tattoos for girls top 10 image
Kevin The
The Dark Knight Rises
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Django Unchained
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
The Avengers
BQ: What was the most recent movie you saw in theaters and rate it 1-10
BQ2: What was the most recent movie you saw in the theaters that disappointed you?
BQ3: What do you think was the best movie of 2011?
sup Kevin
>> This one hopefully is good, it's a Spielberg movie so I think I'll like it. Not a fan of Joseph Gorden Levitt, but hopefully it is something more than the average biopic released around Oscars season.
The Dark Knight Rises
>> I am excited for this, but what this movie needs is a memorable villian and the complex morality that was present in TDK. If it has that, and can expand on that, I think we have the best movie of this decade so far
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
>>> Mixed expectations. I'm expecting a more lighthearted LOTR with a sense of humour, which people say is essentially what the hobbit is. I really don't want to be disappointed
Django Unchained
>> Really? Rather low. Not a fan of anyone in the cast, really it just sounds something like Unforgiven.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
>>>High. Brilliant director, great cast. But can it top the original film, which was a masterpiece? Who knows. Hopefully it comes and becomes the best film of 2011, because this year really needs one.
The Avengers
>>> Joss Weddon from Buffy is directing, so high expectations. Hopefully it reinstales hope within the superhero genre, but I have doubts something is going wrong.
BA: The Help, 8/10
BA2: I can't remember, haven't been in ages
BA3: Have seen hardly any, haven't seen Drive, but I guess Super 8.
sup Kevin
>> This one hopefully is good, it's a Spielberg movie so I think I'll like it. Not a fan of Joseph Gorden Levitt, but hopefully it is something more than the average biopic released around Oscars season.
The Dark Knight Rises
>> I am excited for this, but what this movie needs is a memorable villian and the complex morality that was present in TDK. If it has that, and can expand on that, I think we have the best movie of this decade so far
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
>>> Mixed expectations. I'm expecting a more lighthearted LOTR with a sense of humour, which people say is essentially what the hobbit is. I really don't want to be disappointed
Django Unchained
>> Really? Rather low. Not a fan of anyone in the cast, really it just sounds something like Unforgiven.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
>>>High. Brilliant director, great cast. But can it top the original film, which was a masterpiece? Who knows. Hopefully it comes and becomes the best film of 2011, because this year really needs one.
The Avengers
>>> Joss Weddon from Buffy is directing, so high expectations. Hopefully it reinstales hope within the superhero genre, but I have doubts something is going wrong.
BA: The Help, 8/10
BA2: I can't remember, haven't been in ages
BA3: Have seen hardly any, haven't seen Drive, but I guess Super 8.
How do we stop one person from entering the same room thirty times under different ids?
Q. Apparently a couple of the tiki lounge's regular chatters (from room 1) went to another tiki lounge room (10) and aggrevated somebody. Since that occured someone has been booting other chatters out of room one, and fill the room with sequential I.D.'s so nobody else can enter the room.
haha the mad booters / spammers game on the chat room where you and your friends go yeah same old thing man crazy booters and there using a software program to have ids like this enter boot_1 boot_2 boot_3 and the room gets full of them and your friends cant join the room
well now that all can be stop and this is how you do it you and all your friends
what you do is you have to have 1 yahoo id for chat room and 1 yahoo id out of the chat room for pm chat with friends
yoo and your friends needs to be on windows xp for this to work
you go to this website
on there your see oppcs chat client its at the very bottom of the webpage where you see this
you can now download OOPSchat here!
now as you go down the webpage your see this
Welcome to a New Yahoo Chat Experience!
Take a look at a new full ycht compatable Yahoo chat client. Tired of spam and yahoo booters? With OOPSchat you wont have to worry about that. OOPSchat is a very advanced Yahoo Chat Client filled with automated protection to protect you from theses problems. Simple to use yet very advanced features.
Animated Smileys.
Animated Avatars (submit your avatar to our library).
Choice of Voice Bar or Vox.
Webcam viewing.
A true database to store and handle ignores (supports a large number of ignores).
Purge ignores option (removes ignores that havent been in chat in a set amount of time to keep your list clean and fast).
Wildard text and name ignore searching (uses Regular Expressions, Very advanced and configurable).
Emotes with option to edit.
User defined buttons (Set predefined text that is posted to chat when a button is pressed).
Auto text lagg blocking.
Skins, choose between 11 different skins.
Built in media player.
Lyrics database (perfect for karaoke).
WinAmp support, auto posts song and artist playing in WinAmp into chat.
Font uses Alternate colors and Fades.
Online Help and forum.
Automatic updates.
Click image to see full screen!
Before installing OOPSchat You WILL NEED the Visual Basic Runtime files from Microsoft installed. Click here and install these then you may continue below! OOPschat installation is disabled for Win98 users until i can test it on Win98 myself, all other versions of windows it works fine.
now as you are on windows xp
you do not need to download the
Visual Basic Runtime files from Microsoft installed.<<<you dont need then coz windows xp has them already so dont download them just download oppschat
when you have opps chat
install it then click on the oppschat icon on your desktop when oppschat opens it will say there is a update for oppschat
download the update on auto
then a install box will pop up saying install the new oppschat
do that
then load oppschat to start
dontnot login at this point
on the chat windows
click on options and on avatar
now the avatar's box is open
no:1 box click on the 00 tab
then skip no2 box dont do anything
in the no 3 box remove the oppschat acvatara opps_2
and re-type in ^^^
then click on options and click on pm
then click on decline pm
make sure its tick
decline pm
now then click ok
your avata is off
if you dont put the avatar off then your open for a boot coz with avatars on your more open for a boot
now at the top click on filters
and tick
wildcard names
and wildcard tex
now if you want to later widcard some idito like a xxx bot just click on filters and click on wildcard you can wildcard a name or widcard tex like this
www.bots.girls .com
you put the tex in the boix at the bottom and click appy & ok
its the same for a name click on the name tab
and put in the yahoo id you want to wilcard in the bottom box then click on apply & ok
then click on view and un-tick
avatars & tattoos
never use the toys tab coz that will send in to the room a weblink for opps chat then the booter will know whzt your on dont give the booter any info
now click on the chat tab at the top
then click on login
type in a yahoo id & password
and in the room box type in the name of the romm you want to join but you must put : THAT be for the room number watch like this
denmark:6 see the : befor the room number
then put a dot in the YMSG protocol
then clikc on connect
then opps chat will login you to the room you put in the login box it may take about 1 or 2 mins to login but it does
then when your in the room its not good clicking on the load room list tab that dont load the rooms up if you want to join a new room on the right at the bottom you will see a box with the name of the room your in remove the name of the room and put in the new name of the room you want to join dont forget to : put that befor the room number then click on change room
now the font size you can set your font size as you wish but the font color you cant set coz when you try the opps chat dc so leave it at black fonts
dont worry the tex you send is not big if youset it at no9 font tex size that what ever one will see
now if you see this message on the screen >>
boot_1 boot_ wildcard for laggings if you see lots of names of the same been put on wildcard for lagging then your know someone is trying to boot you so put the voice off and fast
dont put it back on till the names have stop and the message lagging <<has stop this way you cant be booted from the room
now if you want to ignore someone you just click on there id in the chat list and there gone out of the chat list you dont see them again there in the iggy bin box under the chat list if you want to take them off iggy click on there is in the iggy list box and there off iggy
now your online in chat room with opps chat
you can login to yahoo messenger for pm chat with your friends on your list but do not take yahoo messenger in to a chat room keep yahoo messenger at the desktop
so you use 1 yahoo id for chat room with all pm & avatars off
so your not going to be booted
and one yahoo messenger id for pm chat with friends in pm on the desktop
make a new id for chat room to enter with opps chat and keep your other if with your friends on the dekstop for pm chat but remember if the bootes know you from your old id they will try to boot it and they will coz its on yahooo messenger but not in chat all you do is log it back in but if you follow what i told you on oppschat settings and read everything how i said to set it up and when a boot is on
then your not be booted again
enjoy oppschat client for yahoo chat
hey i spent a a long time typing this up so can you sent me 10 point as best answer you lci kon the choose best answer box and sent me 10 points
thanks and enjoy yahoo chat in a new way with your friends
ps wildcard the person everytime he comes in the room and he is f++k you not see him every time he enters the room all you do is click on filters /wildcard then put his id in the room and click apply & ok he has gone
haha the mad booters / spammers game on the chat room where you and your friends go yeah same old thing man crazy booters and there using a software program to have ids like this enter boot_1 boot_2 boot_3 and the room gets full of them and your friends cant join the room
well now that all can be stop and this is how you do it you and all your friends
what you do is you have to have 1 yahoo id for chat room and 1 yahoo id out of the chat room for pm chat with friends
yoo and your friends needs to be on windows xp for this to work
you go to this website
on there your see oppcs chat client its at the very bottom of the webpage where you see this
you can now download OOPSchat here!
now as you go down the webpage your see this
Welcome to a New Yahoo Chat Experience!
Take a look at a new full ycht compatable Yahoo chat client. Tired of spam and yahoo booters? With OOPSchat you wont have to worry about that. OOPSchat is a very advanced Yahoo Chat Client filled with automated protection to protect you from theses problems. Simple to use yet very advanced features.
Animated Smileys.
Animated Avatars (submit your avatar to our library).
Choice of Voice Bar or Vox.
Webcam viewing.
A true database to store and handle ignores (supports a large number of ignores).
Purge ignores option (removes ignores that havent been in chat in a set amount of time to keep your list clean and fast).
Wildard text and name ignore searching (uses Regular Expressions, Very advanced and configurable).
Emotes with option to edit.
User defined buttons (Set predefined text that is posted to chat when a button is pressed).
Auto text lagg blocking.
Skins, choose between 11 different skins.
Built in media player.
Lyrics database (perfect for karaoke).
WinAmp support, auto posts song and artist playing in WinAmp into chat.
Font uses Alternate colors and Fades.
Online Help and forum.
Automatic updates.
Click image to see full screen!
Before installing OOPSchat You WILL NEED the Visual Basic Runtime files from Microsoft installed. Click here and install these then you may continue below! OOPschat installation is disabled for Win98 users until i can test it on Win98 myself, all other versions of windows it works fine.
now as you are on windows xp
you do not need to download the
Visual Basic Runtime files from Microsoft installed.<<<you dont need then coz windows xp has them already so dont download them just download oppschat
when you have opps chat
install it then click on the oppschat icon on your desktop when oppschat opens it will say there is a update for oppschat
download the update on auto
then a install box will pop up saying install the new oppschat
do that
then load oppschat to start
dontnot login at this point
on the chat windows
click on options and on avatar
now the avatar's box is open
no:1 box click on the 00 tab
then skip no2 box dont do anything
in the no 3 box remove the oppschat acvatara opps_2
and re-type in ^^^
then click on options and click on pm
then click on decline pm
make sure its tick
decline pm
now then click ok
your avata is off
if you dont put the avatar off then your open for a boot coz with avatars on your more open for a boot
now at the top click on filters
and tick
wildcard names
and wildcard tex
now if you want to later widcard some idito like a xxx bot just click on filters and click on wildcard you can wildcard a name or widcard tex like this
www.bots.girls .com
you put the tex in the boix at the bottom and click appy & ok
its the same for a name click on the name tab
and put in the yahoo id you want to wilcard in the bottom box then click on apply & ok
then click on view and un-tick
avatars & tattoos
never use the toys tab coz that will send in to the room a weblink for opps chat then the booter will know whzt your on dont give the booter any info
now click on the chat tab at the top
then click on login
type in a yahoo id & password
and in the room box type in the name of the romm you want to join but you must put : THAT be for the room number watch like this
denmark:6 see the : befor the room number
then put a dot in the YMSG protocol
then clikc on connect
then opps chat will login you to the room you put in the login box it may take about 1 or 2 mins to login but it does
then when your in the room its not good clicking on the load room list tab that dont load the rooms up if you want to join a new room on the right at the bottom you will see a box with the name of the room your in remove the name of the room and put in the new name of the room you want to join dont forget to : put that befor the room number then click on change room
now the font size you can set your font size as you wish but the font color you cant set coz when you try the opps chat dc so leave it at black fonts
dont worry the tex you send is not big if youset it at no9 font tex size that what ever one will see
now if you see this message on the screen >>
boot_1 boot_ wildcard for laggings if you see lots of names of the same been put on wildcard for lagging then your know someone is trying to boot you so put the voice off and fast
dont put it back on till the names have stop and the message lagging <<has stop this way you cant be booted from the room
now if you want to ignore someone you just click on there id in the chat list and there gone out of the chat list you dont see them again there in the iggy bin box under the chat list if you want to take them off iggy click on there is in the iggy list box and there off iggy
now your online in chat room with opps chat
you can login to yahoo messenger for pm chat with your friends on your list but do not take yahoo messenger in to a chat room keep yahoo messenger at the desktop
so you use 1 yahoo id for chat room with all pm & avatars off
so your not going to be booted
and one yahoo messenger id for pm chat with friends in pm on the desktop
make a new id for chat room to enter with opps chat and keep your other if with your friends on the dekstop for pm chat but remember if the bootes know you from your old id they will try to boot it and they will coz its on yahooo messenger but not in chat all you do is log it back in but if you follow what i told you on oppschat settings and read everything how i said to set it up and when a boot is on
then your not be booted again
enjoy oppschat client for yahoo chat
hey i spent a a long time typing this up so can you sent me 10 point as best answer you lci kon the choose best answer box and sent me 10 points
thanks and enjoy yahoo chat in a new way with your friends
ps wildcard the person everytime he comes in the room and he is f++k you not see him every time he enters the room all you do is click on filters /wildcard then put his id in the room and click apply & ok he has gone
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Title Post: What are your expectations for the following films?
Rating: 100% based on 9998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
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Rating: 100% based on 9998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
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