do you prefer:
- short or tall girls?
- tan or light skin?
- pitchy or raspy voice?
- hair color? (sort from prettiest to ugliest)
brown, blond, black, red
- eye color (sort from prettiest)
brown, blue, green, hazel
- straight or curly hair?
- small or pointy nose?
- tiny or big eyebrows?
- tattoos or piercings? (or nothing?)
- skinny or curvy body?
- big boobs or big butt? lol
and the last question, what do you think who is the most beautiful female celebrity, by your choice?
btw i don't mean to offend anybody with this.
Tall Girls: When a tall girl walks into a room everybody notices her beauty. That's because everybody is looking at eye-level or slightly above. Nobody looks down and notices all the short girls in the room. That's why modeling agencies mainly look for tall girls because they're more noticeable. Clothes also hang more loosely and they have a better body shape. In exercising, tall girls have an advantage because their legs are longer which gives them longer strides when running. They tend to be mostly skinny and it's harder for them to gain weight because their growing helps them lose the weight. Tall girls are almost god-like and ethereal in nature. They also tend to have better posture which helps them stand up straight and reduces if any to no back problems when older. Short girls are rather dumpy, petite, and tend to slouch.
Naturally Light-Skin: Light skin looks pure and healthy. It makes girls look more youthful and becomes even better if they keep a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. No blemishes or scars either. Tan skin covers up beauty and makes you appear older. No tanning beds or sun-bathing or spray tanning. This can increase rate for skin cancer. Especially, with the type of hair color a girl has, tans can look fake, trashy, unattractive, and unprofessional. Girls who tan might as well dress up as bacon and cook themselves in a skillet. If you tan too much, a girl could be accused of coloring themselves with an orange marker. Tan skin out.
Moderate-toned voice: Not too high that it sounds annoying or distracting when you laugh or too girly, but not too low that it sounds like the girl is a lesbian or masculine. Some low voices are really mysterious and sexy. Not raspy like they've just smoked crack or are an avid smoker. That's unattractive. Not a vocal fry (that thing Kim Kardashian & Paris Hilton do w/ their voices) or 'sexy baby' voice. It damages your vocal cords and it sounds unintelligent, déclassé, and overall fake. Most girls' voices are fine.
1 being the prettiest 4 being the ugliest
1) Blond. Bright, cheerful, noticeable and bubbly. Angelic. Not platinum blond that obviously looks fake and which most girls can't pull off (with the exception of Marilyn Monroe). Most importantly, natural blondes look the best and it should go along nicely with skin color. Grace Kelly, natural, 2nd most beautiful woman in world.
2) Red Head. Fiery, mysterious, tempting, sexy. Not gingers, but dark red heads with light skin that's goes nicely. Think Angie Everhart, a perfect representation of the proper red head. Always had an obsession with women like this. But, it's rare to actually find someone who looks perfect with it, so that's why it isn't #1. Another example, actress Diane Lane's character Cherry from The Outsiders.
3) Brown. Most common hair type. Doesn't really stand out. Boring. Plain. Looks great with almost every woman. Goes along nicely with skin tones and outfits. Can be sexy.
4) Black. Most well pulled off by Asians and Black people. Another common hair color that truly can go along with anyone even Emos and Goths. Doesn't stand out as much when compared with blonds and red heads. Plain and boring. No variety.
1 being the prettiest 4 being the ugliest
1) Blue. The color of a pristine swimming pool and the shimmering ocean. Very mystifying and pure. Looks perfect with natural blonds and red heads.
2) Green. Rare and mysterious eye color. Like something out of a story book. Looks best with black and red hair. Looks good when mixed with blue eye color.
3) Hazel. Not common. Stands out with blonds. Very doe-eyed and innocent.
4) Brown. Most common. Plain. Boring. Can look very attractive on girls. Especially, big eyes. Doe-eyed and innocent. Can look good on blonds. Not necessarily red heads. Tom Petty thinks it looks good though.
Naturally straight hair. Not dried out or damaged with irons. Perms are distracting, too much maintenance and annoying. The possibilities are endless on what you can do with straight hair. Girls can curl your hair with rollers or an iron. Thick hair is the best because when girls get older, if they have too thin hair it starts to fall out and that looks unattractive. Curly hair is hard to manage and there isn't much you can do with it.
Small nose. Not a Barbara Streisand. Too distracting. Pointy and big noses are right in the middle of your face and take away from your other features. Might make you sound nasally when you talk as well. Unattractive. Small noses aren't a hassle. And if girls ever broke their noses they never heal quite right it's more noticeable in big and pointy noses. I don't know of any guy who would disagree with this one.
Moderately-sized eyebrows: Not too small. Or shaved off. AND DEFINITELY DON'T DRAW THEM ON WITH A PENCIL. Creepy and distracting and fake. Girls should make sure the color is matching their natural hair color so it doesn't look fake. Especially, if the girl is young don't wax too much because redness develops around the area and it looks awkward. Use tweezers appropriately. Bushy eyebrows an unibrows are hideous so pluck accordingly. It looks foreign and masculine. Most of the time they don't even need to be touched.
No tattoos. Few piercings: Most modeling agencies hate tattoos because it's just more time and effort to digitally remove. (With exception to Angelina Jolie). It isn't good for your skin because all of the ink your skin consumes. And it looks unprofessional on job interviews. Biker chicks aren't the most attractive. Piercings are okay such as your ears and sometimes naval piercings, but there's a limit. Not your nose, or any other parts of your body that are 'pierceable'...if that's even a word, which I'm sure it's not.
Curvy Body. Sticks are boring. But, desirable for modeling (see Tall Girls) Curves are great because it accentuates hips and butt. It also looks great in body con dresses. It gives girls a cute shape. Love handles aren't attractive and make you appear old. Girls definitely need to avoid those. Skinny's good, but not anorexic.
Big Boobs: By far. Big butt, to me, looks awkward at times (except if your J-Lo). Big boobs is more eye-catching and lucrative. Though keep it natural, no plastic surgery (Pamela Anderson) because then it makes girls look like mutants and too top-heavy which isn't okay. Big butt jiggles and looks better for fat girls. If anything, moderately-sized boobs are just fine, but at least use a push-up bra. Not too flat chested.
Beautiful females (not all of whom are celebrities):
-Anastasia Sokolova (pole acrobatics on Ukraine's Got Talent)
-Maryse Ouellet (WWE wrestler, fashion designer, glamour model)
-Angie Everhart (Supermodel and actress)
-Angelina Jolie (Actress and model)
-Pamela Anderson (Baywatch, only, before she was fake)
-Grace Kelly (Princess of Monaco, model, actress)
-Alicia Silverstone (Actress and model,Teenage years only)
-Yasmine Bleeth (actress)
-Cassidy Rae (actress)
-Jennifer Rubin (actress)
Tall Girls: When a tall girl walks into a room everybody notices her beauty. That's because everybody is looking at eye-level or slightly above. Nobody looks down and notices all the short girls in the room. That's why modeling agencies mainly look for tall girls because they're more noticeable. Clothes also hang more loosely and they have a better body shape. In exercising, tall girls have an advantage because their legs are longer which gives them longer strides when running. They tend to be mostly skinny and it's harder for them to gain weight because their growing helps them lose the weight. Tall girls are almost god-like and ethereal in nature. They also tend to have better posture which helps them stand up straight and reduces if any to no back problems when older. Short girls are rather dumpy, petite, and tend to slouch.
Naturally Light-Skin: Light skin looks pure and healthy. It makes girls look more youthful and becomes even better if they keep a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. No blemishes or scars either. Tan skin covers up beauty and makes you appear older. No tanning beds or sun-bathing or spray tanning. This can increase rate for skin cancer. Especially, with the type of hair color a girl has, tans can look fake, trashy, unattractive, and unprofessional. Girls who tan might as well dress up as bacon and cook themselves in a skillet. If you tan too much, a girl could be accused of coloring themselves with an orange marker. Tan skin out.
Moderate-toned voice: Not too high that it sounds annoying or distracting when you laugh or too girly, but not too low that it sounds like the girl is a lesbian or masculine. Some low voices are really mysterious and sexy. Not raspy like they've just smoked crack or are an avid smoker. That's unattractive. Not a vocal fry (that thing Kim Kardashian & Paris Hilton do w/ their voices) or 'sexy baby' voice. It damages your vocal cords and it sounds unintelligent, déclassé, and overall fake. Most girls' voices are fine.
1 being the prettiest 4 being the ugliest
1) Blond. Bright, cheerful, noticeable and bubbly. Angelic. Not platinum blond that obviously looks fake and which most girls can't pull off (with the exception of Marilyn Monroe). Most importantly, natural blondes look the best and it should go along nicely with skin color. Grace Kelly, natural, 2nd most beautiful woman in world.
2) Red Head. Fiery, mysterious, tempting, sexy. Not gingers, but dark red heads with light skin that's goes nicely. Think Angie Everhart, a perfect representation of the proper red head. Always had an obsession with women like this. But, it's rare to actually find someone who looks perfect with it, so that's why it isn't #1. Another example, actress Diane Lane's character Cherry from The Outsiders.
3) Brown. Most common hair type. Doesn't really stand out. Boring. Plain. Looks great with almost every woman. Goes along nicely with skin tones and outfits. Can be sexy.
4) Black. Most well pulled off by Asians and Black people. Another common hair color that truly can go along with anyone even Emos and Goths. Doesn't stand out as much when compared with blonds and red heads. Plain and boring. No variety.
1 being the prettiest 4 being the ugliest
1) Blue. The color of a pristine swimming pool and the shimmering ocean. Very mystifying and pure. Looks perfect with natural blonds and red heads.
2) Green. Rare and mysterious eye color. Like something out of a story book. Looks best with black and red hair. Looks good when mixed with blue eye color.
3) Hazel. Not common. Stands out with blonds. Very doe-eyed and innocent.
4) Brown. Most common. Plain. Boring. Can look very attractive on girls. Especially, big eyes. Doe-eyed and innocent. Can look good on blonds. Not necessarily red heads. Tom Petty thinks it looks good though.
Naturally straight hair. Not dried out or damaged with irons. Perms are distracting, too much maintenance and annoying. The possibilities are endless on what you can do with straight hair. Girls can curl your hair with rollers or an iron. Thick hair is the best because when girls get older, if they have too thin hair it starts to fall out and that looks unattractive. Curly hair is hard to manage and there isn't much you can do with it.
Small nose. Not a Barbara Streisand. Too distracting. Pointy and big noses are right in the middle of your face and take away from your other features. Might make you sound nasally when you talk as well. Unattractive. Small noses aren't a hassle. And if girls ever broke their noses they never heal quite right it's more noticeable in big and pointy noses. I don't know of any guy who would disagree with this one.
Moderately-sized eyebrows: Not too small. Or shaved off. AND DEFINITELY DON'T DRAW THEM ON WITH A PENCIL. Creepy and distracting and fake. Girls should make sure the color is matching their natural hair color so it doesn't look fake. Especially, if the girl is young don't wax too much because redness develops around the area and it looks awkward. Use tweezers appropriately. Bushy eyebrows an unibrows are hideous so pluck accordingly. It looks foreign and masculine. Most of the time they don't even need to be touched.
No tattoos. Few piercings: Most modeling agencies hate tattoos because it's just more time and effort to digitally remove. (With exception to Angelina Jolie). It isn't good for your skin because all of the ink your skin consumes. And it looks unprofessional on job interviews. Biker chicks aren't the most attractive. Piercings are okay such as your ears and sometimes naval piercings, but there's a limit. Not your nose, or any other parts of your body that are 'pierceable'...if that's even a word, which I'm sure it's not.
Curvy Body. Sticks are boring. But, desirable for modeling (see Tall Girls) Curves are great because it accentuates hips and butt. It also looks great in body con dresses. It gives girls a cute shape. Love handles aren't attractive and make you appear old. Girls definitely need to avoid those. Skinny's good, but not anorexic.
Big Boobs: By far. Big butt, to me, looks awkward at times (except if your J-Lo). Big boobs is more eye-catching and lucrative. Though keep it natural, no plastic surgery (Pamela Anderson) because then it makes girls look like mutants and too top-heavy which isn't okay. Big butt jiggles and looks better for fat girls. If anything, moderately-sized boobs are just fine, but at least use a push-up bra. Not too flat chested.
Beautiful females (not all of whom are celebrities):
-Anastasia Sokolova (pole acrobatics on Ukraine's Got Talent)
-Maryse Ouellet (WWE wrestler, fashion designer, glamour model)
-Angie Everhart (Supermodel and actress)
-Angelina Jolie (Actress and model)
-Pamela Anderson (Baywatch, only, before she was fake)
-Grace Kelly (Princess of Monaco, model, actress)
-Alicia Silverstone (Actress and model,Teenage years only)
-Yasmine Bleeth (actress)
-Cassidy Rae (actress)
-Jennifer Rubin (actress)
GIRLS with tattoo'd eyebrows???
would you recommend it??? any hints or tips???
i heard that you need to keep going back every so often is this true?? what should i know before i decide getting my eyebrows tatttoo'd... how long will my face be swollen? all info will be appreciated.
my ex had them done. They were only swallen a few days. You may have to go back for a touch up or two but nothing serious. Just make sure the person who does it is good. It takes longer for them to draw it on your face then it does for them to actually tatoo them. Have fun and enjoy being eyebrowless!
my ex had them done. They were only swallen a few days. You may have to go back for a touch up or two but nothing serious. Just make sure the person who does it is good. It takes longer for them to draw it on your face then it does for them to actually tatoo them. Have fun and enjoy being eyebrowless!
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Title Post: guys, what do you like/prefer on girls?
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