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Q. Im trying to find something to read, that i actually like... Pls help. Thanks
If you're a young teen, like 6-9th grade I advise a book by Tamora Pierce called 'First Test'. The story is about Kelandry of Mindelan who is a young noble woman (11 years old) who wants to become a knight and follow in the footsteps of Sir Alanna, who was the first lady knight and got her shield 10 years ago. Kel is grudgingly allowed to train, but is on probation for her first year. The story follows her as she struggles to train her body to be as strong as the boys, and to survive the torment of her more conservative fellow pages who want her to leave and use crude, cruel methods to try and force her out. She's a strong girl who has a tight reign on her emotions and is very determined. Personally, I loved all of the Tamora Pierce books, but you should google it and read a summary for yourself.
Of course, if you haven't read Harry Potter, I highly advise that. Twilight also seems very popular, hough I admit I haven't read it myself. Lord of the Rings is also well loved. "Bat Code Tattoo" by Suzanne Weyn is a futuristic Fantasy that involves government corruption, and mass loss of identity. The main character is trying to escape that and it leads to a very interesting adventure.
The Redwall series were ones I enjoyed in elementary, but if you're in middle-school I'd still advise them. They're about personified animals who live in settlements that are very medieval. Anything by Avi is also good.
If you want a more realistic, slightly darker story, "Lush" by Natasha Friend is about a girl with an alcoholic father and "Perfect" (also by Natasha Friend) is about a girl suffering from an eating disorder. "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is very emotional and about a girl with a problem that's only revealed halfway through the book. She struggles with herself and intense emotions throughout the novel. Having lost her friends after calling the cops to bust a end-of-summer party, she lives through school totally on her own. As she struggles with what happened that night, she doesn't speak, thus where the book got it's name. "Fat Chance" by Leslea Newman is about a girl suffering from bulimia and "Alt Ed" involves a bullied, overweight girl who's put into an alternative education class with a few other students as an alternative to being expelled. Very fascinating.
With a different type of struggle, "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoulty is told by multiple character, a different one narrating each chapter and gives a uniquely personal and in-depth view on how cancer affects a family. It was really moving to me and I highly recommend it, but it was very sad.
Back to fantasy, "Sabriel" by Garth Nix, is the first of a triplet and is very fascinating in it's complex magic that involves the dead and bells. Although the details are slightly fuzzy now, I know my friends and I fell in love with the books in Middle School, and even if you're older, it might be fun to check it out. They were very well written.
"DragonSong" by Anne McCaffrey is the first of a series and I loved the idea. Set in another world, a simple girl with a big personality and love of music finds herself up against her strict, conservative and slightly cruel father who bans her from singing or playing instruments. Running from home, she makes herself a home in a cave where she befriends 9 fire lizards and teaches them to sing. Though it sounds strange, you may enjoy it.
"Uglies", but Scott Westerfield were a fun read. It's futuristic and quite popular. I think there are four in the series now, however I only read the first two.
If you're older, like in high school, I advise "Huckleberry Fin", which was a class requirement but also a really great read. Also "Catcher in the Rye" and "Siddartha" Those should all be easy to find because they're classics.
"Fahrenheit 451" is also a classic and deals with burning books, government corruption, and uncaring, materialistic, sheep-like humans. "1984" is similar, but a totally different style. I loved both.
"Animal Farm" is basically a huge comment about governments written in a fun way involving personified humans. "Of Mice in Men" is short and an easy read, but it's very emotional. It involves a mentally challenged character and his companion. Very small character cast and only about 100 pages long, but very meaningful. It's also a classic.
For fantasy, I liked "Blood Bound" by Patricia Briggs, who's an adult author and provides a more mature look on a fun subject of werewolf's, humans, fae, and vampires. The main character is a strong headed girl named Mercy Thompson who is a mechanic. She's actually not one of the creatures previously mentioned. She's a shape-shifter, and can turn into a coyote. The first book deals with vampire troubles, Iron kissed deals with Fae and Moon Called deals with werewolves. I found all very fascinating and captivating.
I hope this list helps you out!
If you're a young teen, like 6-9th grade I advise a book by Tamora Pierce called 'First Test'. The story is about Kelandry of Mindelan who is a young noble woman (11 years old) who wants to become a knight and follow in the footsteps of Sir Alanna, who was the first lady knight and got her shield 10 years ago. Kel is grudgingly allowed to train, but is on probation for her first year. The story follows her as she struggles to train her body to be as strong as the boys, and to survive the torment of her more conservative fellow pages who want her to leave and use crude, cruel methods to try and force her out. She's a strong girl who has a tight reign on her emotions and is very determined. Personally, I loved all of the Tamora Pierce books, but you should google it and read a summary for yourself.
Of course, if you haven't read Harry Potter, I highly advise that. Twilight also seems very popular, hough I admit I haven't read it myself. Lord of the Rings is also well loved. "Bat Code Tattoo" by Suzanne Weyn is a futuristic Fantasy that involves government corruption, and mass loss of identity. The main character is trying to escape that and it leads to a very interesting adventure.
The Redwall series were ones I enjoyed in elementary, but if you're in middle-school I'd still advise them. They're about personified animals who live in settlements that are very medieval. Anything by Avi is also good.
If you want a more realistic, slightly darker story, "Lush" by Natasha Friend is about a girl with an alcoholic father and "Perfect" (also by Natasha Friend) is about a girl suffering from an eating disorder. "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is very emotional and about a girl with a problem that's only revealed halfway through the book. She struggles with herself and intense emotions throughout the novel. Having lost her friends after calling the cops to bust a end-of-summer party, she lives through school totally on her own. As she struggles with what happened that night, she doesn't speak, thus where the book got it's name. "Fat Chance" by Leslea Newman is about a girl suffering from bulimia and "Alt Ed" involves a bullied, overweight girl who's put into an alternative education class with a few other students as an alternative to being expelled. Very fascinating.
With a different type of struggle, "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoulty is told by multiple character, a different one narrating each chapter and gives a uniquely personal and in-depth view on how cancer affects a family. It was really moving to me and I highly recommend it, but it was very sad.
Back to fantasy, "Sabriel" by Garth Nix, is the first of a triplet and is very fascinating in it's complex magic that involves the dead and bells. Although the details are slightly fuzzy now, I know my friends and I fell in love with the books in Middle School, and even if you're older, it might be fun to check it out. They were very well written.
"DragonSong" by Anne McCaffrey is the first of a series and I loved the idea. Set in another world, a simple girl with a big personality and love of music finds herself up against her strict, conservative and slightly cruel father who bans her from singing or playing instruments. Running from home, she makes herself a home in a cave where she befriends 9 fire lizards and teaches them to sing. Though it sounds strange, you may enjoy it.
"Uglies", but Scott Westerfield were a fun read. It's futuristic and quite popular. I think there are four in the series now, however I only read the first two.
If you're older, like in high school, I advise "Huckleberry Fin", which was a class requirement but also a really great read. Also "Catcher in the Rye" and "Siddartha" Those should all be easy to find because they're classics.
"Fahrenheit 451" is also a classic and deals with burning books, government corruption, and uncaring, materialistic, sheep-like humans. "1984" is similar, but a totally different style. I loved both.
"Animal Farm" is basically a huge comment about governments written in a fun way involving personified humans. "Of Mice in Men" is short and an easy read, but it's very emotional. It involves a mentally challenged character and his companion. Very small character cast and only about 100 pages long, but very meaningful. It's also a classic.
For fantasy, I liked "Blood Bound" by Patricia Briggs, who's an adult author and provides a more mature look on a fun subject of werewolf's, humans, fae, and vampires. The main character is a strong headed girl named Mercy Thompson who is a mechanic. She's actually not one of the creatures previously mentioned. She's a shape-shifter, and can turn into a coyote. The first book deals with vampire troubles, Iron kissed deals with Fae and Moon Called deals with werewolves. I found all very fascinating and captivating.
I hope this list helps you out!
What's your life like right now with social anxiety/agoraphobia?
Are you in school? Able to work? How old are you and how long have you been afflicted?
Well, I have been living with social anxiety disorder and depression since I was fourteen, and I became a housebound agoraphobic around sixteen. All of this prevented me from graduating high school. I did not want to attend a public school because of my anxiety and the online school I went through was basically just taking my mother's money and I wasn't learning anything and when it came down to returning to public school a year behind or just dropping out, I chose the latter. I have put off obtaining my GED for a year now because I need a state ID (Never got my permit or driver's license) in order to take the test and that requires me to take a picture which I am deathly afraid of.
Also, I have what some they call 'comfort zones'. If I am to be outside of the house, I can only go to certain places which for me are the local library, grocery store/walgreens a block away, and perhaps the nearest mcdonald's if I am accompanied by my mother or brother and I have to stay in the car while they go inside or we go through the drivethru. So going to the DMV for my state ID poses a serious problem because it's far away in the next city and I get very anxious/stressed after being in the car for too long.
Death is what comprises the bulk of my thoughts throughout the day and I often contemplate taking my life. However, my anxiety prevents me from doing this in so many ways. First of all, I had a religious upbringing and even though I am not religious anymore, those beliefs my mother instilled in me from such a young age haunt me whenever I find myself looking at a bottle of pills or knife. I worry that I will receive a horrible punishment for taking my life, and that the consequence will exceed the pain I am in now. Then there's the emotional and financial burden I would be imposing on my family. After a tough past three years, my mother's just now getting back on her feet and I already feel EXTREMELY guilty for being 18 without a diploma or job living in her house and not being able to support myself. That is enough for me to want to slit my throat. I wish I wasn't such a burden on her. Sometimes I will go a day or two without eating because I feel like I'm just sitting at home eating up the food (even though I am petite and don't eat nearly as much as my other siblings) and being a bum even though all I want is to change my life and get better. Whenever she asks me if I want something from the mall or store, I say no. There have been times when I have gone without necessities because I could not bear the thought of her spending money on me.
I have yet to see a professional because A) that requires leaving the house for an extended period of time and B) in order to actually be referred to a psychiatrist, I would have to see my family's physician first and I do not like her. The first time I saw her was for my 16 yr old physical and she asked me questions about my social life and my answers were pathetic and when she asked if I had any friends, I sort of mumbled that they were out of state (we had to just moved) and she made this face that made me want to burst into tears and scratch my face. It was basically a YOU'RE PATHETIC face and it hurt me. I mean she's supposed to be a doctor. Anyways, it doesn't help that a year later I had to expose my breasts to this woman for a breast exam after finding what would later be classified as a benign lump in my chest. So yes, this is a huge obstacle in me getting help.
In the past, during the first two years of my affliction, I would easily make myself feel better by thinking about the future (back when graduating and going to university were still attainable realities) and fantasizing about when I got my life together. But now, I fear I am too far gone. Even if I should remedy my life enough so that I may go to school, secure employment, and be able to leave the house to get the newspaper without checking out the blinds fifty times, the damage has been done. I have never been in a relationship, and I don't think I will ever be secure enough with myself to be in one. I have lost so many relationships, including the ones with my father and half sister. My half sister told me a few months ago, during a brief texting phase (my anxiety extends to the telephone, I can't even order pizza) after having not spoken to her in nearly two years, that she hated me and after that I never replied and just sat in my closet and rocked myself into oblivion.
If you had asked me 5 yrs ago, I would have wanted marriage, children, and to travel the world. These days, I do not believe in marriage, I will not be bringing anything into this world, and traveling for me is when my neighbors aren't home and I am able to go in my backyard and feel the wind.
@Becca, We must be the same person. I have been sitting here for five minutes trying to formulate some sort of response, but I am seriously taken back. I have never had someone describe their life so closely to mine. It's comforting to know I am not alone but it also sucks to know someone else is hurting.
@Kayla, I hear so much of my 16 yr old self in your words. I too pushed away all of my friends after I moved out of state. I wasn't in school or doing anything with myself because of my anxiety so eventually there became less and less to talk about. And I felt as if I were boring them so I stopped calling and writing emails. I deleted my facebook and they stopped reaching out to me. I will never forget how pathetic I felt at 16 when I told an old friend of mine I studying for my permit and she said she got hers a long time ago. I wanted to die. I never did get it or learn to drive. I hope things shape up for you. If
You two can email me whenever if you want. If you arent too anxious. I get like that when I write emails.
I'm not in school. I dropped out in 11th grade (last year)... I haven't seen anyone my age in over a year. I can't even go get my ged. I have to be 18 to get my license. That will be in 2 months and I already know I probably won't be able to do it.
I can't work. I'm too scared to ask for an application. I think about doing an interview or talking to customers & I'm sent into panic mode. The only thing I think I can even manage is a hotel maid or something. I'm 17 & i've had social anxiety my entire life. It's just continuously gotten worse, way worse. My depression started when I was around 13.
I have those comfort places too. I can't step foot in a mall. I can't go into 'my' town. I have to go to ones in the surrounfing cities, like 1 hour away, just so I will be kind of safe to not see anyone I know. And I only go out during school hours, so that I don't have to see anyone my age. I also don't like to go into shops where I think I will be intimidated by the people. Like tattoo shops or places where I would think pretty girls would be working. I sit in the car too when my mom or sister goes in to the fast food place or grocery store.
I think about death all the time too. One time when I was 14 I tried to overdose, but I accidently fell asleep on my side, so the puke didn't choke me. I have it planned out to work now, but I don't know if I have the guts anymore. I think of death and I tense up, almost have a panic attack. Just there being nothingness... And I know this is dumb but I think of how there will be so few people at my funeral and I can't stand it. I feel like it would be easier to kill myself if I didn't have my mom, sister and my brother. Now, I have my nephew on the way. I have to see his little face and hold him before I go.. I anm extrememly close with my mom and sister and I honeslty believe they would not be able to function properly if I were to kill myself. And I need my sister to be okay for her baby. And my mom needs to be here for my little brother. Plus, I think of how I hurt, and I Would NEVER want to make them hurt like this.
I saw my doctor because I couldn't take the panic attacks anymore. Whenever I get a panic attack it feels like I'm going to die a really painful slow death by suffocation..:/ I ended up crying the whole time talking to him & barely saying anything. He gave me xanax and prozac and sent me to a therapist. That therapist made me feel like complete shit. It was 3 months into seeing her when she blamed me being like this on my mom and I was out of there. It is not my moms fault. The prozac made me go even closer to killing myself. Doctor switched me to celexa. I haven't noticed ANY differene. I took 1/2 a xanax like he said. I still felt awful. I took a whole one, still felt awful. I took 1 & 1/2 and felt okay... Worked myself up to now when I go out I have to take 3 xanax.
Your doctor sounds terrible! She needs some bedside manners. You sound like me, I get so hurt by little things too. My doctor was really really really nice to me when I cried in front of him. He had this hurt look on his face like he felt bad for me and I was slightly comforted by that but at the same time I felt more embarassed.
When I was 14 I had my first boyfriend. I had sex with him then turned into a raging whore and had sex with everyone because I couldn't talk to any of the boys because of fear & a blank mind, but I could easily spread my legss, because that means, "I'm wanted & I don't have to talk right now, in this moment" -__- I used to only sneak out though at like 3 and 4 am because I wanted it to be dark when we had sex because i dint want them to see me. but I cant even do that anymore.
I can't talk on the phone either... I can only talk with my mom and sister and brother on the phone... I can't even talk to my grandma in person without feeling uncomfortable. :( I have cut off alot of my emotions. I was in the room when my grandpa died. I saw him die. I didn't even cry. I got in the shower and tried so hard to cry and I couldn't. And I loved him so much. That night I woke up from a dream of him with tears down my face.
I don't believe in marriage anymore either. I believe that all guys do is cheat. I can't bring a kid into this world either. I would not be a stable mother at all.
I think me and you are the same person.
I'm not in school. I dropped out in 11th grade (last year)... I haven't seen anyone my age in over a year. I can't even go get my ged. I have to be 18 to get my license. That will be in 2 months and I already know I probably won't be able to do it.
I can't work. I'm too scared to ask for an application. I think about doing an interview or talking to customers & I'm sent into panic mode. The only thing I think I can even manage is a hotel maid or something. I'm 17 & i've had social anxiety my entire life. It's just continuously gotten worse, way worse. My depression started when I was around 13.
I have those comfort places too. I can't step foot in a mall. I can't go into 'my' town. I have to go to ones in the surrounfing cities, like 1 hour away, just so I will be kind of safe to not see anyone I know. And I only go out during school hours, so that I don't have to see anyone my age. I also don't like to go into shops where I think I will be intimidated by the people. Like tattoo shops or places where I would think pretty girls would be working. I sit in the car too when my mom or sister goes in to the fast food place or grocery store.
I think about death all the time too. One time when I was 14 I tried to overdose, but I accidently fell asleep on my side, so the puke didn't choke me. I have it planned out to work now, but I don't know if I have the guts anymore. I think of death and I tense up, almost have a panic attack. Just there being nothingness... And I know this is dumb but I think of how there will be so few people at my funeral and I can't stand it. I feel like it would be easier to kill myself if I didn't have my mom, sister and my brother. Now, I have my nephew on the way. I have to see his little face and hold him before I go.. I anm extrememly close with my mom and sister and I honeslty believe they would not be able to function properly if I were to kill myself. And I need my sister to be okay for her baby. And my mom needs to be here for my little brother. Plus, I think of how I hurt, and I Would NEVER want to make them hurt like this.
I saw my doctor because I couldn't take the panic attacks anymore. Whenever I get a panic attack it feels like I'm going to die a really painful slow death by suffocation..:/ I ended up crying the whole time talking to him & barely saying anything. He gave me xanax and prozac and sent me to a therapist. That therapist made me feel like complete shit. It was 3 months into seeing her when she blamed me being like this on my mom and I was out of there. It is not my moms fault. The prozac made me go even closer to killing myself. Doctor switched me to celexa. I haven't noticed ANY differene. I took 1/2 a xanax like he said. I still felt awful. I took a whole one, still felt awful. I took 1 & 1/2 and felt okay... Worked myself up to now when I go out I have to take 3 xanax.
Your doctor sounds terrible! She needs some bedside manners. You sound like me, I get so hurt by little things too. My doctor was really really really nice to me when I cried in front of him. He had this hurt look on his face like he felt bad for me and I was slightly comforted by that but at the same time I felt more embarassed.
When I was 14 I had my first boyfriend. I had sex with him then turned into a raging whore and had sex with everyone because I couldn't talk to any of the boys because of fear & a blank mind, but I could easily spread my legss, because that means, "I'm wanted & I don't have to talk right now, in this moment" -__- I used to only sneak out though at like 3 and 4 am because I wanted it to be dark when we had sex because i dint want them to see me. but I cant even do that anymore.
I can't talk on the phone either... I can only talk with my mom and sister and brother on the phone... I can't even talk to my grandma in person without feeling uncomfortable. :( I have cut off alot of my emotions. I was in the room when my grandpa died. I saw him die. I didn't even cry. I got in the shower and tried so hard to cry and I couldn't. And I loved him so much. That night I woke up from a dream of him with tears down my face.
I don't believe in marriage anymore either. I believe that all guys do is cheat. I can't bring a kid into this world either. I would not be a stable mother at all.
I think me and you are the same person.
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