Q. I'm a male and I'm turning 18 in a month and I want to get a tattoo...but I have no idea of what I want. Would be a great help if someone give a an idea, maybe something to be with the fact I'm turning 18 or something like that. Peace
Your First Tattoo should be small to medium size at first in a place that you can cover with pants or a shirt if you don't know what you want already (this way it can be Hidden for employment or whatnot). It should also not be in Color since some people Decide after they get a Color Tattoo, that they should have stuck with only Black and White, and the Color tattoo is the one they don't like the most. No Color, unless it's something your absolutely sure you want, not a impulsive Decision. Many Shops Have Hundreds of Designs in books when you get ther you can flip through (I assume this is a rite of Passage type thing), so don't get any writing, or anything that represents your age, when you are older you may regret it, wait until you are sure what you want for Tattoo's like That. My buddy and I ditched school when I turned Eighteen and both got Tattoos that day, no Idea what we wanted, but all the High school girls back then dug guys with Tattoos. My buddy got a Scorpion about 4" big in Black and White, he was Mexican/Native American so it fit him well. I got a 4" tall picture of "Marvin the Martian" from Looney tunes shooting a Ray Gun in Black and White, we were in L.A. County. We both Decided on our Right Upper arm. Now I have 14 Tattoos, and want 3 More in U.V. Ink (Shows up in Black light, with a lightly visible outline (Scar like) in all other light. I am an Ex-Paratrooper, so my Social Security Number Means alot to me, so I want to get it (in U.V. Ink) in Barcode form on the Back of my neck, also in U.V., on the Back of my Hands I want to get an Oroboros (U.V., Left Hand, Dragon eating it's own tail represents Reincarnation and the Circle/Cycle of Life), and a Hong of War(U.V.,Right Hand, Two Head Dragon upright with the two heads Fighting/Facing Each other, represents War, and to me the last 10+ years of "Holy" War, From Ghangis Kongs day back in Mongolia and China). I am Ordained Taoist and most My Tattoos have Religous meaning, my Left Arm: ForeArm; (Front) Taurus Constelation Mapped out (also on my right, both at wrist level, For the 12 month Zodiac, my Sun sign and Moon sign are the Same), year of the Rabbit (B-Day in Chinese Zodiac Script), Hexagon/Hexagram (Star of David, I am 1/8 Jewish of French Decent) (Back of ForeArm) Egyptian Ankh with infinity Sign in it (sideways 8, or 2 perfect Circles Joined, wrist level), U.S. Army Airborne Wings (with Green/Olive Drab Parachute Conopy) with Black Beret on it (for Rangers, before the Army switched to everyone wearing a Black Beret), Yin and Yang. Upper left: Tribal Arm Band (all the way around, from one side of my pit to the other), Sign of Aries (the 13 sign Zodiac, modern Zodiac, same as on the right also). Upper Back/Low Neck: Star of Lakshmi, Rub el Hizb (Octogram/Octogon, faded a little so take care of yours, espeacially the first week). Right Arm: ForeArm: (Front) Taurus Constelation Mapped, Year of the Dragon (year I was old enough to become a Chief in Judaism, in Chinese Script, I wanted something Dragon Related but not a cheesy Dragon Picture) and a Penticle (5 Pointed Star, 5 elements, earth, Water, Fire, Air, Heart) (Back, otherside) Sacred Heart (burnt almost completely off, years later) on a Sword shaped like a Crucifix (Color). Upper Right Arm: Peace sign in Rose stems (blurred spikes 20 years later) with amererican Stars and Stripes inside, Marvin the Martian (From Looney tunes, "must Destroy the Earth it Disrupts my View of Venus, Where is that P-38 Space Modulator?".), Sign of Aries.
I put the ones on my left because they represent the Loving and nutureing side of Religion, and the ones on my right (i.e., the Right Hand of God) represent the Wrathful side of Religion, except for Marvin, I still like my Marvin though, I have had it 18+ years, and Looney tunes are timeless, and Innocent.
Oh yeah, if you take in your own Design, be sure to make sure the Artist takes into account that when he Copies it, if he uses a photo copier, it will be Mirror imaged (Reversed), so he has to copy it twice, My beret on my Airborne Wings is on reversed, because I didn't notice, and don't be surprised if you have to go in and get touched up after (it's usually free if you go in a week or two after you get it, and get a reciept for proof.
you could go always go the Zodiac route, Besure to read my answer though:
**********No, Girlfriends/Partners names, ever. Check out this Question and my answer, about a Youngster (j/k) with a Tattoo they want to remove but can't afford to, so they want to cover it up, if you want:
Your First Tattoo should be small to medium size at first in a place that you can cover with pants or a shirt if you don't know what you want already (this way it can be Hidden for employment or whatnot). It should also not be in Color since some people Decide after they get a Color Tattoo, that they should have stuck with only Black and White, and the Color tattoo is the one they don't like the most. No Color, unless it's something your absolutely sure you want, not a impulsive Decision. Many Shops Have Hundreds of Designs in books when you get ther you can flip through (I assume this is a rite of Passage type thing), so don't get any writing, or anything that represents your age, when you are older you may regret it, wait until you are sure what you want for Tattoo's like That. My buddy and I ditched school when I turned Eighteen and both got Tattoos that day, no Idea what we wanted, but all the High school girls back then dug guys with Tattoos. My buddy got a Scorpion about 4" big in Black and White, he was Mexican/Native American so it fit him well. I got a 4" tall picture of "Marvin the Martian" from Looney tunes shooting a Ray Gun in Black and White, we were in L.A. County. We both Decided on our Right Upper arm. Now I have 14 Tattoos, and want 3 More in U.V. Ink (Shows up in Black light, with a lightly visible outline (Scar like) in all other light. I am an Ex-Paratrooper, so my Social Security Number Means alot to me, so I want to get it (in U.V. Ink) in Barcode form on the Back of my neck, also in U.V., on the Back of my Hands I want to get an Oroboros (U.V., Left Hand, Dragon eating it's own tail represents Reincarnation and the Circle/Cycle of Life), and a Hong of War(U.V.,Right Hand, Two Head Dragon upright with the two heads Fighting/Facing Each other, represents War, and to me the last 10+ years of "Holy" War, From Ghangis Kongs day back in Mongolia and China). I am Ordained Taoist and most My Tattoos have Religous meaning, my Left Arm: ForeArm; (Front) Taurus Constelation Mapped out (also on my right, both at wrist level, For the 12 month Zodiac, my Sun sign and Moon sign are the Same), year of the Rabbit (B-Day in Chinese Zodiac Script), Hexagon/Hexagram (Star of David, I am 1/8 Jewish of French Decent) (Back of ForeArm) Egyptian Ankh with infinity Sign in it (sideways 8, or 2 perfect Circles Joined, wrist level), U.S. Army Airborne Wings (with Green/Olive Drab Parachute Conopy) with Black Beret on it (for Rangers, before the Army switched to everyone wearing a Black Beret), Yin and Yang. Upper left: Tribal Arm Band (all the way around, from one side of my pit to the other), Sign of Aries (the 13 sign Zodiac, modern Zodiac, same as on the right also). Upper Back/Low Neck: Star of Lakshmi, Rub el Hizb (Octogram/Octogon, faded a little so take care of yours, espeacially the first week). Right Arm: ForeArm: (Front) Taurus Constelation Mapped, Year of the Dragon (year I was old enough to become a Chief in Judaism, in Chinese Script, I wanted something Dragon Related but not a cheesy Dragon Picture) and a Penticle (5 Pointed Star, 5 elements, earth, Water, Fire, Air, Heart) (Back, otherside) Sacred Heart (burnt almost completely off, years later) on a Sword shaped like a Crucifix (Color). Upper Right Arm: Peace sign in Rose stems (blurred spikes 20 years later) with amererican Stars and Stripes inside, Marvin the Martian (From Looney tunes, "must Destroy the Earth it Disrupts my View of Venus, Where is that P-38 Space Modulator?".), Sign of Aries.
I put the ones on my left because they represent the Loving and nutureing side of Religion, and the ones on my right (i.e., the Right Hand of God) represent the Wrathful side of Religion, except for Marvin, I still like my Marvin though, I have had it 18+ years, and Looney tunes are timeless, and Innocent.
Oh yeah, if you take in your own Design, be sure to make sure the Artist takes into account that when he Copies it, if he uses a photo copier, it will be Mirror imaged (Reversed), so he has to copy it twice, My beret on my Airborne Wings is on reversed, because I didn't notice, and don't be surprised if you have to go in and get touched up after (it's usually free if you go in a week or two after you get it, and get a reciept for proof.
you could go always go the Zodiac route, Besure to read my answer though:
**********No, Girlfriends/Partners names, ever. Check out this Question and my answer, about a Youngster (j/k) with a Tattoo they want to remove but can't afford to, so they want to cover it up, if you want:
Cute Tattoo ideas :)?
My mom and i are going to get tattoos soon and im not sure what im going to get yet. Im 17 and a cheerleader i lovee stArs and hearts i want to get something smallish but sexy probably on my hip. Any ideas? Pics would be great :)
Or possiy on my shoulder
First of all, keep in mind that even today in our "modern" "liberated" 21st century, people are still negatively judged for having tattoos. That's obvious here by the people that refer to a lower back tattoo, (those ones on your hips that show above your pants) as a "tramp stamp" . If you get a tattoo in a place where it is almost impossible to cover up, such as your wrist, people will always be able to see it and may judge you negatively by it. I know, people that love tatts will say in response to that "I don't care what people think". Well to that, I will say that you WILL care when that person that's judging you is someone who you are trying to get a job from! There are plenty of places that you will have trouble getting a job at if you have a tattoo that shows. And even with that aside, if this is your first tattoo, you may not like it being on your wrist later on in life. I would highly suggest NOT getting a wrist tattoo. If you just can't help yourself and really want one anyway, wait till you have several tattoos and are a bit more experienced with it to make that decision.
A belly tattoo will get stretched out of shape from if you ever experience pregnancy. Although a belly tattoo sounds sexy when you're still young and skinny, a tattoo on the belly can sometimes end up looking downright awful later on. So if you want one there, keep this in consideration and decide whether you can live with that risk or not.
If this is your first tattoo, I would HIGHLY suggest you get a small, simple one in a place that's easy to hide. A lot of girls like to get their first tattoo on their ankle or top of their foot somewhere. That is easy to cover up with socks, and if you wear open shoes where it shows, it usually doesn't look bad, and even looks cute and sexy there, small and quaint. Sometimes less is more.
Another place that's easy to hide is your back. I got my first tattoo on my back between my shoulder blades, it is just a simple black outline of a kitty cat, about the size of a small piece of fruit, like a lime or an apricot. Sometimes it shows if I wear a top that is lower in the back, like a cami, but it actually looks good that way because my tatt is simple and not really "flashy". Another benefit of getting it on your back is that if you keep having doubts about your tattoo after getting it, well then it's not "in your face" all the time cuz looking at your back is not something you do all that often, really. I have several on my back that have been there for years, and even today sometimes I'll be drying myself off from a shower and I'll catch a glimpse of them in the mirror and think "Oh yeah, that's right. I have tattoos there".
Dont get a tattoo just because it's trendy or popular. Do it for YOU, and pick a design that means something to YOU and you only. Artists always have lots of pictures to choose from, but what's better is if you draw or make your own, then it really is a unique one of a kind tattoo just for you. Pick something that's not likely to change over time, such as your zodiac symbol, a favorite animal or flower, or a religious symbol are some good ideas. Spend a LONG time thinking about it before you make a committment (6 months to a year is not too long. Even more is better, really). And the GOLDEN RULE of tattoos is NEVER EVER EVER tattoo someone else's name on you! The only exception to this is sometimes people tattoo their children's names on themselves.
Sorry this is so long, but you sounded like you needed some good advice and I hate to see young people make mistakes with tattoos just because they didn't know any better. My younger sister got a tattoo of someone's name in chinese characters on her wrist. Several years later she wasn't with that person anymore and had an artist cover it up with a drawing of her favorite animal, a lizard. But the old chinese characters still sortof show thru the new tattoo if you look at it carefully.
Good luck, I hope I've taught you something, and hope you pick out a really special tattoo that you'll enjoy all your life and never regret.
First of all, keep in mind that even today in our "modern" "liberated" 21st century, people are still negatively judged for having tattoos. That's obvious here by the people that refer to a lower back tattoo, (those ones on your hips that show above your pants) as a "tramp stamp" . If you get a tattoo in a place where it is almost impossible to cover up, such as your wrist, people will always be able to see it and may judge you negatively by it. I know, people that love tatts will say in response to that "I don't care what people think". Well to that, I will say that you WILL care when that person that's judging you is someone who you are trying to get a job from! There are plenty of places that you will have trouble getting a job at if you have a tattoo that shows. And even with that aside, if this is your first tattoo, you may not like it being on your wrist later on in life. I would highly suggest NOT getting a wrist tattoo. If you just can't help yourself and really want one anyway, wait till you have several tattoos and are a bit more experienced with it to make that decision.
A belly tattoo will get stretched out of shape from if you ever experience pregnancy. Although a belly tattoo sounds sexy when you're still young and skinny, a tattoo on the belly can sometimes end up looking downright awful later on. So if you want one there, keep this in consideration and decide whether you can live with that risk or not.
If this is your first tattoo, I would HIGHLY suggest you get a small, simple one in a place that's easy to hide. A lot of girls like to get their first tattoo on their ankle or top of their foot somewhere. That is easy to cover up with socks, and if you wear open shoes where it shows, it usually doesn't look bad, and even looks cute and sexy there, small and quaint. Sometimes less is more.
Another place that's easy to hide is your back. I got my first tattoo on my back between my shoulder blades, it is just a simple black outline of a kitty cat, about the size of a small piece of fruit, like a lime or an apricot. Sometimes it shows if I wear a top that is lower in the back, like a cami, but it actually looks good that way because my tatt is simple and not really "flashy". Another benefit of getting it on your back is that if you keep having doubts about your tattoo after getting it, well then it's not "in your face" all the time cuz looking at your back is not something you do all that often, really. I have several on my back that have been there for years, and even today sometimes I'll be drying myself off from a shower and I'll catch a glimpse of them in the mirror and think "Oh yeah, that's right. I have tattoos there".
Dont get a tattoo just because it's trendy or popular. Do it for YOU, and pick a design that means something to YOU and you only. Artists always have lots of pictures to choose from, but what's better is if you draw or make your own, then it really is a unique one of a kind tattoo just for you. Pick something that's not likely to change over time, such as your zodiac symbol, a favorite animal or flower, or a religious symbol are some good ideas. Spend a LONG time thinking about it before you make a committment (6 months to a year is not too long. Even more is better, really). And the GOLDEN RULE of tattoos is NEVER EVER EVER tattoo someone else's name on you! The only exception to this is sometimes people tattoo their children's names on themselves.
Sorry this is so long, but you sounded like you needed some good advice and I hate to see young people make mistakes with tattoos just because they didn't know any better. My younger sister got a tattoo of someone's name in chinese characters on her wrist. Several years later she wasn't with that person anymore and had an artist cover it up with a drawing of her favorite animal, a lizard. But the old chinese characters still sortof show thru the new tattoo if you look at it carefully.
Good luck, I hope I've taught you something, and hope you pick out a really special tattoo that you'll enjoy all your life and never regret.
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