new zealand tattoos for girls image
Awhile back i helped a band that is playing at Warped tour with a campaign. One of the gifts from helping was 2 all access tickets to Warped Tour. now im wondering what the all access tickets do. Can i get backstage with all the bands playing and meet them? this is my first year going to warped so i dont know much about it so any info helps. Thanks!!!
I would really be wary of someone suggesting getting a book from this website
of , and they SOMETIMES show(not always) a link to a photograph that claims it actually works because is says it is them with a noted music idol because of this book on ...The person that answered here on Yahoo Answers had the same answer and the links there on Yahoo answers and look at these Yahoo answers in the past (see below)
On the statement on the One Direction singing group that is claimed from this book from website(See below);_ylt=AoNJ6Y.vRl0swH7f6Ecke.wjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120507055634AA3dGwO;_ylt=AoZsg.kgF8J.mJYkvV60mm_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120614115819AAMWYjl
Well, I found where this Yahoo answerer photograph to his claim of this REALLY and ACTUALLY came from. It was from a New Zealand newspaper.
--[RECENTLY the person in links I mentioned above, removed the pictures from the
other website link, after he was exposed as stealing these photographs from other people seldom seen websites, still the links even without the picture proves this guy is nothing but a big fat liar
just trying to scam teen fans out of their money]---
(see link below)
The girl did not get a backstage pass to meet One Direction as this Yahoo answerer has claim in their past answers with this photograph. It was really her father that went to the trouble of getting the band's name tattoo on his chest. Not from some backstage book from this website.
Also, the Yahoo answerer also claims to have a photograph of her(or him) with the music group of Mindless Behavior also showing a link to a claim photograph that they said was possible from this book on website (see Yahoo links below);_ylt=Aheyg0XwfZAcR9qUwNuaM3ojzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120113151041AAGMrGq;_ylt=AhE4LxmYoiHAIrcVjUn5mTMjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120530165009AA01ZLW
Now, here is where the original photograph actually came from, which is from a radio DJ from a San Diego radio station. That she is shown along with her radio co-host with the group at the Grammy Awards over a year ago.(See link below)
And definitely not from this website as claimed.
And here is what the owner(Geena) of the original photograph said about this Yahoo answers that answered this question after learning that her photo obtained from her "Geena the Latina" website and was being used for this over a week ago here on Yahoo answers (see below link):;_ylt=Ap_l7poTouAtuxjThq7KDpzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120609001756AA0B2CF
She was not all too happy(more like angry) with this answer that this particular Yahoo answerer was using her website photograph to promote this type of scam as claimed here with their link. This Yahoo answerer keeps changing their name when she(or he) is caught red handed in this information lie so that gullible teens won't find out what a liar this person really is.
This really shows somebody lying to people(especially young music fans) here on Yahoo answers using other peoples website photographs to promote this type of thing to trick and con fans out of their money....And one can really figure out who is really telling the truth in these answers on this particular subject.(which it is not the person in the above links I provided).
This Yahoo answerer person does not have a good track record of telling the truth. from their past track record, any picture that is claimed that it works comes from someone else's seldom seen and access website photograph off the internet somewhere and they write their own caption to it to convince and trick gullible young fans out of their money.
It is amazing what a little internet research can accomplish to get the truth.
As the Bible says , "The Truth Will Set You Free".............In this case "The Truth Will inform You Where NOT TO Send your hard earn money to."
Also, thanks to the other Yahoo answerer that told in their answer on this same subject of about this info on this IE copy/paste computer option, it was just so very, very useful.
I would really be wary of someone suggesting getting a book from this website
of , and they SOMETIMES show(not always) a link to a photograph that claims it actually works because is says it is them with a noted music idol because of this book on ...The person that answered here on Yahoo Answers had the same answer and the links there on Yahoo answers and look at these Yahoo answers in the past (see below)
On the statement on the One Direction singing group that is claimed from this book from website(See below);_ylt=AoNJ6Y.vRl0swH7f6Ecke.wjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120507055634AA3dGwO;_ylt=AoZsg.kgF8J.mJYkvV60mm_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120614115819AAMWYjl
Well, I found where this Yahoo answerer photograph to his claim of this REALLY and ACTUALLY came from. It was from a New Zealand newspaper.
--[RECENTLY the person in links I mentioned above, removed the pictures from the
other website link, after he was exposed as stealing these photographs from other people seldom seen websites, still the links even without the picture proves this guy is nothing but a big fat liar
just trying to scam teen fans out of their money]---
(see link below)
The girl did not get a backstage pass to meet One Direction as this Yahoo answerer has claim in their past answers with this photograph. It was really her father that went to the trouble of getting the band's name tattoo on his chest. Not from some backstage book from this website.
Also, the Yahoo answerer also claims to have a photograph of her(or him) with the music group of Mindless Behavior also showing a link to a claim photograph that they said was possible from this book on website (see Yahoo links below);_ylt=Aheyg0XwfZAcR9qUwNuaM3ojzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120113151041AAGMrGq;_ylt=AhE4LxmYoiHAIrcVjUn5mTMjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120530165009AA01ZLW
Now, here is where the original photograph actually came from, which is from a radio DJ from a San Diego radio station. That she is shown along with her radio co-host with the group at the Grammy Awards over a year ago.(See link below)
And definitely not from this website as claimed.
And here is what the owner(Geena) of the original photograph said about this Yahoo answers that answered this question after learning that her photo obtained from her "Geena the Latina" website and was being used for this over a week ago here on Yahoo answers (see below link):;_ylt=Ap_l7poTouAtuxjThq7KDpzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120609001756AA0B2CF
She was not all too happy(more like angry) with this answer that this particular Yahoo answerer was using her website photograph to promote this type of scam as claimed here with their link. This Yahoo answerer keeps changing their name when she(or he) is caught red handed in this information lie so that gullible teens won't find out what a liar this person really is.
This really shows somebody lying to people(especially young music fans) here on Yahoo answers using other peoples website photographs to promote this type of thing to trick and con fans out of their money....And one can really figure out who is really telling the truth in these answers on this particular subject.(which it is not the person in the above links I provided).
This Yahoo answerer person does not have a good track record of telling the truth. from their past track record, any picture that is claimed that it works comes from someone else's seldom seen and access website photograph off the internet somewhere and they write their own caption to it to convince and trick gullible young fans out of their money.
It is amazing what a little internet research can accomplish to get the truth.
As the Bible says , "The Truth Will Set You Free".............In this case "The Truth Will inform You Where NOT TO Send your hard earn money to."
Also, thanks to the other Yahoo answerer that told in their answer on this same subject of about this info on this IE copy/paste computer option, it was just so very, very useful.
where did tattooes come from?
Poet Marie
I want to know, if the aztecs or just major tribes started burrying ink into skin.
Tattooing has been a practice of almost every known people. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore unique facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples, and in the Philippines, Borneo, Samoa, Africa, Japan, and China.
Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice since Neolithic times. "Ãtzi the Iceman", dated circa 3300 BC was tattooed, as was the mummified male found in the Pasaryk burial whose body was tattooed with stylized animal designs. In the Steppes, other natural mummies up to 7000 years old have been found to have tattoos.
Tattooing has also been featured prominently in one of the Four Classic Novels in Chinese literature, Water Margin, in which at least two of the 108 characters, Shi Jun and Yan Qing, were described as having tattoos covering nearly the whole of their bodies. In addition, Chinese legend has it that the mother of Yue Fei, the most famous general of the Song Dynasty, tattooed the words ç²¾å¿ å ±å (pinyin: jin zhong bao guo) on his back with her sewing needle right before he left to join the army, reminding him to "repay his country with total loyalty".
Europeans rediscovered tattooing during the exploration of the South Pacific under Captain James Cook in the 1770s, and sailors were particularly identified with tattoos in European culture until after World War I.
The "modern" electric tattoo machine is fundamentally the same machine invented by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891, which was based on an electric engraving pen invented by Thomas Edison.
In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids (It undoubtedly started much earlier). When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.
The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies. Markings identified the spies and showed their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves. This practice is still carried on today. The Ainu people of western Asia used tattooing to show social status. Girls coming of age were marked to announce their place in society, as were the married women. The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. In Borneo, women were the tattooists. It was a cultural tradition. They produced designs indicating the owners station in life and the tribe he belonged to. Kayan women had delicate arm tattoos which looked like lacy gloves. Dayak warriors who had "taken a head" had tattoos on their hands. The tattoos garnered respect and assured the owners status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today. There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in the rituals. Even the isolated tribes in Alaska practiced tattooing, their style indicating it was learned from the Ainu.
In the west, early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. The Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing. It still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Normans disdained tattooing. It disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.
While tattooing diminished in the west, it thrived in Japan. At first, tattoos were used to mark criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead. A second crime was marked by adding an arch. A third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for "dog". It appears this was the original "Three strikes, you're out" law. In time, the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The Japanese body suit originated around 1700 as a reaction to strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate clothing. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A highly tattooed person wearing only a loin cloth was considered well dressed, but only in the privacy of their own home.
William Dampier is responsible for re-introducing tattooing to the west. He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas. In 1691 he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian named Prince Giolo, Known as the Painted Prince. He was put on exhibition, a money making attraction, and became the rage of London. It had been 600 years since tattoos had been seen in Europe and it would be another 100 years before tattooing would make it mark in the West.
Tattooing has been a practice of almost every known people. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore unique facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples, and in the Philippines, Borneo, Samoa, Africa, Japan, and China.
Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice since Neolithic times. "Ãtzi the Iceman", dated circa 3300 BC was tattooed, as was the mummified male found in the Pasaryk burial whose body was tattooed with stylized animal designs. In the Steppes, other natural mummies up to 7000 years old have been found to have tattoos.
Tattooing has also been featured prominently in one of the Four Classic Novels in Chinese literature, Water Margin, in which at least two of the 108 characters, Shi Jun and Yan Qing, were described as having tattoos covering nearly the whole of their bodies. In addition, Chinese legend has it that the mother of Yue Fei, the most famous general of the Song Dynasty, tattooed the words ç²¾å¿ å ±å (pinyin: jin zhong bao guo) on his back with her sewing needle right before he left to join the army, reminding him to "repay his country with total loyalty".
Europeans rediscovered tattooing during the exploration of the South Pacific under Captain James Cook in the 1770s, and sailors were particularly identified with tattoos in European culture until after World War I.
The "modern" electric tattoo machine is fundamentally the same machine invented by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891, which was based on an electric engraving pen invented by Thomas Edison.
In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids (It undoubtedly started much earlier). When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.
The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies. Markings identified the spies and showed their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves. This practice is still carried on today. The Ainu people of western Asia used tattooing to show social status. Girls coming of age were marked to announce their place in society, as were the married women. The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. In Borneo, women were the tattooists. It was a cultural tradition. They produced designs indicating the owners station in life and the tribe he belonged to. Kayan women had delicate arm tattoos which looked like lacy gloves. Dayak warriors who had "taken a head" had tattoos on their hands. The tattoos garnered respect and assured the owners status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today. There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in the rituals. Even the isolated tribes in Alaska practiced tattooing, their style indicating it was learned from the Ainu.
In the west, early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. The Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing. It still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Normans disdained tattooing. It disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.
While tattooing diminished in the west, it thrived in Japan. At first, tattoos were used to mark criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead. A second crime was marked by adding an arch. A third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for "dog". It appears this was the original "Three strikes, you're out" law. In time, the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The Japanese body suit originated around 1700 as a reaction to strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate clothing. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A highly tattooed person wearing only a loin cloth was considered well dressed, but only in the privacy of their own home.
William Dampier is responsible for re-introducing tattooing to the west. He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas. In 1691 he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian named Prince Giolo, Known as the Painted Prince. He was put on exhibition, a money making attraction, and became the rage of London. It had been 600 years since tattoos had been seen in Europe and it would be another 100 years before tattooing would make it mark in the West.
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