meaningful tattoos for women quotes image
I wanna get a tattoo on the back of my neck that says something about love or being beautiful. just something classy and pretty. I would like it to be in another language like french or something. also since its going on the back of my neck it needs to be small. Thanks for your help!
99% of all sayings wont fit there for size reasons. Pick another location. You need to pick an area that is flat and doesn't move or the lettering will distort. The usual location for classy or romantic says for a woman is the chest.
And you have to pick the words or they wont be meaningful, which is the basic reason for any tattoo. All tattoos are about you being true to yourself.
99% of all sayings wont fit there for size reasons. Pick another location. You need to pick an area that is flat and doesn't move or the lettering will distort. The usual location for classy or romantic says for a woman is the chest.
And you have to pick the words or they wont be meaningful, which is the basic reason for any tattoo. All tattoos are about you being true to yourself.
What is the best advice or most meaningful saying youve ever heard?
There are so many sayings and pieces of advice out there, what is the most meaningful or helpful piece of advice/meaningful saying you've ever heard? Or something you always tell yourself when you news reassured.?
Everything happens for a reason. That's my mantra and I live by it. It's my tattoo on my back too. Just think about those words. Everything in life is happening for a good or bad reason, whether you like it or not. I remember hearing that quote from my dad when I was about 4 and I never forgot it. Whenever I feel depressed about something I remember that whatever is depressing me is happening for a reason and in the long run it'll make me a stronger woman.
Everything happens for a reason. That's my mantra and I live by it. It's my tattoo on my back too. Just think about those words. Everything in life is happening for a good or bad reason, whether you like it or not. I remember hearing that quote from my dad when I was about 4 and I never forgot it. Whenever I feel depressed about something I remember that whatever is depressing me is happening for a reason and in the long run it'll make me a stronger woman.
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