new zealand tattoos for girls image
Poet Marie
I want to know, if the aztecs or just major tribes started burrying ink into skin.
Tattooing has been a practice of almost every known people. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore unique facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples, and in the Philippines, Borneo, Samoa, Africa, Japan, and China.
Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice since Neolithic times. "Ãtzi the Iceman", dated circa 3300 BC was tattooed, as was the mummified male found in the Pasaryk burial whose body was tattooed with stylized animal designs. In the Steppes, other natural mummies up to 7000 years old have been found to have tattoos.
Tattooing has also been featured prominently in one of the Four Classic Novels in Chinese literature, Water Margin, in which at least two of the 108 characters, Shi Jun and Yan Qing, were described as having tattoos covering nearly the whole of their bodies. In addition, Chinese legend has it that the mother of Yue Fei, the most famous general of the Song Dynasty, tattooed the words ç²¾å¿ å ±å (pinyin: jin zhong bao guo) on his back with her sewing needle right before he left to join the army, reminding him to "repay his country with total loyalty".
Europeans rediscovered tattooing during the exploration of the South Pacific under Captain James Cook in the 1770s, and sailors were particularly identified with tattoos in European culture until after World War I.
The "modern" electric tattoo machine is fundamentally the same machine invented by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891, which was based on an electric engraving pen invented by Thomas Edison.
In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids (It undoubtedly started much earlier). When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.
The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies. Markings identified the spies and showed their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves. This practice is still carried on today. The Ainu people of western Asia used tattooing to show social status. Girls coming of age were marked to announce their place in society, as were the married women. The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. In Borneo, women were the tattooists. It was a cultural tradition. They produced designs indicating the owners station in life and the tribe he belonged to. Kayan women had delicate arm tattoos which looked like lacy gloves. Dayak warriors who had "taken a head" had tattoos on their hands. The tattoos garnered respect and assured the owners status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today. There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in the rituals. Even the isolated tribes in Alaska practiced tattooing, their style indicating it was learned from the Ainu.
In the west, early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. The Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing. It still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Normans disdained tattooing. It disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.
While tattooing diminished in the west, it thrived in Japan. At first, tattoos were used to mark criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead. A second crime was marked by adding an arch. A third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for "dog". It appears this was the original "Three strikes, you're out" law. In time, the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The Japanese body suit originated around 1700 as a reaction to strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate clothing. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A highly tattooed person wearing only a loin cloth was considered well dressed, but only in the privacy of their own home.
William Dampier is responsible for re-introducing tattooing to the west. He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas. In 1691 he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian named Prince Giolo, Known as the Painted Prince. He was put on exhibition, a money making attraction, and became the rage of London. It had been 600 years since tattoos had been seen in Europe and it would be another 100 years before tattooing would make it mark in the West.
Tattooing has been a practice of almost every known people. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore unique facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples, and in the Philippines, Borneo, Samoa, Africa, Japan, and China.
Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice since Neolithic times. "Ãtzi the Iceman", dated circa 3300 BC was tattooed, as was the mummified male found in the Pasaryk burial whose body was tattooed with stylized animal designs. In the Steppes, other natural mummies up to 7000 years old have been found to have tattoos.
Tattooing has also been featured prominently in one of the Four Classic Novels in Chinese literature, Water Margin, in which at least two of the 108 characters, Shi Jun and Yan Qing, were described as having tattoos covering nearly the whole of their bodies. In addition, Chinese legend has it that the mother of Yue Fei, the most famous general of the Song Dynasty, tattooed the words ç²¾å¿ å ±å (pinyin: jin zhong bao guo) on his back with her sewing needle right before he left to join the army, reminding him to "repay his country with total loyalty".
Europeans rediscovered tattooing during the exploration of the South Pacific under Captain James Cook in the 1770s, and sailors were particularly identified with tattoos in European culture until after World War I.
The "modern" electric tattoo machine is fundamentally the same machine invented by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891, which was based on an electric engraving pen invented by Thomas Edison.
In recorded history, the earliest tattoos can be found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids (It undoubtedly started much earlier). When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well. The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form. Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.
The Greeks used tattooing for communication among spies. Markings identified the spies and showed their rank. Romans marked criminals and slaves. This practice is still carried on today. The Ainu people of western Asia used tattooing to show social status. Girls coming of age were marked to announce their place in society, as were the married women. The Ainu are noted for introducing tattoos to Japan where it developed into a religious and ceremonial rite. In Borneo, women were the tattooists. It was a cultural tradition. They produced designs indicating the owners station in life and the tribe he belonged to. Kayan women had delicate arm tattoos which looked like lacy gloves. Dayak warriors who had "taken a head" had tattoos on their hands. The tattoos garnered respect and assured the owners status for life. Polynesians developed tattoos to mark tribal communities, families, and rank. They brought their art to New Zealand and developed a facial style of tattooing called Moko which is still being used today. There is evidence that the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs used tattooing in the rituals. Even the isolated tribes in Alaska practiced tattooing, their style indicating it was learned from the Ainu.
In the west, early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. The Danes, Norse, and Saxons tattooed family crests (a tradition still practiced today). In 787 AD, Pope Hadrian banned tattooing. It still thrived in Britain until the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Normans disdained tattooing. It disappeared from Western culture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.
While tattooing diminished in the west, it thrived in Japan. At first, tattoos were used to mark criminals. First offenses were marked with a line across the forehead. A second crime was marked by adding an arch. A third offense was marked by another line. Together these marks formed the Japanese character for "dog". It appears this was the original "Three strikes, you're out" law. In time, the Japanese escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic art form. The Japanese body suit originated around 1700 as a reaction to strict laws concerning conspicuous consumption. Only royalty were allowed to wear ornate clothing. As a result of this, the middle class adorned themselves with elaborate full body tattoos. A highly tattooed person wearing only a loin cloth was considered well dressed, but only in the privacy of their own home.
William Dampier is responsible for re-introducing tattooing to the west. He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas. In 1691 he brought to London a heavily tattooed Polynesian named Prince Giolo, Known as the Painted Prince. He was put on exhibition, a money making attraction, and became the rage of London. It had been 600 years since tattoos had been seen in Europe and it would be another 100 years before tattooing would make it mark in the West.
girls describe the almost perfect guy for you?
Q. I want to see what kind of guy girls on here are into its a fun poll here's what you should include , hair style , eye color, hair color, height , weight range , tattoos or no tattoos in detail, interest IE books , comics tv show types etc, dressing style , seeing glasses or no seeing glasses, sports they like , and other again this is just for fun
Okay, so firstly from the face and body build cause I don't know how much guys weigh since they have a different muscle mass than girls, but anyways, I really like this guy:
So, hair and eyes, I'm going to say blonde hair with blue eyes or green eyes OR medium brown to dark brown/black hair with blue or green eyes.
For height, well I'm 5'11" myself so my perfect and preferable range would be 6'2" to 6'4" :)
No tattoos please!
Interests: sports, art, books, dancing, cooking, would be perfection!
I know I can't really want a guys favorite movie to be The Notebook or Twilight or something like that, but for manly movies it'd be cool if he liked stuff like James Bond, Indiana Jones, and stuff like that, and also romantic comedies that are guy appropriate like Meet the Parents or Guess Who or something like that :)
I LOVE accents! I'm from Canada so cool accents for me are British/Scottish/Irish, Australian, New Zealand, Southern USA, stuff like that :)
Also I love Italian accents and guys and food <3
My dream guy can definitely cook well too! Because I really can't cook... :P
I'd want someone who likes to dance. They don't have to be good but if I go to a party or (I'm still in high school) a school dance or something, I want them to be able to have fun with it and just dance with me.
A good sense or humor is mandatory. I always use sarcasm myself and love to joke around so if my boyfriend/guy friend/husband whatever did that too, it'd be amazing. I was once with a guy who was totally sensitive and always look my sarcasm the wrong way =/
Someone who's a fan of the States is a plus cause I want to move to New York City when I'm older :)
My perfect guy would like Disney. They don't have to be all childish and fanatic about it like I am but they have to appreciate the art and talent and watch Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King with me xD
Back to appearance I really like the hair of the guy in the photo from the style and I like that kind of dress style too. Some muscle would be nice but not overly muscular cause thats gross in my opinion. Though I could definitely do with a hot six pack ;)
For sports I think soccer, baseball and swimming would be best. Athletic is definitely a plus and I'd love to just fool around and be able to get a piggy back rid or something so me being 128lbs and 5'11" a bit of muscle is necessary ;)
NOT a guy who is obsessed with sex.
You might find this weird, but when if comes to the body - the less hair the better in my opinion, especially on the chest. Of course head hair and eyebrows and stuff are a different story.
Long eyelashes!! :D
A guy that I can play around with, be childish with and have fun while we're laughing at ourselves.
Someone who is NOT a pushover.
I guy I can argue with and who has a strong opinion and is determined. I know that sounds weird but my ex was SUCH a pushover and never stood up for himself and never argued with me.
Someone who doesn't mind me being really cuddly but knows I also need distance sometimes.
Someone who is adventurous, loves to travel and try new stuff, and will take risks.
Someone who has a good sense of style. I like the kind of casual skater look or with t-shirts/jeans/toques OR the more rough look leather jacket/tight fitting tee/jeans OR the kinda more put together but purposely messy thing like jeans or dressier pants and then a shirt but not tucked in and a loose tie hanging askew.
Someone who doesn't give compliments that they don't mean and are honest and blunt with me if they have to be.
Someone who when playing around or if I'm injured or something CAN treat me like a fragile little doll but NOT always. I am very independent and if people are constantly making a fuss about me it gets on my nerves.
Someone who understands my creative, unique, messed up mind!! :P
My other half, in other words ;)
I think you get the idea by now!
I'm a 16 year old girl, by the way. I just think age is always helpful to know with these kinds of things.
Okay, so firstly from the face and body build cause I don't know how much guys weigh since they have a different muscle mass than girls, but anyways, I really like this guy:
So, hair and eyes, I'm going to say blonde hair with blue eyes or green eyes OR medium brown to dark brown/black hair with blue or green eyes.
For height, well I'm 5'11" myself so my perfect and preferable range would be 6'2" to 6'4" :)
No tattoos please!
Interests: sports, art, books, dancing, cooking, would be perfection!
I know I can't really want a guys favorite movie to be The Notebook or Twilight or something like that, but for manly movies it'd be cool if he liked stuff like James Bond, Indiana Jones, and stuff like that, and also romantic comedies that are guy appropriate like Meet the Parents or Guess Who or something like that :)
I LOVE accents! I'm from Canada so cool accents for me are British/Scottish/Irish, Australian, New Zealand, Southern USA, stuff like that :)
Also I love Italian accents and guys and food <3
My dream guy can definitely cook well too! Because I really can't cook... :P
I'd want someone who likes to dance. They don't have to be good but if I go to a party or (I'm still in high school) a school dance or something, I want them to be able to have fun with it and just dance with me.
A good sense or humor is mandatory. I always use sarcasm myself and love to joke around so if my boyfriend/guy friend/husband whatever did that too, it'd be amazing. I was once with a guy who was totally sensitive and always look my sarcasm the wrong way =/
Someone who's a fan of the States is a plus cause I want to move to New York City when I'm older :)
My perfect guy would like Disney. They don't have to be all childish and fanatic about it like I am but they have to appreciate the art and talent and watch Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King with me xD
Back to appearance I really like the hair of the guy in the photo from the style and I like that kind of dress style too. Some muscle would be nice but not overly muscular cause thats gross in my opinion. Though I could definitely do with a hot six pack ;)
For sports I think soccer, baseball and swimming would be best. Athletic is definitely a plus and I'd love to just fool around and be able to get a piggy back rid or something so me being 128lbs and 5'11" a bit of muscle is necessary ;)
NOT a guy who is obsessed with sex.
You might find this weird, but when if comes to the body - the less hair the better in my opinion, especially on the chest. Of course head hair and eyebrows and stuff are a different story.
Long eyelashes!! :D
A guy that I can play around with, be childish with and have fun while we're laughing at ourselves.
Someone who is NOT a pushover.
I guy I can argue with and who has a strong opinion and is determined. I know that sounds weird but my ex was SUCH a pushover and never stood up for himself and never argued with me.
Someone who doesn't mind me being really cuddly but knows I also need distance sometimes.
Someone who is adventurous, loves to travel and try new stuff, and will take risks.
Someone who has a good sense of style. I like the kind of casual skater look or with t-shirts/jeans/toques OR the more rough look leather jacket/tight fitting tee/jeans OR the kinda more put together but purposely messy thing like jeans or dressier pants and then a shirt but not tucked in and a loose tie hanging askew.
Someone who doesn't give compliments that they don't mean and are honest and blunt with me if they have to be.
Someone who when playing around or if I'm injured or something CAN treat me like a fragile little doll but NOT always. I am very independent and if people are constantly making a fuss about me it gets on my nerves.
Someone who understands my creative, unique, messed up mind!! :P
My other half, in other words ;)
I think you get the idea by now!
I'm a 16 year old girl, by the way. I just think age is always helpful to know with these kinds of things.
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