention, they've got it, but for all of the wrong reasons. //#
Absolutely not. Fortunately, I am not "turned on" by any girl that wishes to look like some side-show freak! If they are mutilating themselves for attention, they've got it, but for all of the wrong reasons. //#
What do you think of finger tattoos on girls?
.I ain't g
I want to get a small tattoo on the side of my finger so that in a serious, formal meeting, I can wear a stylish gaudy ring to cover it up. I was thinking on the right side of my finger on my left hand, but now I am thinking of getting it on the inner part of my finger - like if you were looking at your palm, you would see it, but not if your hand was lying down flat. Which one?
I say don't get one at all...the ink in tattoos tend to bleed a lot easier and a lot faster on fingers than anywhere else. So whatever cute little design you get now will more than likely end up looking like a blob of ink a few years from now, or looking like you've been wearing fake jewelry. But I say on the side of your finger.
I say don't get one at all...the ink in tattoos tend to bleed a lot easier and a lot faster on fingers than anywhere else. So whatever cute little design you get now will more than likely end up looking like a blob of ink a few years from now, or looking like you've been wearing fake jewelry. But I say on the side of your finger.
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What do you think of a tattoo on the lower back of a guy?
tattoos for girls lower back design image
Ok, firstly let me just state that this tattoo in no way resembles one of those 'tramp stamps' girls get with a tribal design and flowers etc... Its a banner with the edges slightyly curving upwards (away from the ass) and text inside. Now 1 thing id like to say...i think the lower back on a guy is a completely different spot than the lower back of a girl. i plsn to get it not just above my crack but on my lower back.
any comments? just curios?
I think its fine, your body your tattoo. Bah to what other people think, tattoos still have quite the social stigma so either way you're gonna get nasty comments from some people.
I've seen a couple nice tattoos on the lower area of a guys back. I think your idea is lovely and hopefully you will be very happy with it after you have it done.
I think its fine, your body your tattoo. Bah to what other people think, tattoos still have quite the social stigma so either way you're gonna get nasty comments from some people.
I've seen a couple nice tattoos on the lower area of a guys back. I think your idea is lovely and hopefully you will be very happy with it after you have it done.
Has anyone got any good designs for lower back tattoos on girls?
hayley =)
I really want a tattoo going across my lower back but cant find a design i like, anyone got anything sexy and not to girly or big?
check out these websites:
check out these websites:
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What's a great place for a tattoo on a girl and it has to be a place where I can show it off(most of the year?
tattoos for girls hidden image
Dying bree
I just want a good place for a bleeding carnation tattoo. It's my first tattoo and I want it in a good place where I can show it off and be some what classy and beautiful.
I like the ankle. You can show it off and/or hide it as you choose.
I like the ankle. You can show it off and/or hide it as you choose.
What is the tattoo policy for the medical field?
I want to pursue a career as an Ob/Gyn.
I already have a tattoo along the entire length of my spine, but shirts easily cover it up, or usually about two centimeters still show if anything.
I also want to get a small one on my collar bone, and eventually a sleeve.
Just wanted to know how it would affect my chances or if I could cover them up.
Just make sure you can cover them up with a normal T shirt and pants...not a turtle neck. So as long as you keep the tattoos under a normal t shirt and long pants you shouldn't have a problem. There is no policy against it in the work place (I have seen an operating room technician with tattoos all over her neck, arms, etc) BUT in school they forbid piercings and tattoos to be shown. I have gone to school for dental hygiene and nursing and in both professions you can't have fake nails, nail polish on, no visible tattoos (but you couldn't wear a turtle neck) so you had to cover them daily with makeup (so best to have tattoos under a typical scrub uniform which is a T shirt size coverage and long scrub pants), and no piercings. The professors also get upset if anyone dyes their hair crazy colors. There was one girl in my program who dyed her hair blond AND dark brown at the same time so she looked like a skunk. She was on the bad side of the professors. You don't want to be judged for how you look so keep the tattoos hidden under clothes so you won't have an issue in college.
Just make sure you can cover them up with a normal T shirt and pants...not a turtle neck. So as long as you keep the tattoos under a normal t shirt and long pants you shouldn't have a problem. There is no policy against it in the work place (I have seen an operating room technician with tattoos all over her neck, arms, etc) BUT in school they forbid piercings and tattoos to be shown. I have gone to school for dental hygiene and nursing and in both professions you can't have fake nails, nail polish on, no visible tattoos (but you couldn't wear a turtle neck) so you had to cover them daily with makeup (so best to have tattoos under a typical scrub uniform which is a T shirt size coverage and long scrub pants), and no piercings. The professors also get upset if anyone dyes their hair crazy colors. There was one girl in my program who dyed her hair blond AND dark brown at the same time so she looked like a skunk. She was on the bad side of the professors. You don't want to be judged for how you look so keep the tattoos hidden under clothes so you won't have an issue in college.
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Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013
What is a good idea for a small back neck tattoo?

tattoos for girls music notes image
I know its my tattoo and i shouldn't be asking but i just need ideas. Im planning to get EXOUDUS18:11 on the back of my neck but i think it'll look like thats my name or im like a robot. Is this a good tattoo to get? If not what would you get?(i want something religous or something that describes a bright possitive person)
girls: flower butterfly heart music note boys: skull hockey number hockey team sign or just something your interrested in.
girls: flower butterfly heart music note boys: skull hockey number hockey team sign or just something your interrested in.
what are some good taylor swift lyrics for a tattoo?
so i have a music note tattooed on my upper arm and i'm thinking about getting adding a banner to it....i want some good taylor swift lyrics to put in it.
That will be cool!
"It's a love story, baby just say yes"
"I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world"
Those are actually the only ones I can think of that really good. Especially the first one.
That will be cool!
"It's a love story, baby just say yes"
"I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world"
Those are actually the only ones I can think of that really good. Especially the first one.
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How bad does a collarbone/chest tattoo hurt for girl?
tattoos for girls on your feet image
I am getting two crows on my chest under each collarbone, so it will not be in the center of my chest. I don't have a particularly bony chest, like you can't see my sternum, and I am not muscular at all. Also I have two tattoos already that I did myself with a sewing needle and India ink, on my wrist and ankle. It hurt obvs but it was definitely bearable. Should I be expecting incredible pain or tolerable pain?
Actually it won't really hurt very mch at all. I have a 4 tattoos one on my upper middle back, one on the top of my foot 1 on the wrist and one of in the left side of my chest underneath my collarbone. Any goof tattoo artist won't do a tattoo directly on your collarbone bc when u move the skin stretches and it distorts the tattoo but right below it is just skin with
No bone so for me it personally didn't really hurt.
Actually it won't really hurt very mch at all. I have a 4 tattoos one on my upper middle back, one on the top of my foot 1 on the wrist and one of in the left side of my chest underneath my collarbone. Any goof tattoo artist won't do a tattoo directly on your collarbone bc when u move the skin stretches and it distorts the tattoo but right below it is just skin with
No bone so for me it personally didn't really hurt.
What was the most and least painful tattoo you got?
Peaches S
If you have multiple tattoos, where was the most painful and where was the least painful. What did you get?
The girl who did them used a light spray of Lidocain but it was only absorbed like after 5 minutes of the needlework BUT in complicated tattoos I guess a bit of that really helps.
My eyebrows hurt REALLY bad for at least 15 minutes (i got themTODAY!!) and the one on my foot hurt a bit too, the skin being rather delicate. The one on my wrist was surprisingly painless (i thought it would be terrible, being right on the bone and blood vessels) and then there's the one at the back of my neck which i honestly hardly felt anything! Neck tattoos rock!
Generally though, places with more nerve endings (inside of lips, fingertips, etc) hurt REALLY bad while places with thicker tougher skin are easy to handle.
Hope I helped!
If you want a tattoo just do it! Be yourself :)
The girl who did them used a light spray of Lidocain but it was only absorbed like after 5 minutes of the needlework BUT in complicated tattoos I guess a bit of that really helps.
My eyebrows hurt REALLY bad for at least 15 minutes (i got themTODAY!!) and the one on my foot hurt a bit too, the skin being rather delicate. The one on my wrist was surprisingly painless (i thought it would be terrible, being right on the bone and blood vessels) and then there's the one at the back of my neck which i honestly hardly felt anything! Neck tattoos rock!
Generally though, places with more nerve endings (inside of lips, fingertips, etc) hurt REALLY bad while places with thicker tougher skin are easy to handle.
Hope I helped!
If you want a tattoo just do it! Be yourself :)
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How can a woman dress to turn men off from her or communicate a lack of interest in men?
top 5 tattoos for women image
How can a woman dress to turn men off from her or communicate a lack of interest in men? Or what can they do or how can they behave to communicate this?
Do you REALLY want to do this? Because I am going to give you advice and I bet you won't want to take it, because it will detract 99% of the men who would otherwise hit on you, including the ones who you probably DO want to attract.
1. Cut your hair in a mullet. And don't style it all cute, with bangs that fall casually into your face. Have it blend really harsh, and have it be too short on the top for any girlish accessories. That, right there ... sends a clear signal to most men.
--- If the haircut isn't enough ---
2. Wear something like baggy cargo pants with suspenders, or overalls.
3. Get a few piercings, and wear jewelry that looks rough.
4. Try some anti-social or anti-establishment tattoos.
5. Clip your nails very short and don't put any glaze on them, at all.
- wear makeup
- wear skirts, dresses, pumps or heels.
and EVEN THEN ... after you have made these modifications in your appearance, there will be men who approach you.
Better advice ...
Just politely tell men that you are not interested. Because unless you are willing to alter your appearance like that (which conveys signals that might draw other types of problems to you) men will still approach you.
Another solution that I used to use, was get a fake wedding set, and wear something like a very visible cross around your neck. That tells them "Christian Married Woman" and generally they will leave you alone. Religious men will leave you alone, and so will non-religious ones who are creeped out by your crucifix.
Do you REALLY want to do this? Because I am going to give you advice and I bet you won't want to take it, because it will detract 99% of the men who would otherwise hit on you, including the ones who you probably DO want to attract.
1. Cut your hair in a mullet. And don't style it all cute, with bangs that fall casually into your face. Have it blend really harsh, and have it be too short on the top for any girlish accessories. That, right there ... sends a clear signal to most men.
--- If the haircut isn't enough ---
2. Wear something like baggy cargo pants with suspenders, or overalls.
3. Get a few piercings, and wear jewelry that looks rough.
4. Try some anti-social or anti-establishment tattoos.
5. Clip your nails very short and don't put any glaze on them, at all.
- wear makeup
- wear skirts, dresses, pumps or heels.
and EVEN THEN ... after you have made these modifications in your appearance, there will be men who approach you.
Better advice ...
Just politely tell men that you are not interested. Because unless you are willing to alter your appearance like that (which conveys signals that might draw other types of problems to you) men will still approach you.
Another solution that I used to use, was get a fake wedding set, and wear something like a very visible cross around your neck. That tells them "Christian Married Woman" and generally they will leave you alone. Religious men will leave you alone, and so will non-religious ones who are creeped out by your crucifix.
Why is getting a tattoo such an agonising choice?
For the people who actually think about it and not get a tattoo while they are drunk or something and regret it later, why do you think it's such an agonizing choice? Is it because you know it's permanent and it has to mean something?
Yes they have laser tattoo removal now and supposedly wrecking balm but think about how expensive the laser treatment is, some say it's just as expensive if not more so than getting the actual tattoo. So if were going to laser it for sure, what would be the point of getting a tattoo. I personally wouldn't want a huge tattoo or put it somewhere obvious, I just want one or two small, discreet ones.
Because it is a big decision! You're permanently scarring your body for life. It is a lifestyle change, especially with larger tattoos. You're immediately a different class of person, in the eyes of some. Things that have been factors in my decisions in the past include -
This will be on show in a wedding dress if I get married, do I really want that? (I came to the conclusion I'd wear a long sleeved high backed dress if I get married!).
This will mean I'll have to wear long sleeves for work on hot days - can I cope with that? (I came to the conclusion that floaty, loose fitting long sleeved tops are just as good at keeping you cool as t-shirts are!).
This will mean I'll never have pure skin again, do I really want that? (I eventually deciphered that this was just cold feet before getting my first, and that inked skin is no less pure than uninked).
This will mean some men would be put off wanting to be with me, would I want that? (I decided that if someone was as shallow to judge me on the surface of my skin, and that much of a prude, I wouldn't want him anyway!).
They will look horrible when I'm an old woman, on wrinkly skin, do I want that? (I came to the conclusion that 1. you don't see many old women walking around flashing their bodies, 2. my skin will be horrible and wrinkly with or without ink, 3. it's only such a weird thought because you don't see many tattooed old women, but by the time I'm old it'll be far more common, 4. even if they end up looking completely crap when I am old, the meaning behind each one of them will still remain in my mind and in my heart, which is more important than the appearance of them to me, and 5. I would prefer to get to my deathbed knowing I have lived my life as I wanted while I was young enough to enjoy it, instead of holding back on doing the things I wanted, because we all die anyway and then we are just bodies in the ground - there is no point to life, we're just here for the duration, so make the most of it while you can).
This will mean that I'll be 'one of them' instead of 'one of us' - is that too much of a lifestyle change? (I decided certainly not and hopped right over to the 'dark side' mwahaha).
All things like that. None of those decisions were made lightly or quickly. Getting tattoos is a big lifestyle change, particularly if you get extensive work. So you just need to take your time with it, dont rush into anything, you have a long life ahead of you.
Because it is a big decision! You're permanently scarring your body for life. It is a lifestyle change, especially with larger tattoos. You're immediately a different class of person, in the eyes of some. Things that have been factors in my decisions in the past include -
This will be on show in a wedding dress if I get married, do I really want that? (I came to the conclusion I'd wear a long sleeved high backed dress if I get married!).
This will mean I'll have to wear long sleeves for work on hot days - can I cope with that? (I came to the conclusion that floaty, loose fitting long sleeved tops are just as good at keeping you cool as t-shirts are!).
This will mean I'll never have pure skin again, do I really want that? (I eventually deciphered that this was just cold feet before getting my first, and that inked skin is no less pure than uninked).
This will mean some men would be put off wanting to be with me, would I want that? (I decided that if someone was as shallow to judge me on the surface of my skin, and that much of a prude, I wouldn't want him anyway!).
They will look horrible when I'm an old woman, on wrinkly skin, do I want that? (I came to the conclusion that 1. you don't see many old women walking around flashing their bodies, 2. my skin will be horrible and wrinkly with or without ink, 3. it's only such a weird thought because you don't see many tattooed old women, but by the time I'm old it'll be far more common, 4. even if they end up looking completely crap when I am old, the meaning behind each one of them will still remain in my mind and in my heart, which is more important than the appearance of them to me, and 5. I would prefer to get to my deathbed knowing I have lived my life as I wanted while I was young enough to enjoy it, instead of holding back on doing the things I wanted, because we all die anyway and then we are just bodies in the ground - there is no point to life, we're just here for the duration, so make the most of it while you can).
This will mean that I'll be 'one of them' instead of 'one of us' - is that too much of a lifestyle change? (I decided certainly not and hopped right over to the 'dark side' mwahaha).
All things like that. None of those decisions were made lightly or quickly. Getting tattoos is a big lifestyle change, particularly if you get extensive work. So you just need to take your time with it, dont rush into anything, you have a long life ahead of you.
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Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013
what tattoo could i get that relates to the 50 shades of grey series?
tattoos for 50 year old woman image
i'm a girl. i'm obsessed with the series. i wanna get a tattoo in honor lol
something that i know is about 50 shades of grey but maybe something that no one else would be able to figure out?
For the love of god, donât do it. When you get more mature, you will definitely want it removed, and that costs a ton and hurts a lot. Or are you willing to be a 60 year old woman with a trashy novel forever engraved on your ***? (Donât report that. I didnât curse, I just typed asterisks.)
For the love of god, donât do it. When you get more mature, you will definitely want it removed, and that costs a ton and hurts a lot. Or are you willing to be a 60 year old woman with a trashy novel forever engraved on your ***? (Donât report that. I didnât curse, I just typed asterisks.)
What's the best tattoo parlor is southern Indiana?
I only know of Ageless art, Asgard Ink, Uncle Bobs, and tattoo Charlies. This is my first tattoo, and I would like it to be done by the best! Thanks for any help!
Are you 100 % sure you need a tattoo in your body that will gonna stay for ever? What about when you get like 50/60 years old think will be nice an old woman with a tattoo? (for me ridiculous) Do you know why people get tattoos? read before getting a tattoo in you body for ever. With a tattoo you can not be hired in certain jobs...
Are you 100 % sure you need a tattoo in your body that will gonna stay for ever? What about when you get like 50/60 years old think will be nice an old woman with a tattoo? (for me ridiculous) Do you know why people get tattoos? read before getting a tattoo in you body for ever. With a tattoo you can not be hired in certain jobs...
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What are some good matching best friend tattoos?
tattoos for girls hearts and flowers image
Me and my best friend are planning to get matching tattoos in a couple months. We're both 18 and we've been best friends since kinder,and since we've been best friends for such a long time,I had the idea to get matching tattoos. I want us to get tattoos that we won't regret having. Please show pictures or give me an idea of a tattoo we should get c: and please no negative comments..
Thank you (:
That's really cool that you came up with that :)
(These would all be matching so you each would have the same one. I would recommend getting them tattooed on your wrist, shoulder/upper arm, neck or upperback.)
-Little angels
-Charm bracelets (I've seen these and they can be customized to say your names or something different)
-infinity hearts (look great on the wrist)***
-rag dolls
-two little cartoon, almost anime looking girls holding hand
-Japanese symbols for maybe friendship
That's really cool that you came up with that :)
(These would all be matching so you each would have the same one. I would recommend getting them tattooed on your wrist, shoulder/upper arm, neck or upperback.)
-Little angels
-Charm bracelets (I've seen these and they can be customized to say your names or something different)
-infinity hearts (look great on the wrist)***
-rag dolls
-two little cartoon, almost anime looking girls holding hand
-Japanese symbols for maybe friendship
What can I do to add to a tattoo that I already have?
It is a tattoo that my ex-husband wanted me to get that says "My Baby" on my back between my shoulders. It is in black and just letters. I want to add my 3 duaghters names to it but I need some ideas of what to do. I want it to look more femine than it does right now. Please any ideas would be wonderful!
Add to it: "My Baby girls" - "My Babys" (Unless you want to get part of it removed and for it to say: "My Babies." Add flowers or hearts around it.
And put your daughter's names under it. :D
Best answer?
Add to it: "My Baby girls" - "My Babys" (Unless you want to get part of it removed and for it to say: "My Babies." Add flowers or hearts around it.
And put your daughter's names under it. :D
Best answer?
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Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013
How did the Pharoes of acient Egypt use tattoos to represent thier royalty?
egyptian tattoos for women image
I am doing a paper and I would like to know because I can't find hardly anything on the internet..
Sources too if you give an answer.
Thank you in advance!
â Tattoos
The Ancient and Mysterious History
By Cate Lineberry
â¢What is the evidence that ancient Egyptians had tattoos?
There's certainly evidence that women had tattoos on their bodies and limbs from figurines c. 4000-3500 B.C. to occasional female figures represented in tomb scenes c. 1200 B.C. and in figurine form c. 1300 B.C., all with tattoos on their thighs. Also small bronze implements identified as tattooing tools were discovered at the town site of Gurob in northern Egypt and dated to c. 1450 B.C. And then, of course, there are the mummies with tattoos, from the three women already mentioned and dated to c. 2000 B.C. to several later examples of female mummies with these forms of permanent marks found in Greco-Roman burials at Akhmim.
â¢What function did these tattoos serve? Who got them and why?
Because this seemed to be an exclusively female practice in ancient Egypt, mummies found with tattoos were usually dismissed by the (male) excavators who seemed to assume the women were of "dubious status," described in some cases as "dancing girls." The female mummies had nevertheless been buried at Deir el-Bahari (opposite modern Luxor) in an area associated with royal and elite burials, and we know that at least one of the women described as "probably a royal concubine" was actually a high-status priestess named Amunet, as revealed by her funerary inscriptions.
And although it has long been assumed that such tattoos were the mark of prostitutes or were meant to protect the women against sexually transmitted diseases, I personally believe that the tattooing of ancient Egyptian women had a therapeutic role and functioned as a permanent form of amulet during the very difficult time of pregnancy and birth. This is supported by the pattern of distribution, largely around the abdomen, on top of the thighs and the breasts, and would also explain the specific types of designs, in particular the net-like distribution of dots applied over the abdomen. During pregnancy, this specific pattern would expand in a protective fashion in the same way bead nets were placed over wrapped mummies to protect them and "keep everything in." The placing of small figures of the household deity Bes at the tops of their thighs would again suggest the use of tattoos as a means of safeguarding the actual birth, since Bes was the protector of women in labor, and his position at the tops of the thighs a suitable location. This would ultimately explain tattoos as a purely female custom.
â¢What did these tattoos look like?
Most examples on mummies are largely dotted patterns of lines and diamond patterns, while figurines sometimes feature more naturalistic images. The tattoos occasionally found in tomb scenes and on small female figurines which form part of cosmetic items also have small figures of the dwarf god Bes on the thigh area.
â¢What were they made of? How many colors were used?
Usually a dark or black pigment such as soot was introduced into the pricked skin. It seems that brighter colors were largely used in other ancient cultures, such as the Inuit who are believed to have used a yellow color along with the more usual darker pigments.
â¢Why do you think so many cultures have marked the human body and did their practices influence one another?
In many cases, it seems to have sprung up independently as a permanent way to place protective or therapeutic symbols upon the body, then as a means of marking people out into appropriate social, political or religious groups, or simply as a form of self-expression or fashion statement.
Yet, as in so many other areas of adornment, there was of course cross-cultural influences, such as those which existed between the Egyptians and Nubians, the Thracians and Greeks and the many cultures encountered by Roman soldiers during the expansion of the Roman Empire in the final centuries B.C. and the first centuries A.D. And, certainly, Polynesian culture is thought to have influenced Maori tattoos.
â Cleopatra Queen of Egypt was the last Pharaoh of Egypt, history's infamous "Queen of the Nile."
â Tattoos
The Ancient and Mysterious History
By Cate Lineberry
â¢What is the evidence that ancient Egyptians had tattoos?
There's certainly evidence that women had tattoos on their bodies and limbs from figurines c. 4000-3500 B.C. to occasional female figures represented in tomb scenes c. 1200 B.C. and in figurine form c. 1300 B.C., all with tattoos on their thighs. Also small bronze implements identified as tattooing tools were discovered at the town site of Gurob in northern Egypt and dated to c. 1450 B.C. And then, of course, there are the mummies with tattoos, from the three women already mentioned and dated to c. 2000 B.C. to several later examples of female mummies with these forms of permanent marks found in Greco-Roman burials at Akhmim.
â¢What function did these tattoos serve? Who got them and why?
Because this seemed to be an exclusively female practice in ancient Egypt, mummies found with tattoos were usually dismissed by the (male) excavators who seemed to assume the women were of "dubious status," described in some cases as "dancing girls." The female mummies had nevertheless been buried at Deir el-Bahari (opposite modern Luxor) in an area associated with royal and elite burials, and we know that at least one of the women described as "probably a royal concubine" was actually a high-status priestess named Amunet, as revealed by her funerary inscriptions.
And although it has long been assumed that such tattoos were the mark of prostitutes or were meant to protect the women against sexually transmitted diseases, I personally believe that the tattooing of ancient Egyptian women had a therapeutic role and functioned as a permanent form of amulet during the very difficult time of pregnancy and birth. This is supported by the pattern of distribution, largely around the abdomen, on top of the thighs and the breasts, and would also explain the specific types of designs, in particular the net-like distribution of dots applied over the abdomen. During pregnancy, this specific pattern would expand in a protective fashion in the same way bead nets were placed over wrapped mummies to protect them and "keep everything in." The placing of small figures of the household deity Bes at the tops of their thighs would again suggest the use of tattoos as a means of safeguarding the actual birth, since Bes was the protector of women in labor, and his position at the tops of the thighs a suitable location. This would ultimately explain tattoos as a purely female custom.
â¢What did these tattoos look like?
Most examples on mummies are largely dotted patterns of lines and diamond patterns, while figurines sometimes feature more naturalistic images. The tattoos occasionally found in tomb scenes and on small female figurines which form part of cosmetic items also have small figures of the dwarf god Bes on the thigh area.
â¢What were they made of? How many colors were used?
Usually a dark or black pigment such as soot was introduced into the pricked skin. It seems that brighter colors were largely used in other ancient cultures, such as the Inuit who are believed to have used a yellow color along with the more usual darker pigments.
â¢Why do you think so many cultures have marked the human body and did their practices influence one another?
In many cases, it seems to have sprung up independently as a permanent way to place protective or therapeutic symbols upon the body, then as a means of marking people out into appropriate social, political or religious groups, or simply as a form of self-expression or fashion statement.
Yet, as in so many other areas of adornment, there was of course cross-cultural influences, such as those which existed between the Egyptians and Nubians, the Thracians and Greeks and the many cultures encountered by Roman soldiers during the expansion of the Roman Empire in the final centuries B.C. and the first centuries A.D. And, certainly, Polynesian culture is thought to have influenced Maori tattoos.
â Cleopatra Queen of Egypt was the last Pharaoh of Egypt, history's infamous "Queen of the Nile."
What is the cultural reason that we have this fixation with removing body hair?
I actually live in Germany and that is just prejudice.
If you look at girlie mags from the 70s, 80s and early nineties you see that trimmed hair was not regarded as not hygenic.
Body hair removal is very old and was routinely done by rich ancient Egyptians 3,000-4,000 BC to discern them from the poor hairy barbarians. It's personal choice. If you ask 10 people you will get 10 different answers. But you are right in your assumption about the girlie magazines.
Pubic hair was always perceived as normal. It was considered as manly (eg Sean Connery as James Bond) to have body hair. Then all of a sudden all body hair was considered as ugly and unwanted! It is causing a lot of anguish to naturally hairy people.
In my humble opinion this change of heart can be attributed to the proliferation of pornography on the internet and magazines. Male and female porno actors' pubic hair are removed to get the best "view shots". The general public started copying it. Men and women all started removing ALL their body hair, because that is what is shown as the ideal image.
Until that time, ingrown hair was a nuisance only occasionally experienced by men on their faces. But since the whole body hair removal craze started, most people are having problems with ingrown hair, folliculitis, vaginal infections etc, etc. on all areas of their bodies previously without ingrown hair.
Hygiene has nothing to do with it. Actually one of the main functions of hair is to absorb sweat. Hair also act as natural protection against the chafing of clothes and normal bumps. Another function is to keep the body warm at its most vulnerable area, which is the area of procreation.
It is a fashion trend that might soon change back again to being fashionable to actually have body hair. Fashion trends change every few years. Quite possibly all the people who are now performing radical permanent pubic hair removal might soon be very sorry.
I mean, can you imagine how stupid the current generation will look when they are old. They will be totally hairless and covered with piercing holes and faded tattoos! But I say "each to his own". Life is about choices, but then you also have to live with the consequences of your choices.
Hairless or hairy? You must make up your own mind.
Body hair removal is very old and was routinely done by rich ancient Egyptians 3,000-4,000 BC to discern them from the poor hairy barbarians. It's personal choice. If you ask 10 people you will get 10 different answers. But you are right in your assumption about the girlie magazines.
Pubic hair was always perceived as normal. It was considered as manly (eg Sean Connery as James Bond) to have body hair. Then all of a sudden all body hair was considered as ugly and unwanted! It is causing a lot of anguish to naturally hairy people.
In my humble opinion this change of heart can be attributed to the proliferation of pornography on the internet and magazines. Male and female porno actors' pubic hair are removed to get the best "view shots". The general public started copying it. Men and women all started removing ALL their body hair, because that is what is shown as the ideal image.
Until that time, ingrown hair was a nuisance only occasionally experienced by men on their faces. But since the whole body hair removal craze started, most people are having problems with ingrown hair, folliculitis, vaginal infections etc, etc. on all areas of their bodies previously without ingrown hair.
Hygiene has nothing to do with it. Actually one of the main functions of hair is to absorb sweat. Hair also act as natural protection against the chafing of clothes and normal bumps. Another function is to keep the body warm at its most vulnerable area, which is the area of procreation.
It is a fashion trend that might soon change back again to being fashionable to actually have body hair. Fashion trends change every few years. Quite possibly all the people who are now performing radical permanent pubic hair removal might soon be very sorry.
I mean, can you imagine how stupid the current generation will look when they are old. They will be totally hairless and covered with piercing holes and faded tattoos! But I say "each to his own". Life is about choices, but then you also have to live with the consequences of your choices.
Hairless or hairy? You must make up your own mind.
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What happens if you use box hair dye on partially bleached hair?
tattoos for heavy women image
I colored my hair a deep red at home over the winter, now I'm going back to blonde for summer. I went to a salon and the lady did a heavy foil on my hair and I'm back to about 80-90% blonde, with some red streaks on the underside of my hair and some strands on top. What would happen if I went and got a box dye and tried to finish going blonde on my own? Would it turn the bleached parts of my hair funny colors? And should I try a color remover like Color Oops to take more red out first? My ultimate goal is to get *mostly* all one color back.
Overlapping dye onto previously colored hair is what creates dullness and dryness. If you color your hair @ home or salon, let your roots grow out as long as you can stand, so the line of demarcation is easier to spot. Only run color through the lengths for five minutes to refresh the ends. To extend the time between touch-ups, use a gloss and deep -conditioning treatments. They will help smooth cuticles roughed up by daily wear & tear, and the hair will look shinier. ~ Harry Josh, hairstylist of the celebrities.
Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye. They call that the ombre style.
Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.
Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.
Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 22 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <â¨
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Halloweâen party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11
The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. Itâs made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Itâs well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.
Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.
Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.
Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds)Â Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.â¨
Hair strippers are chemical treatments which are intended to strip out artificial color pigment with less risk or damage to the hair. The chemicals used are called reducing agents.
Certain 'metal' strippers containing sodium sulphoites are sold for reducing hair dyed with metallic dyes, as these dyes react violently with tint stripper containing hydrogen peroxide-the subsequent reaction may cause so much heat that the hair gets dissolved.
Overlapping dye onto previously colored hair is what creates dullness and dryness. If you color your hair @ home or salon, let your roots grow out as long as you can stand, so the line of demarcation is easier to spot. Only run color through the lengths for five minutes to refresh the ends. To extend the time between touch-ups, use a gloss and deep -conditioning treatments. They will help smooth cuticles roughed up by daily wear & tear, and the hair will look shinier. ~ Harry Josh, hairstylist of the celebrities.
Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye. They call that the ombre style.
Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.
Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.
Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 22 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <â¨
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Halloweâen party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11
The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. Itâs made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Itâs well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.
Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.
Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.
Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds)Â Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.â¨
Hair strippers are chemical treatments which are intended to strip out artificial color pigment with less risk or damage to the hair. The chemicals used are called reducing agents.
Certain 'metal' strippers containing sodium sulphoites are sold for reducing hair dyed with metallic dyes, as these dyes react violently with tint stripper containing hydrogen peroxide-the subsequent reaction may cause so much heat that the hair gets dissolved.
What is with the whole arching of the eyebrows thing?
Peter D
I was in a Starbucks last night at the University of Arizona. All the women in there had the identical arched eyebrows. It made them look startled. It is also a severe look, like one wire coat hanger away from Joan Crawford madness.
Hahahahahahahaha!! You just made my day - thanks! I don't know what is up with that! Maybe they tattoo them on or draw them on. Many people think heavy arches are sexy, but it really does look quite scary, and they look shocked at everything.
Haha, thanks for posting this :)
Hahahahahahahaha!! You just made my day - thanks! I don't know what is up with that! Maybe they tattoo them on or draw them on. Many people think heavy arches are sexy, but it really does look quite scary, and they look shocked at everything.
Haha, thanks for posting this :)
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